Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday June 11, 2009

The cool weather continues. This morning I took a chance by riding to the MAC without rain gear. I made. As I was leaving the MAC I noted a voice mail from my electrian saying that he could fix my bathroom fan and put another outside plug in this morning. I headed home and sure enough I got all the work done. I now can use a shorter chord when mowing the lawn. I got to the Kava House very late today, 1:30. The DFP did not have any scandals to report. They are just worried about the Red Wings.

Tomorrow I head for Cleveland to visit Tasha. I packed this afternoon. I also took a short nap. This evening Nancy is having book club at our house. I had pizza and beer with Ed and Tom.

June 11, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Florence, Italy. All grandmother wrote was that she visited Pitti Palace and more stores.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that David and I went to garden - hauled down quack grass. David sick. In afternoon we drove to Geo W Kittins, not home and drove to Vantanans about cherries.

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