Monday, September 13, 2021

September 12, 2021

 Sunday September 12, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Did not get up until 0700.  Dressed and headed to Bigsby coffee to get our Sunday coffee.  I also got a bagel.

The temperature was in the low 70s with humidity at 92%.  Uncomfortable.

After breakfast and a quick read of the Sunday Comics we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Very small crowd today.  The staff must be getting worried.

Another explanation could be that folks like watching church service from home.  Saves some hassle.  What do you think?

After the service we took our Sunday Drive.  Today we drove south on Kalamazoo to 100th Street.  East on 100th to the Village of Caledonia.  Very pleasant drive.  

Our lack of rain is evident in several corn fields.  The corn looks stressed.  

Every time we take our Sunday drives through rural Mi we are surprised at how the area has developed since we arrived in 1968.

At home, Nancy drove to Talbots to make an exchange.  I took a 10 mile bike ride.  I encountered few folks on this morning’s ride.  It might be the humid conditions.

Showered before lunch.  Took a short nap.

I am still downsizing.  Put more clothes in the pile that Nancy gives to charity.

9/11 is dominating the news.  Other important dates I remember, VJ Day in 45, Cuban missile crisis, first coup in Vietnam, Gulf of Tonkin, assassination JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy, John Glenn circling the planet, walk on moon.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed poached egg on waffle.  Also spinach and sausage.

We watched the news.  No 60 Minutes tonight.  Watched an episode New Tricks. I stayed up and watched the final episode of season 1, The Defeated.  Disappointed in ending.  Set us up for a season 2.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.

It was raining when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  We also checked the Cedar Closet and it was dry.

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