Wednesday, September 22, 2021

September 21, 2021

 Tuesday September 21, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Slept in until 0700.  Checked the weather app, intermittent showers all day.  Decided no bike ride today, instead I will drive to Y.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for at class at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with friends.

Chin-ups and pull-ups at home before breakfast.  Light rain when drove to Y.  The Y was nearly empty.  I completed my calisthenics and then walked 1.2 miles.  Showered, dressed and headed to Panera.

This and that:

President Biden addresses the UN about global cooperation.  Does anyone believe him?

The Haitian migrant crisis in Texas is just a mess.  Is this another mishandled issue by the Biden administration?

I cannot figure out why parents are opposed to their children wearing masks to school.  It must be generational because my folks would always comply with rules especially when they have strong medical support.  Respect authority!

After lunch I spent time getting bills paid and checking finances. I am surprised how much I do online.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  

After watching the news we watched a new episode of New Tricks on Prime.  I am still mad that Amazon got us hooked on a show and then added commercials.  

Light rain and cool when checked courtyard at 2200.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.

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