Monday, June 15, 2009

Saturday June 13, 2009

Tasha and I sleep in until 0700. Our first order of business is to head to the Westside Market. On Friday the West side Market was featured on NBC's Today Show. Al Rooker visited the market. The first thing Tasha and I do is buy an apple fritter. They are number 1. Tasha buys some fruit. We then head to Home Depot so Tasha can buy some dry wall picture hangers and tomatoes plants.

When we get home I take out the weed wacker and start trimming the edges on Tasha's lawn. After this task I start up the lawn mower and start mowing. I am so frustrated with the mower, Tasha bought it at a garage sale, that I give up and we head back to Home Depot to get a new mower. We got a super duper mower that is good on uneven ground. We assemble the mower, and after several unsuccessful attempts to start the mower, we read the manual and it fires up. It did a great job, especially on some uneven ground.

While Tasha is at a work related lunch, I notice a long handled spade in her garage and start removing grass between the stones in Tasha's patio. The spade works great and when Tasha gets home she takes over from me and soon we have all the paving stone areas cleaned up. The yard looks great.

For dinner we head to a British Pub that we had visited on an earlier trip. We were surprised at how empty the place was for a Saturday night. I hope it was a fluke because the place has good food and a nice atmosphere.

June 13, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Venice, Italy. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "visit St Marks, lace and glass factory, in the afternoon go by steamer to the Lido".

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG worked in garden in morning. He drove to Wilds, engaged Roy Wilds for Wednesday to cultivate garden. Home all afternoon.

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