Tuesday, September 21, 2021

September 20, 2021

 Monday September 20, 2021

Blog time noon at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

I thought today was the Equinox, however, it is not until the 22nd.

Up this morning at 0630.  First thing checked my weather app and rain will start at 1000.  

Big change in plans.  I want to get my bike ride in before the rain.  My plan, 50% calisthenics at home, no breakfast but head out on the 10.5 mile bike ride.  

Encountered no rain on ride. Got home at 0900.  Finished calisthenics and then quick shower.  Breakfast and headed to Panera.

On my early morning ride I encountered many folks waiting for the school bus.  All the kids were wearing masks.  I was surprised that most of the parents seeing the kids off were men.

This morning’s Alpena News said that starting today school kids must wear masks.  Masks have been big controversy but apparently higher authority has mandated mask wearing.

Nancy this morning went swimming at MVP.  Later today we are going to Costco.

While at Panera I got a call from Trinity Lutheran asking that I help unload at truck carry supplies for Afghan refugees.  I said yes.  

Quickly headed home and changed to work clothes.  I getting ready to leave when got call that the unloading was called off.  No storage room.

With this news I decided to run some errands.  Our water problems seem to be solved so I must replace the insulation and paneling that had been removed to accommodate the crack sealing operation. 

First stop was Home Depot.  They did not have the paneling I needed.  Next stop Lowe’s.  Lowe’s had the paneling and lumber.  I will purchase at a later date when I have the exact dimensions.  

Stopped at Meijer’s to fill up the Fusion.  I can't remember the cost of gas.  Also bought bananas for tomorrows breakfast.

At home I had my standard lunch.  

Nancy’s friend Kathy Kothe who now lives in Indianapolis is visiting GR to see Art Prize.  Kathy is staying at our place Wednesday and Thursday night.  I use the guest bathroom and store clothes in the bedroom.  I cleaned the guest bathroom and moved all my things out of the bedroom.  We are now ready for Kathi’s visit.

For dinner tonight we finally finished the Rotisserie chicken bought last week at Costco.  Chicken sandwich with cottage cheese and cookies.

Watched CNBC News before switching to Acorn.  We watched an episode of the Lucy Lawless show “My Life is Murder”.  The show is ok but we really like the scenery in New Zealand.

I started a new book Monday it one of the offshoots to “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  It is starting ok.  It usually takes me a month to read a book.  

Checked our neat and clean Courtyard at 2200.  It was ok.  Temperature was in low 70s and light rain.  Rain the next several days with dropping temps.


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