Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 27, 2021

 Monday September 27, 2021

Slept into until 0700 today.  Sunrise at 0736.  Sun and temp reaching 80 today.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her morning swim at MVP.

I did some chin-ups before my standard breakfast of oatmeal with banana.

The temperature was 62 so it was difficult to figure out what to wear.  Finally decided on long pants, wool undershirt and a fluorescent sweatshirt.

Sad news found a dead deer on the bike path.  It looks like it had been recently hit.

It is 7 miles from Condo to Y.  At Y I finished my calisthenics.  The Y lately has not been busy.  Bad for Y but good for me.  No waiting for use of chin-up bar.  

It is a short 3.7 miles from Y to Condo.  At home drove to the Panera closest to our Condo to get bagel and coffee.  Brought coffee and bagel home.  Checked my email and read news before showering.

This afternoon we have a meeting with our Wells Fargo financial advisor at 1330.  The office is downtown so we have to dodge all the Art Prize visitors.  The WF parking lot was full so we parked in a City ramp.

Our meeting lasted about 40 minutes.  Not much change since last year so we felt pretty good.

As soon as I got home, changed clothes and headed to Home Depot.  Last week I found a perfect sheet of foam insulation to use for repairs near the concrete wall crack in our Cedar Closet.  The only problem was the sheet would not fit in Escape and Home Depot would not cut it for me.  

Found out that I can easily cut the foam using a jackknife. Bought the sheet, took it to the parking lot, laid it on the bituminous, measured and cut.  It was easy.

At home I placed the foam sheet next to the crack and it fit perfect.  I still have some fiddling to do but the hard part is over.

Dinner tonight was leftovers.  I had the last of Nancy’s omelette from Saturday.  We also finished the cheese and crackers that Kathi brought us last week.  For dessert oatmeal cookies.  

The temperature was in the low 80s today so I opened up a bottle of dry Riesling.  This wine is made in Traverse City, Mi.  Like a cool wine on hot days.  I predict that today is the last 80 degree day this year.

Today we watched Lucy Lawless in “My Life is Murder” on Acorn.  Acorn releases a new episode every Monday.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Warmer in GR than San Jose.

Bright sky and mild temps when checked the Courtyard at 2200.

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