Tuesday, September 7, 2021

September 6, 2021

 Monday Labor Day 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0600.  I heard the sprinklers go off and wanted to check Cedar Closet for water.  Closet was bone dry.

This morning being Labor Day we made our annual trip to Saugatuck.  Bright sun and 60 degree temps.  A very pleasant drive.

We were surprised that nothing opens in Saugatuck today until 1100.  When we arrived at 0930 Saugatuck was dead.

Most restaurants were closed.  We finally found a coffee shop that had only outdoor seating.  We got a muffin and coffee.  Enjoyed people watching.

The coronavirus looks to have had a serious impact on Saugatuck.  Several stores were closed.  Routine maintenance has been postponed. The downtown looks distressed.  

Despite these problems Saugatuck is still a very pleasant tourist destination.  We walked the entire downtown area. 

We made a quick stop at Meijer’s on our way home.  Bought bananas, grapes, radishes, yogurt and a mini sub for my dinner.

At 1230 I put on bike clothes and went on a relaxing 10.6 mile bike ride.  The trails were empty.

After lunch I took my mandatory Sunday nap. Spent some time this afternoon reading the Sunday edition of the GRP.

After dinner we watched 60 Minutes before switching to A+.  We watched an episode of “Ted Lasso”.  Later watched a 30 minutes show about a women Doctor who discovered she was adopted. Her real parents owned a drag strip.  Good show.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched an episode of “The Defeated” on Netflix.  The show is set in Berlin immediately after the end of WWII. Dark but interesting.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening. She said the temp in Las Vegas was 114.  She and AJ were very uncomfortable and glad to be back in LA.

Courtyard was quiet when checked at 2200.

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