Wednesday, September 1, 2021

August 31, 2021

 Tuesday August 31, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

According to Metrologists today is the last day of Summer.  Looked out the window first thing and saw three deer feeding in back yard. A sign fall is coming.

I do calisthenics before breakfast.  Took a quick shower.

I have an 1100 meeting with a PA at the Dermatologist.  Will bike after the appointment.  Drove to Panera to get coffee and bagel.  Sat in car reading emails and papers.  At 1045 I drove to the Drs office.

No waiting for my meeting with PA. I showed her two spots on my face and hands.  She applied liquid nitrogen on my face.  A biopsy was taken from the spot on my hand.  Will get results in two weeks.

After the Doctor’s visit drove home and changed into bike riding gear.  The temperature was in low 70s.  We have a bumper crop of acorns this year.  Plenty of food for the deer.

Today I rode an easy 11 miles.  After took my 2nd shower of the day.

It was 1400 when I had lunch.  Spent afternoon in office reading and writing.

This and that:

The incompetent planning for our departure from Afghanistan was a major league embarrassment for the USA.  

I watched some of the TV footage from the hurricane that hit Louisiana.  The devastation was unbelievable. I can’t recall being in a storm with wind speeds over 100 mph.  150 mph winds are beyond my imagination.

Last week we had four days with temps over 90.  This week high temps in 70s.  

Most of our favorite restaurants are operating on limited hours.  Still no indoor dining at Panera.  It is all because of the lack of workers.  Unemployment benefits end in September.  Will the labor pool increase?

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pasta with tomato sauce, coleslaw and baguette.  For dessert I had two oatmeal cookies.  

After the news we switched to Acorn.  Tonight we watched an episode of “My Life is Murder”.  The show is filmed in New Zeeland.  I like the scenery.  NZ is now on my Bucket List.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched The Defeated on Netflix.  Show set in Berlin at the end of WWII.

It was cool, 65, and dark when checked Courtyard at 2200.  Dry cool week ahead.

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