Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday June 30, 2009

Last night was very cool for the end of June. In fact tomorrow could be the coldest July 1 on record. Last night HC and the church ladies decided to only go to the morning session and then head for home. They got up early, packed and left before I headed for the MAC.

This morning's DFP reported the Ms Conyers had resigned her seat on the Detroit City Council. This means that projects like the renovation of Cobo Hall can take place so that the Auto Show will remain in Detroit.

After lunch I had an appointment with my skin doctor. She looked me over and sprayed some liquid nitrogen on several damaged areas. I always worry about sun related skin problems because as a boy I had several severe sunburns. Nearly every year I had at least 1 episode of blisters from over exposure.

After the appointment I took a short nap and then a 3 mile walk. Nancy had a board meeting at the hospital.

After dinner Nancy and I passed out flyer's to neighbors in our block. We also collected neighborhood dues. We were quite successful collecting dues. Not much in the GRP or on TV. We watched a rerun of NCIS.

June 30, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes had another busy day. She wrote: "took auto tour to Stoke Poges where Grey is buried, saw the old yew trees under which he wrote, Penn Estate is there also, then we drove to Boulters Lock where we took the boat for Windsor, had lunch in the house Sir Christopher Wren built for himself and lived in. Visited the state apartment in Windsor Castle. Next went to Eton".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn worked in garden for 2 hours and then rain came. They had dinner at church. The church collected $8.00. Drove Mrs Naggle and Mrs Talau. GG also drove Mrs Domke to Alpena. I would like to know how big GG's garden was. He spends a lot of time gardening. He also hired Kitter to help with plowing and cultivating. I would also like to know what kind of car did GG have and also what kind of driver was my 82 year old GG.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday June 29, 2009

It was cooler last night. The church ladies had to work late last night so they were not up when Nancy and I went to the MAC. Sasha got me a gift card to the Kava House so I savor my morning coffee and the DFP. This morning the DFP had several articles on City Council member Conyers. It appears that she was involved in more kickbacks. Detroit appears to be rotten to the core.

This afternoon I mowed the lawn. It was cooler than last week so I was not as tired when I finished. At 4:30 Nancy and I headed to a reception at the GR Art Museum for the President of the UM. The reception was well done with free food, wine and beer. About 250 people attended. The President, Mary Sue Coleman, said a few words. She talked about Michigan's poor economy and how the UM will survive and thrive. We left about 0615 and got home in time to watch the evening news.

The church ladies are putting in a long day. HC said they will be arrive at our house until after 10 PM. We told them to thread quietly.

June 29, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "went to Hampton Court in the morning and had lunch and then took bus for Richmond. From there went to Kew Gardens".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote that he worked in garden. We planted beans today. Huey put in turnip seed. Used hose 1/2 hour on garden glo and wild morning glo (?).

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday June 28, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and we bounce out of bed because Nancy has a meeting with a vendor at 0930. The meeting is in Livonia. We stop at Duncan Donuts and purchase coffee and donuts for our trip. It is 133 miles to the Embassy Suites in Livonia the site of the vendor show. Nancy spent over 2 hour looking at items for the gift shop. She made a few purchases. Our next destination is the Ikea store. We both purchase several items for the home. Our shopping day is not ended. We stop at the Outlet Mall in Livingston County. I purchase some gym shorts and a pair of Bermuda's. Nancy also made several purchases. We got home a 5 PM. It was a long but fruitful day.

HC and 1 of the church ladies got home about 6:30. It is now 9:51 and HC is expecting a call from the other church lady so she can pick her up. Nancy and I hope to be in bed by 10 PM. It has cooled off nicely so no AC will be required tonight.

June 28, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother wrote: "Victoria Embankment, Billingsgate Fish Market, St Paul's, Tower of London, saw Old Curiosity Shop and where Fabian lived, In the evening through slums of East End, Jewish quarter, Chinese, seven dials, Staple Inn, a relic of old London where Dr Johnson lived, Smithfield, a place of public executions now a great meat center, St Giles Cripplegate Church where Cromwell was married and Milton and Frobisher are buried". Grandmother Hughes had a busy day, she wrote two more pages of places she visited but I am too tired to continue. Needless to say Grandmother loved English history and was having a great time in London.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that he worked in the garden in the morning with his daughter, Julia. Kitten finished plowing in the morning and cultivated the garden in the afternoon. Kitten's bill was $20, GG paid $12 on the bill. In the afternoon GG gave another daughter, Laura, a cone knife to cut grass.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday June 27, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and Nancy gets ready to go to the MAC and I get ready for breakfast. HC is already up and eating breakfast before she heads downtown for the church conference. I get on my bike and head for D&W to get a NYT. Gas Light Village is jammed at 0700 and I remember that today is the Reeds Lake Run. I get my paper and head for the Brandywine. After breakfast I load up the kayak and drive to Saugatuck. I spent 3 hours paddling around Kalamazoo Lake. It is fun paddling around all the big boats. It looked like folks had spent this great summer weekend on their boats. Unfortunately, I did notice that a lot of dock space was unused. I think this is because of the faltering economy.

After I got home I took a short nap and then Nancy and I headed out to Russ's for a hamburger and then to Kohl's. Nancy purchased a suitcase at Kohl's. When we got home HC and the church ladies were relaxing on the breezeway. Nancy and I joined them. I put fans in all the bedroom windows and hope we do not have to turn the AC on tonight. We just got a short shower and it appears to be cooling off.

June 27, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes had a busy day and she wrote:"Go to American Ex. and get letters and papers, then go to Cooks and then walk along Haymarket and Piccadilly, have tea in the afternoon, go for Am Ex tour of west end, see #10 Downy and Lord and Lady Mountbatten's home, very beautiful, and other homes of famous people, visited Scotland Yard.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was a Monday and GG Sanborn worked in garden picking bugs. GG took ice to Laura. Kitten continues plowing.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday June 26, 2009

Another night with the AC on. It looks like we will be able to turn the AC off tonight. It was another warm day but with little humidity. After the MAC I pedalled home and loaded the road bike in the Aztek and headed to GR Bike Company. They installed some drop handle bars. While waiting I had coffee at Starbucks. My stomach is beginning to rebel when I drink Starbucks. I think it is too strong and bitter. While waiting HC called and said she and the church ladies made it to GR and were at the DeVos Center. We will see them at about 10 PM this evening. This afternoon I took a 10 mile bike trip to try out the new handle bars. Every thing worked fine.

This evening Nancy and I met several folks at Holly's Landing for a German food buffet. It was good but very filling. It is now 9 PM and we are waiting for the church ladies.

June 26, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. It is Sunday and Grandmother Hughes wrote "go to Westminster Abbey to service. In the PM go to Temple Church built in the 12th century, Goldsmith buried near Temple Church. The church is on Fleet Street".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938, the year of this writer's birth. GG wrote " It was Sunday and clear and cool. We drove to ball game, took Clinton. Ossineke 6, Fall Creek 0. Laura called and paid $1.35 for ice and eggs".

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday June 25, 2009

It was 75 degrees at 0700 this morning. The temperature reached 94 degrees this afternoon. I followed my normal Thursday routine. I had lunch immediately after getting home from the Kava House. This afternoon Nancy and I are headed to Ithaca to attend a retirement party for Al Davis, the assistant highway engineer for Gratiot County. Nancy and I left at 1245 and had a pleasant drive to Ithaca. With all the rain we have had the fields were super green.

Nancy has been to several retirement parties for road commission employees around the state. She said the food is always the same. Simple, hearty and plenty. It was a pleasant retirement party for a super guy. I saw a number of people I have worked with and I enjoyed talking to them. On our way home we stopped at a roadside stand selling strawberries. Nancy bought 2 quarts of berries ($5) and the young lady gave us a free quart of day old berries. We also stopped at Wal-mart in Greenville.

For dinner tonight Nancy prepared some fried eggs sandwiches. They were great. I checked the weather outside and it seems to be drier and cooler. We might be able to turn off the AC tomorrow.

June 25, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Brussels. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "leave Brussels for Ostend, take boat to Dover and arrive in London at 5 PM.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn said that they had rain and drizzle all day. The wind was out of the east and quite cool. Florence (GG daughter and my grandmother) out with chicken (?).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday June 24, 2009

Wednesday is my easy day. I slept in until 0630 this morning. It was another hot, steamy day. I had breakfast at Wolfgang's and although the food was ok it was much too noisy. I loaded up the kayak and headed for Spring Lake. I put in at the Fruitport Road boat launch. Despite the bad economy the parking lot at the launch was full. I noticed a lot of new pickups and trailers. A pickup, boat and trailer can cost $75,000. I conclude some people are still working and spending money. I paddled around the upper end of Spring Lake. Spring Lake has a lot of beautiful, well maintained homes. At every home's dock I noticed a new ski doo or boat. I paddled for about 3 hours. On a lake my paddling speed is about 2.5 miles per hour. After the paddle I stretched my legs by going on a 3 mile walk.

My sister and 2 other church ladies are coming to GR to attend a church conference. I spent some time cleaning the guest bathroom and vacuuming the carpet upstairs. When you are retired you are willing to do a lot of household chores that you would not do if working. Tomorrow Nancy and I are going to Ithaca to attend a retirement party. Friday my sister and church ladies come and Nancy and I are going out to dinner. Sunday Nancy and I are going to Livonia for a vendor's show. We have a busy schedule for the next few days.

June 24, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Brussels. Grandmother wrote: "in the morning visit Cooks office and go around city. June 24, PM visit places of importance in city as it rained too hard to go to Waterloo. Saw where Edith Cavill was shot, Place of Justice, King's Palace, Weirtz pictures".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Worked in Mrs garden all day. David picked bugs. Ice Cream Social at church, cleared about $2.00. Kitter plowing, day 2.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday June 23, 2009

Another sunny, very warm day. In fact it was so warm Nancy turned the AC on for the first time this year. I had a doctor's appointment at 1130 so I did not go to the Kava House. I did, however, go to Starbucks after the appointment and read the DFP. As I was leaving Starbucks my cell rang and it was BR at LSE wanting me to stop by the office to discuss a current project. I had a free schedule so I bought a subway sandwich and headed for the office. BR had a good handle on the project and just wanted to toss around some ideas. I gave my opinion. I also got to talk to the guys and meet the new intern who is a UM student. A wise decision.

After the office I changed into my worked clothes and finished cutting the lawn. Our yard with Nancy's flowers and my fine mowing looks great. In fact the lawns in the entire neighborhood look great.

For dinner Nancy made a chicken/Asian cole slaw salad. It is a great summer salad. Tonight is a quiet evening at home. It is now 9 PM and I will turn in after I complete this blog. One thing I noticed about being retired is that I don't do as many activities in the long summer evenings as I did when I was working. I now complete these activities during the day.

June 23, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Cologne, Germany. Leave for Brussels arrive 7:30 PM. Stay at Nord, room is 30 francs a night or 90 cents, dinner with tip is $0.75 and breakfast is $0.15.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG drove to Alpena to buy chicken feed. Florence (my grandmother) accompanied them. Dinner at church, 7 or 8 dollars collected. GG noted that Geo Kitter worked 1 day.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday June 22, 2009

Last night was the warmest night of the year. We did not turn on the AC but I did give it some serious thought. Nancy used her fan and she said it worked fine. In fact, last night reminded me that I should call the Heating/Cooling Contractor and have him check our AC. They are coming next week.

My morning routine was uneventful. After lunch I caught up on some reading. I had a 2:50 appointment with my nose doctor. He said the nose spray was working great and all the swelling was down.

I normally cut the grass on Tuesday but seeing I had some time I used the weed wacker to edge the grass and then I cut the grass withing 3 feet of the edge of any concrete. I then blew all the grass cutting off the concrete. Tomorrow I can finish cutting. The temperature was about 85 when I was working outside so I am glad I left some work for tomorrow. Tonight was cereal night and Nancy cut up some MI strawberries to put on the cereal. It was good. It is about 9 PM and Nancy and I are headed to bed. Oh the exciting life of us old folks.

June 22, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Germany. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "Visit Cologne Cathedral and attend service. Next visit museums, spend rest of time around city".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Wednesday, GG went to garden in morning a picked bugs and cultivated garden. The Mrs and Julia set out tomatoes in the afternoon. GG and GGM took a ride to Hartmans.

Sunday June 21, 2009

Holy Solstice! Today is the shortest day of the year. I this date I experience some major depression. The days are getting shorter. Nancy and I got up at 0646 and got ready for our Sunday morning swim at the MAC. I swam 1600 yards in 45 minutes. My nose spry is working because I did not plug up in the afternoon. After the swim we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. Since it was father's day Nancy treated me to her world famous poached eggs on an English muffin.

I did take a short nap and after the nap we headed to the Namey's for a Father's Day get together. We all brought pictures of our fathers and gave a brief report on Dad. It was enjoyable. We had a great dinner. It was very hot but Nancy and I did not turn the AC on. We are energy efficient.

June 21, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Germany. Grandmother Hughes wrote: " left Mayence at 0930 for Cologne, wonderful trip and reach Cologne 5 PM. Stay at Hotel Disch, room here for 15 marks or 7.50 each, like Germany". (I think Grandmother went to Europe with a Mrs. Manion)

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG and cousin David picked potato bugs in the morning (I guess in 1938 there was no pesticide for potato bugs). GG worked in post office in afternoon. Uncle Guy and cousin David cut 2 loads wood and broke the tongue on the trailer.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday June 20, 2009

Boy! did it rain last night. Nancy and I watched the early morning weather news and Holland got 9" of rain over the past 24 hours. This is about a 1 in 100 year event. Damage was extensive. In GR we got 3" but after breakfast the sun came out. Since we had flood warnings out on all the local rivers I decided to go for a bike ride. I started at Riverside Park and pedalled 12.5 miles north and returned. A 25 mile ride on a beautiful sunny day. When I got home I showered and then Nancy and I headed for the Art Fair in East Grand Rapids. They had a good size crowd but it did not seem as large as last year. We stayed home this evening because we will be going out tomorrow. We just finished talking with Steve on skype. I also talked to Sasha. She was at SF airport waiting for her flight to Singapore. Tomorrow is the summer solstice and the start of summer. I always experience some depression because the days are getting shorter.

June 20, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Lucerne. Today Grandmother left Lucerne at 0730 and arrived in Mayence (?) at 7:30 PM. She will stop overnight at Central Hotel. She likes it very much. Dinner in the room was $1.25 + tax and breakfast about $0.50.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was Monday and the entire family went to the garden in the morning. GG hoed squash and the other hoed little stuff. GG stayed home in the afternoon.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday June 19, 2009

We had a heavy rain last night. This morning was warm and very humid. I followed my normal Friday routine. I did, however, take a poll of men wearing shorts. 75% of the men I observed were wearing white socks. So take that Nancy. The DFP continues to report on the problems with the City of Detroit and the Detroit Public Schools. This morning's article dealt with the City of Detroit receiving property tax revenues from the State of Michigan and instead of passing on the taxes designated for schools they used it to meet their payroll. This is against the law. Both the city and its school are running multi million deficits. The City said they will solve their current problem when they receive stimulus money from the feds. I am not in favor of my tax dollars going to keeping incompetent, corrupt organizations in business.

This afternoon I drove to the Grand Rapids Bike Co to get a new rear tire on my road bike. While waiting it started to pour. The rain came down in buckets. I waited out the rain and then headed home to pick up Nancy so we could go to Costco. We are out of peanut butter. This evening we had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. It is now 10 PM and we are experiencing some heavy thunder and lightning.

June 19, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Europe. Grandmother Hughes wrote from Lucerne: "Miss S and I went to church, then to see the Lion of Lucerne, had lunch and in the afternoon went to a concert with Miss Sandquist, had turkey dinner, then met English tourists and watched the fire works".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Sunday and GG drove to Long Rapids via Alpena and home by Lachine and Alpena. Church in the evening, then a friend left for Henderson, Nebraska.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday June 18, 2009

It was suppose to rain today but instead it was a warm sunny day. I wore shorts to the MAC for the first time this year. I also wore white socks much to the disappointment of Nancy. She says I should never wear white socks with shorts. I say it is cooler in the morning and my feet get cold riding my bike.

I was meeting JD for lunch today, so instead of going to the Kava House I read the DFP at the MAC. I also drank the MAC's free coffee. At 1130 I got in the Aztek and headed for Alto. JD had already ordered sandwiches and coffee. I like her new office. After lunch we reviewed some plans and discussed some general engineering issues. About 3PM I headed for GR. I called Nancy and told her I was on my way and that she could order two Queensland salads from the Outback. We plan on taking the salads to the concert at Meijers Garden. The Outback did not open until 4 so I headed for home. Actually, I did stop at Fox Ford to look at an 09 Taurus. I like this car. The new Taurus that will be delivered the end of July will be smaller than the 09. Think I could get a good deal on a 09?

We finally got our Queensland salads. We loaded the car and headed for the Gardens. The performers tonight were the Avett Brothers. They seemed to have a local following but Nancy and I did not really dig their music. However, it was a beautiful evening and it was great eating outside on the grass. We got home at 9:30 and it was still light.

June 18, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Lucerne, Switzerland. Grandmother Hughes went around town and to the stores and bought some linens.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Cloudy and cool. GG was home all day. Cousin David was better today and worked in the garden. Sister (a cousin) gone up to graduation exercises.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday June 17, 2009

Had to set the alarm for this morning because this is Breakfast Club day. This morning they had a speaker on Alzheimer's and memory disorder diseases. It was very interesting. There are no pills or magic solutions. The Speaker recommended exercise, eat balanced meals, get a good nights sleep and socialize. I had to leave the meeting early because I had a GRBA meeting. GR keeps building parking structures so the GRBA keep chugging along.

At noon I went swimming. I swam 1000 yards. The nose spray I have been using is working because I did not plug up this afternoon. After swimming I visited the Village Bike Shop to see what they had in single speed bikes. When I got home I reviewed a set of plans for JD. The plans were in good shape and tomorrow we are meeting to go over my comments.

As I was working I got a call from VRS. She said that LA had a swimming lesson. He was very excited. VRS also said LA would wear a tux at a cousin's wedding. I told her to take plenty of pictures. It was great to talk to the folks in LB. Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. She got 2 tickets for a concert tomorrow evening. Tonight we are spending a quiet evening at home.

June 17, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Milan, Italy. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "leave Milan for Lucerne, saw wonderful scenery, reached Lucerne about 4 PM, stop at Pension Felsberg, where everything is so nice and the food is so good. Lucerne is a beautiful place, bought linen there".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG drove to Alpena with Mrs and had dinner at Spen's (a drug store with food counter), traded some about $15. Uncle Guy cut small trailer of wood in the afternoon. We drove to garden in evening and got onions.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday June 16, 2009

Today was another sunny warm day. After my at-home exercises I loaded the bike in the Aztek and headed to the Pontiac garage. I left the car so they could find out what caused the warning light to go off. I rode my bike from the garage to the MAC. After the MAC I pedalled to the Kava House for coffee and the DFP. Today's DFP had an article on the Feds efforts to arrest Council Women Conyers. They are getting close.

Today is lawn mowing day. I have a new outlet in front of the house that I hope will make it easier to cut the grass because I will not be dragging around 125' of chord. I think I saved about 15 minutes in cutting time. Tonight Nancy is hosting the OHNA meeting so I got the blower out and got rid of all the grass clippings on the sidewalk. The yard has to be just perfect.

Yesterday GR brought out a stump chipper and got rid of the stump in the front yard. They left a big hole. Today GR returned and filled the hole and placed some grass seed. They did a good job.

I am upstairs in my office while the meeting is going on downstairs. Nancy made cookies for the meeting. I hope some are left over.

June 16, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Milan, Italy. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "see the Last Supper, Leonardo DeV's original, visit St Marks Cathedral, very wonderful (Grandmothers words), Last Supper is in a convent window in Milan Cathedral, very fine, stopped at Hotel Cavous where bill was quite large, 255L.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG attended at dinner at church. They had a small crowd and receipts were about $4.00. GG wrote "we went for Mrs Hammer and then for Mrs Folcum, Mrs (GGM) went along for the ride".

Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday June 15, 2009

I get up at 0335 so I can leave the Cleveland area by 0400. I have to be in Mt Pleasant by 0945. HC and I have some legal matters to attend to in Mt Pleasant. The trip was uneventful except that my "service engine soon" light was on the entire trip. We got our business done by 1:30 and I head to GR. I did stop at the GR Bike shop to get a new tire for my bike. It was good to be home and see Nancy after 4 days away. I was going to bed early tonight but here it is 1000 and I am still blogging.

June 15, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Venice, Italy. Grandmother wrote: "leave Venice at 2 PM and arrive in Milan at 7 PM. Shop at Hotel Cavour, meet Mrs Sandquist here. Met Mrs S first on train to Venice.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote: "nice warm day, George K cut garden and drag 40 ft piece, Jim C lead the horse and I paid $1 and let a job to hoe the garden, $5, and for loading the horse, $1. Paid George K $3.50.

Sunday June 14, 2009

Today Tasha and I are going on a 50 mile bike trip. We get up at early so we can get to Burton, Ohio before the start 0800 start of the ride. The ride was called "A Sunday in June". It was put on by a Cleveland area bike club. There were over 1,000 riders. It was well organized. The ride is through Amish farm country. The terrain is rolling with green fields and many nice Amish farms. The weather was sunny and cool, perfect weather for bike riding. 1/2 way through the ride we got lemonade and cookies and after the ride we had a pasta dinner. It was a very pleasant day. Like Michigan, Ohio is thought of as a rust-belt state but Sunday's ride showed Ohio's other side, beautiful rural areas. The town of Burton is a picture postcard Midwestern rural town.

For dinner Tasha and I ate outside at a local tavern. It was very pleasant. I get to bed by 8PM because Monday is a busy day.

June 14, 2009 with Grandmother Hughes in Venice, Italy. Today Grandmother visited Dodges Palace, she crosses Bridge of Sighs to Prison. In the evening she visited the Lido again.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote that he worked in garden in morning. Also working were the Mrs and Julia. (GG always called GGM, Mrs.) GG called of Geo W. Kettlerhe will cultivate garden tomorrow. (yesterday GG got Roy Wilds to cultivate. I am confused.)

Saturday June 13, 2009

Tasha and I sleep in until 0700. Our first order of business is to head to the Westside Market. On Friday the West side Market was featured on NBC's Today Show. Al Rooker visited the market. The first thing Tasha and I do is buy an apple fritter. They are number 1. Tasha buys some fruit. We then head to Home Depot so Tasha can buy some dry wall picture hangers and tomatoes plants.

When we get home I take out the weed wacker and start trimming the edges on Tasha's lawn. After this task I start up the lawn mower and start mowing. I am so frustrated with the mower, Tasha bought it at a garage sale, that I give up and we head back to Home Depot to get a new mower. We got a super duper mower that is good on uneven ground. We assemble the mower, and after several unsuccessful attempts to start the mower, we read the manual and it fires up. It did a great job, especially on some uneven ground.

While Tasha is at a work related lunch, I notice a long handled spade in her garage and start removing grass between the stones in Tasha's patio. The spade works great and when Tasha gets home she takes over from me and soon we have all the paving stone areas cleaned up. The yard looks great.

For dinner we head to a British Pub that we had visited on an earlier trip. We were surprised at how empty the place was for a Saturday night. I hope it was a fluke because the place has good food and a nice atmosphere.

June 13, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Venice, Italy. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "visit St Marks, lace and glass factory, in the afternoon go by steamer to the Lido".

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG worked in garden in morning. He drove to Wilds, engaged Roy Wilds for Wednesday to cultivate garden. Home all afternoon.

Friday June 12, 2009

Today is the day I head for Cleveland to visit Tasha. It is about a 4.5 hour car trip. In order to keep alert while driving I perform my exercise routine a 2/3 capacity. It was a nice day for a drive. I stop at Cabela's in Dundee. The store was jammed. I got to Tasha's house at 4 and she got home from work a little after 5 PM. We have dinner at a local tavern that has a fresh perch Friday night special. It was good. Tasha and I had a pleasant evening. I turned in early.

June 12, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Italy. Today Grandmother Hughes left Florence for Venice. She arrived at 5 PM. She spent the evening at St Marks Square. Grandmother Hughes is staying at Casa Petraca. It cost 48L per day.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938 (Sunday). Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote: " we drove to Laura's for dinner, took Laura and Ann to Ossineke. We went to ball game, Greely Grange vs Spratt and Nicholson Hill vs Hubbard Lake, took Laura and Ann back to Alpena. (GG must have been a real baseball fan. My Grandfather also was a baseball fan and he would drag me to all the Hubbard Lake home games when I worked on his farm.)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday June 11, 2009

The cool weather continues. This morning I took a chance by riding to the MAC without rain gear. I made. As I was leaving the MAC I noted a voice mail from my electrian saying that he could fix my bathroom fan and put another outside plug in this morning. I headed home and sure enough I got all the work done. I now can use a shorter chord when mowing the lawn. I got to the Kava House very late today, 1:30. The DFP did not have any scandals to report. They are just worried about the Red Wings.

Tomorrow I head for Cleveland to visit Tasha. I packed this afternoon. I also took a short nap. This evening Nancy is having book club at our house. I had pizza and beer with Ed and Tom.

June 11, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Florence, Italy. All grandmother wrote was that she visited Pitti Palace and more stores.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that David and I went to garden - hauled down quack grass. David sick. In afternoon we drove to Geo W Kittins, not home and drove to Vantanans about cherries.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday June 19, 2009

Wednesday is my easy day. I slept in until 0645. I had breakfast at the Cheri Inn, hot cakes and eggs. The food was good but after I paid my bill and started to read the DFP the server refused to refill my coffee cup. This is the ultimate insult. Good bye Cheri Inn. My big decision this morning was where am I going kayaking. I decide to head for South Haven and kayak the Black River. The Black River runs through South Haven and outlets to Lake Michigan a short distance from downtown. I started paddling around all the boats docked along in river. The river area looks prosperous, a condo is located next to each dock. The condos all look new. I saw a few boats for sale but it did not appear to be more than normal. I did note one new multi level condo that did not appear to have any tenants. After paddling around the boats I headed upstream. It did not take long to reach a stretch of the river that was undeveloped. This stretch was quite scenic. I spent 3 hours on the river and paddled 7 miles. South Haven has done a lot with its downtown and I think Nancy and I will make a point of having dinner downtown.

After I got home I decided that I needed to stretch my legs. I took a 3 mile walk. Tonight Nancy and I watched a rerun of NCIS and then headed to bed. It is now 9:15 and still light outside. How I love this time of year.

June 10, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Florence, Italy. Grandmother Hughes wrote: " Visit Uffise Gallery and Santa Maria Del Flore, bill at Chapman is 173L (grandmother stayed at the Chapman), in the afternoon go to more stores and to Cooks to see about boat for Montreal, come home and have dinner in garden, buy tea and coffee outfit".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that he worked in garden until it started to rain and so he stopped at 1030. The rain stopped and he went back to garden. Worked in post office in afternoon.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday June 9, 2009

I slept in until 0630 this morning. I think it is the damp, cool weather. Today was sunny but cool. The high temperature was 66. I followed my normal morning routine. This afternoon I spent some time paying bills and reading. I renewed my California engineering registration. I wonder, given the bad economy in CA, if anyone would hire a 71 year old civil engineer who has not worked in the state in 42 years. After my office work I decided to cut the grass. I get very tired about 1/2 way through the cutting but I start thinking how much money I am saving by doing it myself.

Tonight Nancy has to work at Meijer's Garden. I will stay home and watch the hockey game. I will also read an article in Vanity Fair about Bernie's boys.

June 9, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Florence, Italy. Grandmother Hughes spent the day in beautiful stores (her words). Tonight she is having dinner in the garden.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that today was the last day of school. They had a picnic at the community hall. Dinner for everybody, ice cream. GG also worked in post office from 2 to 4.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday June 8, 2009

We had some serious thunder boomers last night. It was still raining when I got up this morning. Nancy is going to Mt Pleasant today to do a little gambling. I am following my normal Monday routine except that I wore my rain coat and pants when I pedalled to the MAC this morning. Today's DFP continues to report on the misdeeds of the Detroit Public Schools.

This afternoon I ran several errands and visited my favorite hardware store to get some washers for the sink drain. I put it back together and it still leaks. I also stopped at Best Buy to see if they had a Kindle. I want to see how a Kindle feels and works.

The grass was too wet to mow so I got out the weed wacker and trimmed the edges of the lawn. It is suppose to rain tomorrow so the lawn will really be long when it is finally dry enough to mow. Tonight after reading the GRP I read an article in Vanity Fair on Allen Stanford. He ran a ponzi scheme. I don't know why I am so interested in white collar crooks.

June 8, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Naples, Italy. Grandmother wrote: "leave for Florence arrive at 8 PM. Stop at Pension Chapman, rate is 40L including tax".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG worked in his garden in the morning. The Sunday School gave their play in our house, very good.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday June 7, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656 and we head for the MAC for our Sunday morning swim. Today I did not use my mask that covers my nose. I am seeing if all the nose spray and pills will prevent me from plugging up after a swim. I am happy to report that I did not plug up. After the swim we visited Meijer's and bought our week's food. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs but this morning we had them on English muffins. It was great. I did take my Sunday afternoon nap.

After the nap I headed to Meijer's (third world store) and purchased some washers for the sink drain. I got home and realized that I had left a sink part at the store. So I headed back and was able to find the part. I put the drain back together and guess what? It still leaks. Tomorrow I will take everything to a local hardware store and see if they know how the drain works.

June 7, 2009 with Grandmother Hughes in Naples, Italy. Grandmother Hughes wrote "spend around Naples, buy railroad ticket to Florence, Venice, Milan and Lucerne for excursion rate of 30% less that regular fare, spent afternoon in Gardens".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great grandfather Sanborn drove to Alpena to purchase chicken feed. He worked 1.5 hours in garden and worked in post office in the afternoon. He left word for Robert Scott. (Grandfather Scott or my dad?)

Saturday June 6, 2009

D Day was 65 years ago. Today was a nice spring day. After breakfast at the Brandywine I loaded up the kayak and headed for Saranac on the Grand River. I paddled 2 hours upstream and 40 minutes downstream. It was a pleasant day for a paddle and I only encountered 1 fisherman. After I got home I noted that the bathroom sink (kid's bathroom) was leaking. I took the drain apart and headed for Modern Hardware. I bought a washer and put the drain back together and guess what? It still leaks. I decided to take a nap and ponder my problem.

After the nap it was time for Nancy and I to get ready for dinner. We are meeting Ed and Mary at a new Persian restaurant. We were very impressed. Nancy and I had lamb shanks and they were great. After the dinner we went over to Ed and Mary's for dessert. All in all a very pleasant evening.

June 6, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Naples, Italy. Grandmother went touring, she wrote "Leave at 8 in the morning for Pompei, visit the ruins there, go on to Amalfi where we had lunch at Hotel Cappuorni, go up 200 steps to the hotel, Monks home. Next drive to Sorrento and back to Naples at 7:30".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG Sanborn worked in garden all day, north side, the south side was too wet. Drove down to Smith fish house for a pack of herron.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday June 5, 2009

Today we had another bright sunny day. Despite going to bed late last night I still got up at 0615. I followed a normal morning routine. After lunch I checked out a few things on the computer and then Nancy and I headed for our stock broker. The meeting lasted about an hour. No significant changes were made in our holdings. We are very conservative and want to stay that way. This weekend the "Festival of the Arts" is on downtown. So when we left the brokers office, Nancy and I walked around the festival. The format has not changed over the years.

When we got home Nancy got a skype call from Sasha. Skype is great we can see Sasha and talk at the same time. After the conversation with Sasha, I called Tasha and told her that I want to take part in the 50 mile bike ride in Cleveland on Sunday June 14. I will leave for Cleveland on Friday the 12th. I have never taken part in a organized bike ride and am looking forward to the event. Speaking of skype, as I was typing this blog I got a call from SPS. Nancy and I got to see SPS, VRS, LA and AS. It is so good to see a real time video of the family. Remember family is everything. My words of wisdom for the day.

June 5, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Naples, Italy. Grandmother wrote: Saw a review in the forenoon of the Fascist or Black Shirt Cavalary. Artillery (?) rained in morning. In the afternoon went to Posilipo with Mrs Marvin of New York came back and went to Bartelinus for tea then back to the Pension for dinner.

Ossineke, MI this day in 1938. Sunday, rained, thunder storms. MOrley & Lemay came 10 AM to look over mill sites. Went to ball game at 2:30, Grange won.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday June 4, 2009

We had an award winning day, weather wise, blue skies, sunny and temperatures in the low 70s. Today's DFP concentrated on the mismanagement of the Detroit Public Schools. The State appointed fiscal czar is finding all sorts of misdeeds by the School Board and the administrators. The only good news in Detroit are the Red Wings and Tigers.

This afternoon Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco to get some pizza for tonight. We have invited Tom and Linda over to watch the Wings game. On our way to Costco we stopped at the Ford dealer so Nancy could look at the Taurus and Escape. Nancy liked the hybrid Escape. Later in the afternoon we attended an open house in Alto, Mi for JD's new office. It looked nice.

This evening Tom and Linda came over for pizza, beer and to watch the Red Wings. It was a great evening except the Red Wings were losing after the second period. Tom and Linda had to leave at the end of the 2nd because Tom has to work tomorrow.

June 4, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Italy. Today Grandmother left Rome for Naples. She departed at 2:15 PM and got into Naples at 7 PM. She is staying at the Pension Baker overlooking the bay and Mt Vesuvius.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that it rained in the morning. He worked in the garden for 2 hours in the afternoon. Ed Schistle called and paid $10 and GG gave him an option on 200' more frontage.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday June 3, 2009

Every other Wednesday I have to set an alarm for 0545 in order to get to the Breakfast Club by 0700. I made it with time to spare. The club had about 40 members in attendance. After the club I stopped by the Saturn and Chevy dealer to look for a car for Nancy. I have several selected but I want to know the average gas price for the next 5 years. Will it be $3 or $4 per gallon?

In addition to a decision on a car, I also had to make another immediate decision. Where am I going to launch my kayak? I decided to drive over to Lake Michigan and put in at Pigeon River. The River outlets to Lake Michigan. Because it was very windy, I did not want to go out on the big lake. Instead I paddled up the river. It was a very pleasant trip. I paddled 6 miles in about 2.5 hours. I completed the afternoon by going on a 3 mile walk.

Nancy has, what we thought, were some bad mosquito bites. This afternoon she had an appointment with our skin doctor. Dr Mary told Nancy that it was not insect bites but poison ivy. Our hill in the back yard must have poison ivy. Tonight was cereal night followed by some reading and TV viewing.

June 3, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Rome, Italy. Grandmother wrote: "visited Vatican Sculpture galleries, candle stick gallery, picture gallery and Sistine Chapel".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote: "Friday, partly cloudy, drove to Alpena to see Kurasch (an insurance firm) about mill site. Worked in garden in morning.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday June 2, 2009

It seems during grass cutting season I get up the next morning 30 minutes later than normal. This morning was no exception. Today was a nice but cool day. I think the high temperature was 65. This morning's DFP had a whole special section dedicated to the GM bankruptcy. The impact of the bankruptcy on Michigan communities is huge. I am surprised how emotional I get when talking GM. My father always drove GM vehicles. He would buy a new car every two years. His car of choice was the Pontiac Bonneville. Dad put about 30,000 miles per year on his cars. Some of my best memories with Dad revolve around car trips. One year during spring break I accompanied Dad on a trip through the upper peninsula. We stopped at every city and county road commission in the UP. I was old enough to drink so every evening Dad and I would have a very enjoyable dinner. The trip took 5 days.

This afternoon I stopped by the Mercury dealer to look at a sable, which is Mercury's version of the Taurus. They did not have any in stock and commented that Mercury would no longer make a sable. I also tried to buy a USGS topo map at Al & Bob's Sporting Goods. After 20 years Al & Bob's no longer carry the maps. The times they are a changing.

I took a 14 mile bike trip this afternoon. When I got home Nancy and I decided to trim a bush by the corner of the garage. It took us 1 hour and 4 yard waste bags. This evening I had a turkey sandwich, baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Nancy had an omelet. This evening we will watch the Red Wings, NCIS, NBC's tour of the White House and the Mentalist. I have to get this blog done by 8 PM.

June 2, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Rome, Italy. This an interesting day for Grandmother. She had an audience with the Pope. They arrived at the Vatican at 1 PM and waited till 2:30 before the Pope came in. Grandmother made no other comments on the audience with the Pope. I am surprised she did not go into more detail. Maybe it was because Grandmother was a God fearing Methodist.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn was not very detailed either on his day. He wrote: "nice clear to cloudy, we drove to Alpena AM, Post office PM. Ladies aid at church. Good rain last night".

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday June 1, 2009

We woke up to heavy rain. I put on my super duper rain pants that Tasha got me and my LL Bean rain coat and pedalled to the MAC. I encountered some heavy rain but stayed dry. Because of the rain I performed my morning run inside on the track. Today is D day for GM. Every one is probably glad that at least a decision has been made. I hope for the best.

Nancy and I were going to meet with a stockbroker this afternoon but he called and canceled. So I ran a few errands. I opened an account at Macatawa Bank and stopped by the Pontiac and Ford dealers to see what they had to replace Nancy's 7 year old Taurus. I really like the new Taurus. The driver sits up higher than in Nancy's Taurus and it has a lot of safety features that us old people like. After my trip to the car dealers I stopped by the East Paris Pharmacy and got a shingles shot.

I got home about 5 PM and decided that the lawn was dry enough to mow. It took me 2.5 hours to cut the grass. Tonight was cereal night and we watched House at 8 PM and now I am writing this blog. I have written 350 blogs.

June 1, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Rome. This was a hectic day for Grandmother. She visited many sites. I think Grandmother Hughes had some spelling issues but I will copy her comments exactly as she wrote them. The following are her entries: June 1, Church of Capuciaus, Cemetery of Capuciaus, Borghesse Galleries formerly Villa Borghesse. Government bought the Villa for 3,000,000 L for a public gallery and museum. Borghesse family lost their money, wife was an American. Mussolina is having addition built on, and in excavating, wonderful works of art have been dug up, fine statues. The Ghetto English Cemetery where Keats and Shelley are buried. St Paul outside the wall, very fine. The front has six huge columns of alabaster , one costing 20,000,000L. (wow! was Grandmother busy.)

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote: "worked all day in garden. Mrs worked only in the morning. Looks like rain tonight.