Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday June 29, 2009

It was cooler last night. The church ladies had to work late last night so they were not up when Nancy and I went to the MAC. Sasha got me a gift card to the Kava House so I savor my morning coffee and the DFP. This morning the DFP had several articles on City Council member Conyers. It appears that she was involved in more kickbacks. Detroit appears to be rotten to the core.

This afternoon I mowed the lawn. It was cooler than last week so I was not as tired when I finished. At 4:30 Nancy and I headed to a reception at the GR Art Museum for the President of the UM. The reception was well done with free food, wine and beer. About 250 people attended. The President, Mary Sue Coleman, said a few words. She talked about Michigan's poor economy and how the UM will survive and thrive. We left about 0615 and got home in time to watch the evening news.

The church ladies are putting in a long day. HC said they will be arrive at our house until after 10 PM. We told them to thread quietly.

June 29, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "went to Hampton Court in the morning and had lunch and then took bus for Richmond. From there went to Kew Gardens".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote that he worked in garden. We planted beans today. Huey put in turnip seed. Used hose 1/2 hour on garden glo and wild morning glo (?).

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