Monday, September 27, 2021

September 26, 2021

 Sunday September 26, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in living room.

Good grief I did not get out of bed until 0730.  Dressed and drove to Biggby to get our morning coffee.  I also got myself a bagel.

Fixed oatmeal with banana to go with coffee and bagel.  At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Big crowd at church today.  Noted a lot of young folks which is great.

We heard that Homilies at Trinity were 10 minutes or less.  Today we checked and it was exactly 10 minutes.  Pastor Bob commented that he was glad they almost ran out of communion bread. 

This morning we are having brunch at the Moleski’s.  We drove directly to their home after Church.  Tim Mask and Mary Namey were also in attendance.  I had a Bloody Mary before brunch and Nancy had a glass of champagne.

German apple pancakes and regular pancakes were on the menu.  Also sausage and fresh fruit were provided.

We talked and ate until 1400.  A good time was had by all.

The only exercise today was a mile walk.  Felt good to take a day off.

We had cheese and crackers for dinner.  Watched several segments of 60 Minutes.  I especially liked the segment on Wyoming Rep Liz Cheney.  She is holding her own against the crazy Trump supporters.  Think I will donate to her campaign.

Tonight we watched an episode New Tricks.  

Debbie called this evening.  We got up to date.  We also called Missy to check in. She is also doing ok.

Very mild when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  Tomorrow the temp might reach 80.

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