Wednesday, September 29, 2021

September 28, 2021

Tuesday September 28, 2021

Blog time 1230 sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up at 0730 this morning.  Checked weather app and looks like another beautiful day.  Sunny with temps reaching mid 70s.  Presently it is 52.

Nancy has an early class at MVP. She was left at 0800.  Later she is having lunch with her work mates from Meijer’s Garden.

I only did chin-ups before breakfast.  Breakfast as usual was oatmeal with banana.   Put on multiple layers and biked the 7 miles to the Y.

At Y put on workout clothes, finished my calisthenics and took a short walk.  Put bike clothes back on and headed home, 3.7 miles.  I shave on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  Today I shaved before showering.  Dressed and drove to Panera.

This and that:

Conservative parents in Alpena are pulling their kids out of school because of mask mandate and teaching of critical race theory.  They are now considering forming a cooperative.  I think the parents are doing their kids a very big disservice.  

Will Congress ever pass the infrastructure bill.  I support this bill but the bigger social bill supported by Progressives costing trillions is just plain bad for the country.

The Generals appearing before Congress say they did not approve of the Presidents actions regarding troops removal from Afghanistan.  An embarrassment for the President.

Looked on the Sports page on Sunday and saw they are still playing baseball.  Does anyone care? I sure don’t.

Recent sightings of woolly caterpillers shows they have a heavy coat of black fur.  This means we will have a cold winter.

After lunch today I made a quick trip to ACE Hardware to purchase a small hand saw.  I will use the saw to cut wood trim and insulation when restoring the Cedar Closet.

For dinner tonight we had pea soup with fruit.

Tonight after the news.  We watched an episode of Liverpool.  It was not very good.

Debbie Facetimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.

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