Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday February 28, 2009

Saturday we sleep in until 0616 and then we take Ms Petunia out to do her bidness. It was cold this morning about 10 degrees. Nancy has to be at the MAC for her 0700 body pump class. I took a 4.2 mile (7K) walk which in completed in a record time of 56 minutes. After Nancy finished her workout we head for Arnie's for breakfast. Of course we use our super duper coupon. We we got home I took Ms Petunia around the block. I took a short nap this afternoon.

It was such a nice day I took Ms Petunia on another walk, this one was about a mile. She handled it quite well. I got the road bike out and went on a short ride. The snow is almost all gone.

This evening we have dinner at Russ's. We had soup and a double meat burger. At home I had a bottle of hard cider (pear) that a neighbor left after the party. The cider was good but beer is better. I watched the end of an old Clint Eastwood western and then Blazing Saddles. The version I am watching has been edited to be politically correct.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cold (0) and the plant in the window froze. GG noted that it being Monday GGmother was doing the laundry.

Friday February 27, 2009

Friday is a busy day. Up at 0555, take Ms Petunia out to do her bidness, and then Nancy and I head for the MAC. It was raining so I feared our driveway icing over before Friday's TGIF party. I got done before Nancy so I head for Modern Hardware to buy some deicing salt and then back to the MAC to pick her up.

At 2 PM we visit the funeral home to pay our respects to Mrs Henry's family. She was a grand lady.

At 4 PM we made the final cleanup before the party. I take Ms Petunia for her third and final walk. She will spend the evening down stairs in her cage.

At 6 PM the first neighbors arrive. We had about 60 neighbors over for the TGIF. It was very enjoyable. All the neighbors were very happy that the planning commission had approved the plan for the new school. Property values should stabilize and may even increase. After everyone left Nancy and I cleaned up and washed all the wine glasses. Actually, the neighbors were very tidy and we had little cleanup to do. We were in bed by 1100.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Sunday and GG stayed home all day. GG noted that he sold a lot on the Oat Patch to Edward Schuske for $5.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday February 26, 2009

Alarm goes off at 0555. Nancy and I have a busy day. I head for the MAC to complete my routine in record time. At 1100 Nancy takes off her monitor and we head for the clinic to turn it in. I drop Nancy off at Blodgett so she can work in the gift shop until 4 PM.

After lunch I head downtown to attend a GR Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission will vote on allowing the Grand Rapids Christian Schools to demolish the old OHHS and built a smaller elementary school. Many neighbors spoke for approving the plan. The neighbors are concerned that if the proposal is not approved the old school will continue to be a blight on the neighborhood. The school has been empty for about 9 months. The only opposition to the plan was from some folks who wanted the old building preserved because they thought it had unique features. Of course none of the opponents live in the area. The GR Planning Commission voted to approve the plan. We all clapped.

This evening Nancy and I headed for Great Lakes Shipping for our usual Thursday night dinner. We discussed our plans for tomorrow. In addition to getting ready for the OHNA TGIF we also want to attend the visitation for Mrs. Henry who passed away Tuesday.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Not much happening on this Saturday. GG worked in the Post Office from 9 to 2. Erma B got married and Aunt Julia attended.

Just a quick note on Uncle Guy, Julia's husband. Uncle Guy was a rural mail carrier, he was from Indiana and during WWI he had served in the Marine Corps. He was involved in several fierce battles in France. Uncle Guy's real talent was making crow calls. In the 40s and 50s there was a bounty on crows ($0.50 per crow, I think). They were thought to be destroying crops and driving out native birds. Uncle Guy made a very good call. He made them in his basement shop. They were sold all over the Midwest and were carried in most sporting good stores. Uncle Guy was even a guest on a popular TV show called Michigan Outdoors. I remember Uncle Guy because he could roll a cigarette with one hand. He was an excellent shot and his hunting exploits were legend around Alpena. I also remember that he was missing many teeth.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday February 25, 2009

This is breakfast club day. The official name of the club is "Breakfast Club of Grand Rapids Early Risers". The club starts at 0700. They always have good food. This morning I had scrambled eggs, waffles and a sweet roll. The meeting is held at the GR Women's City Club. Every session they have a speaker. This morning's speaker talked about a GR area program for keeping seniors with health problems in their home.

After the meeting I came home and walked Ms Petunia around the block. I called up goggle earth and measured the distance around the block. It is 1/2 mile. At 1130 I head for the MAC for a swim. The pool was crowded but I did not have the share a lane. I swam 1100 yards. After the swim Nancy and I went to the teacher's credit union, the dollar store and D&W for blueberries. I don't know why but, lately, I get very tired in the afternoon. This afternoon was no exception. I took a short nap. It has been raining all afternoon.

Tonight is cereal night. Nancy has oatmeal and I have honey nut cheerios. Of course we put blueberries on the cereal. Not much on TV tonight so I might go to bed early and read.

I checked the newspaper headlines at the store. Most headlines were favorable of the president's speech last night. I have some problems with the stimulus package. However, I don't have a better idea. Only time will tell if the programs are a success.

As I shaving this morning I was thinking what great improvements have been made in razors in my lifetime. The old razor blades would last about 2 shaves. They were not very sharp so you always nicked yourself. In the 60's the stainless steel blade was developed. It was great and would last for many shaves. The new Gillette Fusion is great. I love progress.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The weather was mild, 30 all day. GG drove to (Banired Cli Twp Tawas?) to pay taxes. The taxes were $9.00. He also had a new tire put on the car at Coutirnes and put 5 gallons of gas in the tank, $1.25.

Must leave to see what fire trucks are doing at the end of Mackinaw?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday February 24, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0555 and I take Petunia out so she can do her bidness. Nancy and I head for the MAC at 0800. I was having a coffee at the MAC and talking to Dr Schwaderer and we were talking about our home towns. Dr S is from Cass City and he said that his cousin, George, was a civil engineer from Caro, MI. Both cities are in Michigan's thumb. George worked for my father in Alpena in the late 50's. He later moved to Alaska to work for their highway department. Dr S's father was a road contractor and did a number of projects around Alpena.

After the MAC Nancy and I head to the DRs. After the DR we head to Blodgett so Nancy can work in the gift shop. I pick her up at 1:30. I did take a quick nap this afternoon. I also took Petunia on the second of three walks around the block. After Petunia's walk I took a 3 mile walk.

Tonight I was watching NCIS ,my favorite show, and I feel asleep. I will have to wait for reruns. Presently I am watching the President give his State of the Union speech. The first State of the Union address message I heard was in 1961. JFK was the president.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG drove his daughter Julia to the Alpena Court House. Julia's husband Guy drove home with them. GG got a flat tire and Shultz fixed it. GG worked in the Post Office in the afternoon.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday February 23, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0555 and I just out of bed and take Petunia outside to do her duty. She did. After finishing my 30 minute row Nancy and I head for the MAC. I finished before Nancy so I bought a DFP and a coffee at D&W. Breton Village. We left the MAC at 1130.

After lunch Nancy and I head to Dr Kutsche's. Nancy has a 2:50 appointment. Everything is ok. Last week the Grand Rapids Bike Shop called and said they had installed a coaster brake on my road bike. I picked it up on our way home from the Drs.

I took the garbage out and then went on a 3 mile walk. It is now 6 PM and I will finish this blog before eating dinner. We don't have any special shows we watch on Monday so I will go to bed early and read.

The stimulus package has generated a lot of interest. It dominates conversations at the MAC, even surpassing sports. Most of the comments are negative. I think something has to be done but I am not sure the package is the answer.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Ossineke received 6" of snow. GG noted that Brilinski had paid for timber and he had recorded the transition on page 179 of the ledger. It is also less than 2 months to the birth of his first great grandson.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday February 22, 2009

I set the alarm early this morning because I knew we would have to shovel snow. Sure enough we got about 1.5" last night. Nancy and I finished in record time. The pool was crowded this morning. I swam 1550 yards. After the MAC we headed home because Tasha had to leave early for Cleveland. She has a lot of work to do before she leaves for stan. Tasha wanted Nancy's world famous poached eggs on toast so that is what she got. After Tasha left we headed for Meijers. I filled up the Aztek with super gas. Super gas was $1.99 per gallon.

I took my usual Sunday afternoon nap and then went for a 2 mile walk. A lot of sidewalks are still not shovelled. This evening Nancy is fixing beans and rice, a favorite of mine.

In the late 1940's my family (mom, dad, sister and me (I?)) would every Sunday visit my grandparents at their Hubbard Lake farm. We always stayed for supper. The menu consisted of soft boiled eggs, home made bread and a canned fruit sauce that my grandfather would get out of the root cellar. The soft boiled eggs were eaten out of the shell. The eggs were placed in an egg shaped cup, the top was cut off and then we would spoon out the inside. The meal was quite good.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG mentioned the turmoil in Europe about Hitler. GG and GGM drove to Hubbard Lake for supper with my grandparents. They got 2" on snow.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday February 21, 2009

It was cold, clear and dry when Nancy and I headed to the MAC at 0700. When I got to the MAC I took a 7K walk around the MAC neighborhood. It was clear and cold. After my shower I looked out the window and we had received about 1" of snow in 1/2 hour.

After the MAC Nancy and I headed for home to pick up Tasha. We had breakfast at Arnie's. Since Petunia will stay with us while Tasha prepares for her trip to stan we had to get some dog food and a pooper scooper.

Tasha's friend Audrie from Budapest is in town visiting her parents. She brought her 2 kids with her. We grabbed Petunia and headed for Audrie's parents home. It was a pleasant visit. We saw pictures of Audrie's new home in the suburbs. It was very modern. Of course Petunia was a hit with the kids. When we got home I had to shovel the drive and sidewalk.

This evening Tasha wanted to have dinner at the Beltline Bar. We went early (5PM) because we did not want to wait for a table. We waited 20 minutes. They place was jammed. We got home and I again shovelled the walk. When I was a boy neither snow blowers or light weight plastic snow shovels were available. All shovels were metal.

Tasha and Nancy watched TV and I fell asleep in my chair. I just checked outside (10 PM) and it has stopped snowing. We want the roads to be clear for Tasha's trip home to Cleveland.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that is was 20 degrees all day. He commented that there was trouble in Europe. The British Cabinet had resigned.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday February 20, 2009

We had a trace of snow over night. However, we are expecting 4"-8" tonight. Nancy and I headed to the MAC at 0800. I finished around 0930 so I walked over the D&W and had coffee and read USA Today. I walked back to the MAC at 1130 and Nancy and I headed home. Today Kim was cleaning the house. Nancy wanted to talk to Kim about supplies, etc. We then headed for the Rivertown Mall in Grandville. We ate lunch at Panera Bread.

After lunch Nancy said she need 1.5 hours to shop so we arranged a meeting place. I walked around the Mall and spent some time in Barnes and Nobel reading about Windows Media Center. I also looked at a book called the Dog Encyclopedia. I haven't decided what kind of dog I want but it must be under 30 pounds.

At our meeting place Nancy said she wanted to show me some things she might purchase. She had noticed a pair of gold loop earrings that were 60% off. I liked them and convinced her that it was a good purchase. She then showed me some dinner ware for our kitchen. We have been looking for about 3 years for a set that would look good in the new kitchen. We also purchased the dinner ware.

On our way home Tasha called. I could hear petunia in the background and asked what she was doing home. Tasha stated she had several vacation days that she had to use or she would lose them. Tasha also stated that she would be leaving for Kazakstan within a month to see her new baby.

As we pulled into Mackinaw Road we saw a red car in our drive. It was Tasha's VW. She fooled us! Tasha also got a call from her agency and they informed her that the date for Kazakstan had been moved forward 2 weeks. She will leave in 2 weeks. Petunia will stay with us. In celebration we had Big Bob Pizza for dinner. Tomorrow we are going to the Beltline Bar for dinner. We all spent a quiet evening in front of the TV.

This week GM announced that they are getting rid of Pontiac. I have an Pontiac Aztek and love it. My dad always drove Pontiac's. Some of my fondest memories are of Dad and I driving down US 23 on a warm summer evening with the windows open and listening to the Tiger's game on the radio. He always drove the Pontiac to its maximum speed. We were usually going to some County Road Commission meeting. Dad would make his presentation while I waited in the car. After the meeting we usually got a hot fudge sundae. Life was good.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that his daughter Laura and her husband John called in the morning. He did not mentioned that they stayed for dinner. It was cold all day, 10 degrees, but no snow.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday February 19, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0555 and I get Nancy her morning coffee. I hurry and get my home exercises done so we can head to the MAC at 0750. After the MAC we head home so I can meet Rick DeVries for lunch. We had lunch at the Cheri Inn. Rick brought me up to date on how GR might benefit from the stimulus package. It is very confusing and complicated. We both agree that congress should have added $0.30 a gallon to the gas tax and funded highway improvement through this revenue source instead of borrowing money.

The afternoon Nancy and I went shopping for some paper products for next Friday's neighborhood party at our house. We now have all the materials we need.

I took a short nap and then took a 2 mile walk. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Not much on TV tonight that I enjoy. I did watch My Name is Earl. It is getting old.

I checked today as regard GR weather. Did you know that we have 1 hour and 40 minutes more day light than on Dec 21. Our shortest day is 9 hours and today we have 10 hours and 40 minutes. Also the average high is now above 32 degrees although our median temperature is 26 degrees. Spring is on the way. I got my 30 in did you?

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG has the winter blues. He only noted that it was cold (10) with no snow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday February 18, 2009

Wednesday is my easy day but I do have a GRBA meeting at 0900. I hurry and complete 4 of the 5 s' in record time. I drove Nancy to the MAC so she could make her 0815 class. I stopped at the Bagel Beanry (sp?) for a quick bagel and coffee. The GRBA meeting was very routine.

After meeting I stopped home to change my clothes. I picked Nancy up at 1130. We had a quick lunch at home and then I drove her to Meijers Garden for a Board meeting and her weekly front desk duties. After dropping Nancy off I stopped by Bill and Paul's to see if any kayak or canoe stuff was on display. They did not any. I also stopped at Russo's to see if they had any wine without sulfides. I want a sulfide free wine because I think the sulfides cause the headache I get after drinking wine. There was one brand of wine that was sulfide free. It was too pricey. I will stick with beer.

At 2 PM the MAC has adult swim. I swam 1100 yards. The pool was crowded with a lot of us old folks. I picked Nancy up at MG a little after 4 PM. I got my 30 in by going for a short walk. This evening we get 3 hours of Boston Legal reruns. I have not had time learn how to play a TV show on my new computer.

Did you know that I was 4 or 5 years old before I rode in an elevator. Alpena did not have a elevator. The elevator I rode in was located in a department store in Saginaw. Mother and I rode in the elevator with a women of color. This was the first time I had seen a person of color. Mother said I made an inappropriate remark. She apologized and I was roundly scolded.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The temperature was 32 degrees with a trace of snow. In the afternoon the wind changed to NW. GG claimed that the weather was causing his headache.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday February 17, 2009

No snow last night. Prior to going to the MAC I drove Nancy to Blodgett Hospital. She had to work at the Gift Shop's annual clearance sale. After the MAC I drove to Best Buy to purchase a web cam. The web cam we have does not work with windows vista. I will put the old web cam back on Nancy's computer. We can watch each other play games on the computer.

It was a beautiful sunny day. I was told that this time of year is the best time to trim trees. I trimmed the blue spruce in the front yard and back yard. I have a huge pile of branches in the back yard. The city will not pick up yard waste until the first of April. I will rent a saw next week to cut up all the big branches. I cannot do yard work this week because we have a big snow storm coming our way.

I told Nancy to call me when the sale was over. I missed the call and she walked home. I was glad it was a beautiful day.

This evening the OHNA met at our home. Nancy made coffee and cookies. The big neighborhood issue is the demolition of the old OHHS and the construction of a new Christian school. All of the neighbors who live in the area approve of the plan. It will be a major asset for the area and will protect our property values. Some folks who do not live in the neighborhood do not want the old school demolished. They say it is historic. The GR Planning Commission will take up the Christian Schools application next week. Nancy and I will write a letter to the Planning Commission asking that they approve the application.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG only noted that it was warm and icy.

I am sitting in my office watching TV. Nancy is downstairs watching TV. In 1956 it was unheard of for a family to have more that 1 TV. We purchase our first TV in 1953. We had a huge antenna attached to the side of the house. The antenna had a motor that would rotate the antenna for better reception. The reception on the best of days was terrible. It was not until we got cable TV in 1957 did I realize that snow was not normal TV background.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday February 16, 2009

I slept in this morning. No snow overnight but it was cold. I had several errands to run so I did not go to the MAC this morning. I ran my errands and then went to the MAC in the afternoon. The afternoon crowd is different than the morning crowd. More retired guys and some local college kids working out after class. As I was leaving I ran into Rita Kirkwood. She was in good spirits and said she was taking one day at a time. She plays tennis every Monday afternoon.

I have been putting out corn for the squirrels. I have given up keeping them out of the bird feeder so I just give them their own food. It seems to be working except I buy $5 worth of corn a week.

Both Nancy and I are tired so we are going to bed early this evening. Nancy is watching "House" and I am blogging.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG must have the winter blues. His entries are very short. It was cold, 10 in the morning and 18 in the afternoon. There was a church dinner at Bob Blanchards. GG stated "Mrs and I drove over".

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday February 15, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656. This time of year the first thing we do is look out the window to see if we have to shovel snow. We lucked out today. So far this year we have had 99.1 inches of snow. Our average is about 80 inches. Sunday is swim day. This morning the pool was crowded and we had to share a lane. The New Year's resolution people have not given up yet.

After the swim we head to Meijers for our week's food stuff. Our purchases this morning included honey nut cheerios, yogurt, bread (multi grain) and vegetables. Nancy used coupons so we saved $17.

Of course for breakfast Nancy made her world famous poached eggs on toast. I took a short nap and then went for a 3 mile walk. Last Sunday I got hooked watching a TV show called XIII. It concludes tonight, 9-11. I am writing the blog early so I can watch the show.

Tasha sent me a lot of good family history. I am going to use Autocad, a computed aided drafting system, to plot the family tree. I haven't figured out the best way to draw it up. Should I plot the maternal and paternal tree together or separately?

I have a lot of data on the Hughes (mother) and my paternal grandmother but not much on the Scott family. I am also trying to find a great uncle James McTavish. He was born in Alpena in 1870 and was a captain on a great lakes ship. I have gone to several web sites like "" but have not been able to find a mention of James McTavish.

When I was a boy going to the movies was very popular. It cost $0.12 to attend a double feature until I was 12 and then the price increased to $0.25.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was very cold, zero degrees. GG noted that flooding in southern Michigan had diminished. GG worked in the Ossineke Post Office in the afternoon.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday February 14, 2009

Alas! It snowed last night. We got about 3 1/2" and the first thing we had to do was shovel the walk. We had to hurry because Nancy had a 0700 class at the MAC. After shovelling I drove to D&W to get a NYT. Neither the NYT or DFP had been delivered so I had to read a GRP with breakfast. I had breakfast at the Brandywine. After breakfast I again shovelled the drive. I wanted to get as much snow as possible off the drive because when the sun came out it would dry up the remaining snow.

I walked around Reeds Lake. Despite the snow it was a pleasant walk. When I got home the sun had indeed dried the driveway. I took a short nap and then played with my computer. I was going to say worked on my computer but how can a retired guy work?

This evening Nancy and I drove to Great Lakes Shipping for a valentine's day dinner. We had in the dining room instead of the bar. Nancy had the prime rib and I had the salmon. Both were great.

Did you know that I was born before turn signals and the automatic transmission? In yesterdays blog I mentioned that in 1938 Uncle Guy had 2 ton of coal delivered. Until I was 18 we used coal to heat our home. It was very dirty. Every morning I had to empty the ashes from the furnace and start the fire. During the day I had to periodically go down the basement and add more coal. I think one of the best things that happened in Alpena was the construction of a gas transmission line to the city. Natural gas is a lot easier and cleaner than coal. However, I do like coal for the generation of electricity. It certainly is plentiful in the US and is a cheap method of generating power.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG did not mention that today was Valentines Day. He did mentioned that they were having serious flooding in Southern MI and Cheboygan.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday February 13, 2009

I slept in until 0630 this morning. Luckily I had made the coffee last night so Nancy did not have to wait too long for her morning joe. I looked out the window and the pavement was dry. I got out the old retro and for the first time this year I rode my bike to the MAC. It was great. A bike is a very efficient machine. I walk 3 mph, run 6 mph and ride my bike 12 mph. It is a time saver and does not require the energy of walking or running. I rode to the Kava House and read the DFP and had a cup of coffee. The Kava House was voted GR's best coffee house.

After the KH I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed for Costco to buy some supplies for the upcoming OHNA neighborhood party to be held at our house. I also restocked my beer supply. Bud Light is $0.60 per bottle at Costco. This is the cheapest price in GR. Gas at Costco was $1.87. After Costco we went to a party store for some name tags and then to Kohl's for a wine bottle opener.

I finished the afternoon off with a 1.5 mile walk. I did spend some time on the computer watching some of those short videos you find on some web sites like the "daily beast". We stayed in this evening and I had a couple of ham sandwiches and Nancy had a ham and cheese omelet. Not much on TV so I continue playing with my computer and reviewing the family material that Tasha sent me.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Sunday. Freezing rain kept GG and GGmother home. They listened to the radio all day. GG mother's maiden name was Harriet Lorreta Roberts. She was born in Alabama, New York, February 1, 1857. She lived to be 94. I have an extensive history of the Roberts family. Men in the Roberts family were soldiers in the Revolution and Civil Wars.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday February 12, 2009

It rained all day yesterday. This morning the rain had stopped so I walked to the MAC. The sidewalks along the entire route were dry. Tomorrow I will take my bike, if it doesn't snow tonight. After the MAC I walked to the Kava House. Because of all my walking I did not get home until 1 PM. I took a short nap and then downloaded more CDs to my hard drive. I also checked in on some of the online (1 word or 2) news sources. I read the NYT, DFP, Alpena News, Huffington Post, daily beast and google's news reports. I am becoming more adept at using the web as a resource center.

This afternoon I started reviewing some family data that Tasha had sent me. She was provided this information by my father. One of the most interesting things is the marriage license of my maternal grandparents. They were married in 1895. Grandfather Hughes was 40 and grandmother was 27. I was told that my grandmother actively pursued grandfather, a successful lumberman. Actually the marriage license states that grandfather was a sawyer. A sawyer was one of the most important positions in a sawmill. He was responsible for getting the most sawn lumber out of a log. I do know that he later purchase the mill where he worked.

For readers of this blog please note that my grandfather Hughes was older than my GG Sanborn. GG Sanborn was born in 1856 and grandfather was born in 1855.

My maternal GG McTavish was born in 1832, in Campbeltown, Scotland. If you look up Campbeltown on google earth you will see that it is located 25 miles from Northern Ireland. GG McTavish was a doctor and he graduated from the Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute in 1866. You can get more details on the CEMI by going to goggle. I once asked my mother why GG was not in the Civil War and she stated that GG was from Canada.

This evening Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Thursday is a poor TV night so I will go to bed early to finish "Two Years Before the Mast". My father gave me Carl Sandburg's biography of Abe Lincoln. I think I will be this book next. After all it is Abe's 200th birthday.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that today was Lincoln's birthday. They drove to Alpena today for some shopping. Uncle Guy purchase two ton of coal today. Coal was used for home heating.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday February 11, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0545 and I have to hurry to make the 0700 Breakfast Club meeting. I am beginning to meet more members. I am one of the youngest. There are about 5 members who were in the Navy many years ago. I asked them if they knew their service number. Everyone responded in seconds. Some things you just don't forget.

After the meeting I tried loading some software on my computer. Both efforts were unsuccessful. It is frustrating.

At noon I headed to the MAC for a short swim (1100 yards). The pool was crowded. I also had to visit the PO to mail a package to Sasha. I got an email from my sister today regarding some questions I had about GG and his family. HC could not recall any names.

This evening Nancy had book club. TM and I met for pizza and beer. We solved all of the world's problems in short order. It is amazing how lucid one gets after several beers.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted the temperature was 20 in the morning and 28 in the afternoon. He said Walter put up 72 callis (?) of ice today. (I think they cut ice from a lake) GG also said that Jeb and Jas Vhelped gave Meria $5.00 (?). (Nancy and I had a tough time figuring out what GG wrote and I don't think we got is right)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday February 10, 2009

We woke up to another sunny warm day. The temperature got to 60. This is a record. I had to take my car in today to get an oil change. I left it off at the dealer then walked to the MAC. After the MAC I walked back to the dealer to get my car. I then drove to a car wash on 28th Street. This is special Tuesday, $5 car wash and free vacuum. When I got home I took Nancy's car for the same wash. We have a lot of exposed grass. Tomorrow it is suppose to be warm and rainy. This weekend we will get back to normal February weather.

This afternoon I spent some time on the computer looking up data on Armstrong Mills, OH and Sanborn, NY. I did find out the GG's grandfather was one of the founders of Sanborn, NY. GGGG (I always wanted to do that) was a Methodist preacher. I don't think he ever made it to Sanborn Township, MI. I think Sanborn Township was named after GG's father, Lee (GGG). Family lore has it that GGG's first name is a family name. The Lee name is the same family as Robert E. Lee.

I could find no data on Armstrong Mills history. I think that Sasha has some information and I will contact her this weekend.

I spent some time on google earth tracing the flow of the St Lawrence River from Lake Ontario to the Gulf of St Lawrence. I wonder is this a good canoe trip? Do Atlantic salmon migrate up the St Lawrence to Lake Ontario? I could find no obstacle to stop them.

Tonight is a good TV night. We watch NCIS at 8 PM and then the Mentalist at 9 PM. However, I think I will watch the 9 PM show in bed. The rapidly changing temperatures have given me a touch of the flu. I want winter to have steady temperatures below freezing. I think cold weather is healthy and fluctuating temperatures unhealthy.

Nancy called up this afternoon to tell me that SI's swimsuit issue had arrived along with the GR Press. You know you are getting old when you read the newspaper before SI.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The thaw has ended. It was cold in Ossineke, 10 degrees at noon. GG friend Alex visited and GG gave him his money from the power company. Mrs McLaugaton called and GG gave her an affidate (?). GG writing is sometimes hard to read. I don't think GG had much formal education. He was born in 1856 and I think most men did not go past the third grade.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday February9, 2009

Another warm day. The snow and ice on the sidewalks is almost gone. This morning I followed my normal routine. I was surprised by how busy the MAC is at 0900. I had to park in back. Usually a space is available in front of the building. Maybe folks are foregoing winter trips to warm climes because of the economy. After the MAC I ran several errands, the bank and post office. The Post Office as usual was crowded. The Eastown PO is always crowded despite the fact that the employees are all graduates of the PO's rudeness school.

I called RW at SCECO and arranged to come in this PM. I also dropped my road bike off at the shop to have coaster brakes installed. At SCECO I talked to RW and D about the Charlton Park project. Also had conversations with ER and FD. I enjoy retirement but one thing I miss is talking with young folks. I am sure productivity drops when I drop in. I think I am like my dad who always liked to stop by the office just to get the gossip. My grandfather always said it took years of selective breeding to get a good bs artist but he thought they had succeeded when they got me.

After SCECO I took a 3 mile walk. The pavements were dry so I wore low cut shoes. It felt good.

We are having a quiet evening at home. As I write this blog I am listening to the sound track from "O Brother Where Art Thou". I am not watching BO's press conference. I have followed the stimulus package debates. All the experts say we must do something. I have two suggestions.

  1. Reduce the defense budget by bringing home all troops overseas. I mean bring them home immediately.
  2. Raise the gas tax ($0.35) and pay for transportation projects with proceeds from the tax.

I think tomorrow I will email my suggestions to our senators and representative. They must hate retired folks who have time on their hands.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The thaw continues. GG commented that the roads were very icy. It was too warm to put up ice products. I think GG had an ice house but I think electric refrigerator were available. It is hard to imagine a member of my family not having the latest appliance.

I often wonder were GG got money for living. He had been retired for several years. Social Security was not available in 1938. He probably had paid cash for his house and had no debt. They had a garden, chickens and a cow so they did not have to purchase many food stuffs. Taxes were low. However, my grandmother told me that GG was a dreamer and had a lot of ideas that did not pan out. He thought peanuts could grow in northern MI so he ordered 1000 plants and they all froze the first winter. He was going to raise sheep and ordered 100 special New Zealand sheep. When the sheep arrived at the RR station, GG opened the door and the sheep ran away, never to be found. After his death in 1938 my Dad found barrels of useless Oil and Gold stocks in the basement. Maybe he had saved money when his sawmill was operating.

GG, however, was an active citizen he founded the Ossinke Chamber of Commerce, served on the Alpena County Road Commission and served two terms in the MI legislature. He was a willing participant in all organizations. He was like my dad, he never turned down a request to serve on a committee or help with a community project.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday February 8, 2009

Yes folks it did not snow last night. In fact it did not freeze. The snow is rapidly disappearing. I might get my bike out next week. Sunday is swim day. The pool was crowded. Maybe the New Year's resolution people are lasting longer than normal.

We talked to Dr Schwaderer and his wife this morning at the MAC. They have been regulars at the MAC this winter. One of their sons, Chris, was in Tasha's class at OHHS. Their youngest son was a senior on the tennis team when SPS was a freshman. They seem in good health and always ask about Tasha. We asked why they had not headed for warmer climates? They are waiting for their young son to have his tonsils out. He lives in Carlsbad, CA and is single. After the operation they are heading to CA to help with his recuperation.

We purchased our week supplies at Meijers. Lately we have been using the self checkout machines. It is much quicker than a cashier.

After my nap I paid some bills. In February I have to pay my annual bills for the sprinkler system and fertilizer applications. I walked to the Post Office to mail the bills.

I am watching 60 minutes in my upstairs office. PM just called and wanted to chew out her sister. It appears PM is hooked on the computer game "bookworm".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a mild day. GG cleaned the Ice House. He also sent a check to the Power Company for Alex Elson. He wrote Alex.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday February 7, 2009

For the first time in about 2 months we woke up to temperatures above freezing. I bought a NYT and headed to the Brandywine for breakfast. I had my standard fare, 2 eggs over easy, 1 buttermilk pancake, and English muffin toast. After breakfast I drove to Horrick's to purchase some critter feed for the squirrels.

It was such a nice day I did not need to bundle up. I wore a hoody and walked around Reeds Lake, a distance of 7.25 miles. I took a short nap and then started reading all my mail. I didn't get very far because I ended up playing computer games. I will have to delete all the games.

This evening Nancy and I headed to Russ's for soup and a sandwich for me and soup and a salad for Nancy. The place was crowded. Nancy said Russ's was crowded because it was inexpensive. I say it was because it was such a nice day everyone wanted to get outside.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It turned cold and Ossineke had 1" of snow overnight. GG drove to Alpena. He had Alex's money and purchased 300 scratch (?), 100 Oyster shells and paid $5. They were home by noon.

I got my 30 in, did you? Notice the days are getting longer.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday February 6, 2009

This is Nancy at the entrance to Armstrong Mills. I had some problems yesterday loading the pictures and editing. I want to correct a mistake I made in yesterday's blog. Instead of MA I should have said MD.

It was cold but clear this morning when we left the motel. We headed up I 75 to MI. We stopped at Ikea so Nancy could buy some more wine glasses for our neighbor party in a couple of weeks. After Ikea we visited Trader Joe's. Nancy bought some more wine and other goodies. We arrived back in GR around 4 PM. We had been gone 7 days and travelled 2435 miles. It was good to get home.

This evening I am catching up on my e-mail and blog. I am e-mailing some Armstrong Mills photos to family members.

Ossineke, MI this date 1938. It is still warm and rainy, 34 at noon. GG broke a road to the barn. Cousin Dave saw 20 quail. A friend travelling to Hubbard Lake was turned back by icy roads. The mayor of Alpena (JB) and Aunt Laura visited GG this afternoon.

Thursday February 5, 2009

We left Waynesboro, VA at 0830 and headed up the Shenandoah Valley on I 81. It was a great drive. On our way we passed through a small section of MA. I can add another state to my list because this is my first time in MA. We turned west on I 70 and entered PA. We travelled through the mountains of PA. It was very scenic. When we drove through Washington, PA Nancy pointed out that this was the birthplace of her father. We left PA and drove through a short stretch of WV. We entered OH at Wheeling, WV. I noted a lot of barge traffic on the Ohio River.

Immediately after crossing the Ohio River we headed south along O7 until we hit O148. O148 was a very curvy, mountainous route. Top speed 40 mph. It was very scenic with hardwood forests and several very large old homes. We also saw a lot of double wides. We were in Appalachi. The community of Armstrong Mills consists of about 30 homes and two churches. A sizeable stream runs through the community but we noted no dam that could have powered a flour mill. Armstrong Mills is in coal country and we saw several mines and coal load facilities along side the RR (NSC). Nancy and I were glad to see the RR and coal industry thriving in OH as we have stock in both.

After our visit we head north to pick up I 70 again. We enjoyed the trip to Armstrong Mills. We spent the night near Springfield, OH. We ate dinner at the Texas Roadhouse and it was jammed. Both Nancy and I noted all the trucks on the road and the number of people eating out and spending money. I don't think the economy is as bad as the news media reports.

Wednesday February 4, 2009

It was cold and snowing when we left Myrtle Beach, SC this morning. The weather map showed that freezing weather had extended down into FL. Nancy and I loaded up and headed for NC. SPS called the other night and informed me that I had been in NC in 1989 while escorting the OHHS tennis team to Clemson, SC. I checked the map and found SPS was indeed correct. In fact in 1989 we drove near Hendersonville, NC. My grandparents (maternal) at one time owned 10,000 acres of prime southern pine forest near Hendersonville. It was sold in the late 40s.

The trip through NC was great. I was surprised at the good condition of the roads. We drove I95 to Richmond, Va and then headed west to the Shenandoah Valley. We were going to take the scenic Skyline Drive but it was closed because of the snow. We spent the night at a Holiday Inn Express in Wayneboro, VA.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG noted it was warm (high 30s) and raining. Very icy. GG got a letter from Alex Elson. I have no idea who Alex is.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday February 3, 2009

Nancy and I got up and were going for a beach walk when we noted PandD were also up. We all headed for IHOP. There is nothing like a hot cakes for breakfast. After breakfast Nancy and P went shopping. I went for a two hour walk. It was cool but the beach is a great walking beach. I was walking along the beach when I note several people looking out to sea. A pair of dolphins were fishing about 50 yards off shore. It was a great viewing experience.

After lunch I took a short nap. Nancy mentioned that she wanted to go through the Shenadoah Valley on our way home. I checked google maps and found that we can make this trip very easily. So tomorrow we will head north. Our trip will take us through Wilmington, NC and Richmond, VA. We will then head west to the Shenandoah Valley (I 81). We will take I 81 to I 70. I 70 will take us to Wheeling, WV and then to Armstrong Mills, Ohio.

This evening we all went out to dinner. The restaurant was called "Filet's". We are now sitting in the condo and watching NCIS. It is easy to get your 30 in when a long sand beach is right outside your door.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday February 2, 2009

Happy Ground Hog Day. We get 6 more weeks of winter. We always get 6 more weeks of winter. Nancy and I started the day with a 3.25 mile walk on the beach. It was much warmer today. Most of the walkers on the beach were seniors.

After breakfast I took the Aztek to get it washed. It is no longer white. Nancy and P went shopping. I was a little tired so I reclined and 2 hours later I woke. After the nap I took another walk on the beach. This evening we had ham sandwiches and beer. It was great.

Presently we are watching a BB game on TV. At 9 PandD want to watch 24. It is one of their favorites. Tomorrow we are going out to breakfast and dinner. Wednesday we will start home. We are stopping at Armstrong Mills, Ohio on our way home. I got my 30 in did you?

Sunday January 31, 2009

Nancy and I slept in until 0700 and then took a long walk on the beach. The beach is very long, flat and solid. It is a great beach for walking. It was windy and cool this morning. I wore my pea coat and gloves. We walked 3.25 miles. I know because I measured it on goggle earth.

PandD's coffee grinder broke so Nancy and I went to the local IGA and bought a grinder. They had a deli so we also purchase coffee.

In the afternoon I took another walk on the beach. It was 20 degrees warmer than this morning. I walked about 4 miles.

Today is the super bowl. P cooked a ham so we had ham, asparagus, and rice for dinner. I also had several beers. I wanted AZ to win. The game was great. It was one of the more exciting games I've seen. After the game we headed to bed.

The area along the beach is heavily developed. We noted many places for sale. Myrtle Beach is a summer resort area unless you are a snow bird from the north. No snow and 50 degrees is a big improvement over shovelling.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saturday January 31, 2009

We woke at 0630 and got ready for breakfast at the Comfort Inn which opens at 0700. The breakfast was pretty good. I had scrambled eggs and french toast. After breakfast we headed south. At about 650 miles from GR we ran out of snow. I added another star to my state list when we entered VA. As soon as we entered NC, another star, we headed southeast towards Myrtle Beach. The trip today was interesting. I enjoyed the mountains in WV. In NC we drove through Winston-Salem and then entered the flatlands. Most of the drive through southern NC and SC was on two lane roads. I enjoyed driving through the small towns.

We had some difficulty finding PandD's because they were in North Myrtle Beach and not Myrtle Beach. However, we did find their condo and it is very nice. We had a very nice dinner and spent the evening in conversation.

Friday January 30, 2009

We got up early today, looked out the window, and noted we had to shovel. Two inches of snow fell overnight. After we completed shovelling we loaded up the Aztek and headed for SC. I got about 5 miles on the road and wondered if I had shut off the electric blanket. Nancy said I would not be happy unless I knew the blanket was off. We turned around and of course the blanket had been turned off. Breakfast was at Dunkin Donuts.

The roads were bad in Kent County. We passed several cars in the ditch. Our route took us through Ann Arbor and Toledo and south towards Dayton. We headed towards Columbus and got on I 70 east. Ohio has a lot of what looks like prime farm land. We hooked up with I 77 and headed south. I have never been in WV. So I added another star to my collection. We spent Friday night at a Comfort Inn just south of Charleston, WV. We had travelled over 600 miles. It was a pleasant drive. We are not yet out of the snow.

I am taking a break from reporting on GG and Ossineke, MI. I don't think GG travelled much and I am sure he had never been to WV.