Friday, September 10, 2021

September 9, 2021

 Thursday September 9, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

Up this morning at 0700

0730 Nancy heads out to class at MVP

Calisthenics and then oatmeal with banana for breakfast

Started out on bike ride.  It was sunny but cool, low 50s. I had put on multiple layers.

During ride got a call from Dermatologist saying they cannot download my photo of suspected cancerous mole.  We scheduled an in person appointment for 0730 next Tuesday.

Stopped at D&W Starbucks for coffee and chance to read some news.

Home at 1215.  Kim was cleaning.

Structural Foundatiion stopped by at 1215.  Looked at the sealed crack that failed during last week’s heavy shower.

Tried to replicate the storm.  Put a hose next to the outside wall. Left the water run for 15 minutes with no leakage.  Moved hose to roof downspout and immediately water started seeping through the wall cracks.

Finally we found the source of the water leaking through the wall.  A camera will be put in the downspout next week.

Picked up prescription from Meijer’s.  Also bought supplies.

Short nap.

Dinner tonight was soup, cream corn with crab.  Good just like Cheap Charlie’s.  

After the news we watched the second part of “Death in Paradise”.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and finished reading the WSJ.  I don’t know why because the news was not cheery.

Debbie Facetimed this evening.  She has been very busy with works.

The temperature was already in 50s when checked the Courtyard.  Another cool evening.  Great for sleeping.

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