Wednesday, September 15, 2021

September 14, 2021

 Tuesday September 14, 20201

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up with alarm at 0615.  Today I have a 0745 appointment with dermatologist.  Nancy has a 0900 appointment to get her pacemaker checked out.

I did chin-ups and pull-ups at home before driving to dermatologist.  My original purpose of the visit was to get a mole checked out.  The mole was fine.

However, the recent biopsy of the spot on my hand was positive. Additional surgery will be required.

I also asked about a spot on my arm.  A biopsy was taken. Results in two weeks.

I was home by 0900.  Finished my calisthenics and then took a 10.84 mile bike ride.  Today I saw many dead critters along the path.  Deer, turkeys, possum and raccoon.  It is the time of year when critters are moving so drivers must take extra precautions.

At home I took a quick shower, dressed and headed to Panera’s drive thu for my morning coffee and bagel.  Checked my email at home while drinking coffee and eating bagel.

Nancy said the check of her pacemaker was ok.  The Doctor’s parting shot was see you next year.

At 1300 I headed out for my Dentist appointment.  Today in addition to cleaning my bottom teeth, my upper denture was removed and cleaned.  I was in the chair for about 75 minutes.

Spent time cleaning up our basement before an early dinner at 1600.  At 1500 Nancy and I drove to Meijer Gardens.  The Gardens had a special lecture dealing with GR’s Art Prize.  We did not attend the lecture.  Instead we walked around and looked at the new Fall displays.

We got home in time to watch the 1900 News on CNBC.  Most pundits predict that CA Governor will survive today’s recall vote. I agree.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Vera.  Unfortunately both Nancy and I feel asleep right before the end.  No idea who done it.

Debbie FaceTimed tonight.  She is doing employee evaluations not a enjoyable task.  But like they say in the kidney stone business “this too shall pass”.

Checked the Courtyard at 2200.  It was a clear night with bright moon.  Also checked the Cedar Closet and all was dry.

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