Saturday, September 25, 2021

September 24, 2021

 Friday September 24, 2021

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Started the coffee and waited for Kathi and Nancy to wake up.  

Got a little impatient so at 0800 I drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  I had enough rewards so that it did not cost me a cent.

When got home Nancy and Kathi were up and fixing a light breakfast.  We helped Kathi load her car and then Nancy and Kathi headed out to visit friends and do some more Art Prize viewing.  

After they left I did my morning calisthenics and then had an oatmeal breakfast.  It was sunny but cool when I headed out on my morning ride.  Left home at 1030 and got home at Noon.  This morning I saw two Sandhill Cranes feeding.  They are a majestic bird and have no fear of humans.

Quick shower and then ran errands.  Dropped shirts off at laundry.  Stopped at Meijer’s for cookies, yogurt and bananas.

Kathi dropped Nancy off at 1300.  This morning they saw more of Art Prize and stopped at the Fulton Street market.  Nancy bought apples and radishes.  

This evening we are attending an Over 60 Church dinner at 1000 Oaks.

We left for 1000 Oaks at 1730.  Over 20 Church members over 60 were in attendance.  We all had drinks before dinner.  The food was very good.  I had whitefish and Nancy a salad.  The conversation was light and friendly.  We both enjoyed ourselves talking with the Church folks.  Got home at 2130.

No TV tonight we headed straight to bed.  We have had a busy but enjoyable week.

I did check the Courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  Temperature was in mid 50s.  Tomorrow will be sunny with temp reaching mid 60s.

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