Tuesday, September 14, 2021

September 13, 2021

 Monday September 13, 2021

Blog time 1120 sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook.

Up this morning at 0630.  It had rained most of the night so first thing I checked the Cedar Closet.  It was dry.

Thunder storms were rolling through so Nancy did not know if the pool would be open.  She wore her swim suit anyway.  If the pool was closed she would walk the treadmill.

Because of the rain I will postpone bike ride to later.  Just did pull-ups/ chin-ups at home.  Breakfast and then dressed in street clothes I drove to the Y.  

Finished my calisthenics and walked 1/2 mile.  Showered and drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  

Read local papers and checked emails before leaving Panera at 1100.  It started to rain hard on my way home.  Checked the Cedar Closet and no water.  

The thunder storm provided plenty of thunder and lightning along with rain.  So far the wall seal has held.

Today is the 13th so made a quick trip to D&W to get a Powerball and MegaMillion lottery tickets.

Good grief the rains continue to pommel the south.  Parts of  Louisiana are expected to receive 20 inches of rain from Tropical Storm Nicholas.

Global Warming is going to be a big campaign issue in 2022.

Lunch and more time in office.  About 1500 it looked like the rain had stopped.  I took a 10.65 mile bike ride.  Made good time.  Is this because I have rested 4 hours?

Took another shower and this time I shaved.  All the showers really dries my skin so I put on a heavy layer of lotion.

We had our normal Monday dinner.  Tonight instead of Cheerios I had a bowl of Fiber 1.  Also a scone and grapes.

Tonight watched the news.  The GOP is rightly blaming the President for the botched closing of operations in Afghanistan.   But now they do not want to allow Afghans refugees who helped us into the USA.  Shame on GOP.  Once again we need a third Political Party.

Tonight we watched an episode of the Lucy Lawless show on Acorn.  We both give the show a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We told her about our rain today and she said California would give anything for a good thunderstorm.

It was pitch black and 70 when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  The rain had stopped.


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