Friday, September 24, 2021

September 23, 2021

 Thursday September 23, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

It rained all night.  Woke at 0700 and checked weather app.  Rain predicted for all day.  I got our coffee maker set up.  Fixed myself a coffee and oatmeal.  

Nancy and Kathi were up by 0730.  They had coffee and scones.

Kathi is getting her car serviced at 0900 this morning.  She and Nancy left at 0830.  Nancy will pick her up and they will spent most of the day at Art Prize.

I left for the Y at 0900.  It was still raining hard.  Performed all my calisthenics and pedaled 5 miles on the stationary bike.  Showered and headed to Panera.

This afternoon I have a 1400 Dentist appointment.

This and that:

Good Grief why can’t the clowns in DC avoid a Government shut down.

Are President Biden and French President Macron ready to kiss and make up?

Left Panera at 1300.  At home had a quick lunch before heading to Dentist.  Today the Dentist gave me a new mouth guard to put over my upper implants.  After some adjustments it fit great.  

Nancy and Kathi got home just before I did.  They spent some time telling me what a great day they had despite the weather.  

We have an 1800 reservation for dinner at Cascade Roadhouse.  We arrived on time and were immediately seated.  

We ordered wine and spent time savoring the wine and talking.  For dinner Kathi and I had the beef dip sandwich and Nancy ordered Mac and Cheese.  It was all very good.  

At home we talked until 2200.  No TV tonight.  Checked the Courtyard at 2200 and everything ok.  The rain had stopped.  Temperature will drop to high 40s tonight but Friday will be sunny and mild.   

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