Sunday, September 5, 2021

September 4, 2021

Saturday September 4, 2021

 Up at 0630.  Get dressed and headed out to “The Gathering Place” for Breakfast.  We were one of the first customers.

Oatmeal w/scrambled egg and sourdough toast for me.  Nancy had a Western Omelette with ham and raisin toast.

Stopped at LMCU on way home so Nancy could do some banking.  They were closed.

Dropped Nancy off so she could start laundry.

I visited Meijer’s.  Bought gas and filled the right rear tire.  I was surprised that I had to put quarters in a machine to get air.  In my youth the Gas Station attendant would fill your car up and check air and wash windows.

Noted when got home I had some grease on my clean pants.  Took them off so Nancy could wash.

Took an 11 mile bike ride.  Noted that the maple trees are turning.

Showered and shaved.  Quick lunch. I mistook my Ensure bottle for the salt shaker.  Poured chocolate on my clean pants.  Once again Nancy had to wash a clean pair of pants.

This is not my day.

I did check the MI football game and saw that they were ahead. Who cares?  

However, I was disappointed AHS lost to Cheboygan Thursday night. That makes 9 straight losses.

Drove the Fusion to D&W for gas.

Took a short nap.

Saturday night so we drove to Scoppers in Ada.  We both got a cup of Ice Cream.  Sat outside and savored the ice cream.

Peggy Noonan wrote an OP-ED in Saturday’s WSJ.  It savaged the way President Biden handled the Afghanistan withdrawal.  It should be must reading.  She hit the nail on the head.

Tonight we watched an episode of “MidSomer Murders”. Episode 2 season 21.  It was good as always.

Pitch black and raining when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  

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