Thursday, September 23, 2021

September 22, 2021

 September 22, 2021

Breakfast Club Wednesday:  I got up with alarm at 0515.  Light calisthenics, dressed and headed out.  

Stopped at Biggby for a small coffee before heading downtown. It was pitch black.  Luckily I remembered that I had a pair of night time glasses in the car.  Big help!

Good crowd at BC this week.  Today’s speaker was retired Naval Captain Bob Dean.  Captain Dean was a medical doctor and served as a flight surgeon during his career which included deployment on aircraft carriers.  Captain Dean described operations during bombing runs on North Vietnam.  Interesting!

After BC noted the rain had stopped.  Drove straight home and headed out on an 11 mile bike ride.  The temperature was in mid 50s so I wore multiple layers.

At home showered, dressed and headed out on errands.  First stop was to fill up the Escape at Meijer’s.  Gas was $3.06.  Picked up at prescription at Meijer’s Pharmacy.

Debbie owns a duplex rental in SE GR.  The property manager has told Debbie that a new roof will be installed this fall.  I stopped by and checked.  A new roof has not been installed.

Final stop Panera to get a coffee.  The coffee went well with my lunch.

This being Wednesday I performed my standard chores

Load of laundry

Took out trash.

Nancy’s friend Kathi is spending several nights.  It is now 1650 and she will stop by soon.  We are all going out for dinner.

This and that:

Today is the astronomical equinox.  Equal hours of daylight and dark.  Checked my weather app and sure enough places like Edinburgh, Scotland and Tucson, Az had the same hours.

The bad news is that our days are still getting shorter.  We get only 9 hours of sun on the Winter Solstice, Dec 21.

For this first time since March I turned to heat on.  Wanted to take the chill out of the house.

Do other nations get offended by US Presidents lecturing them. President Biden’s recent UN speech was unspectacular.

Kathi did not arrive until almost 1800.  She had stopped at Trader Joe’s and brought us a goodie bag.  

The women decided that instead of going out we would just snack.  So we had several types of cheese and crackers, sausage and the topper, Pumpkin Cheese Cake.  

Poured wine for everyone and we snacked and talked until 2200.  A great way to spend a cold fall evening. 

Checked Courtyard at 2200, everything secure.  Temperature had dropped to 48.

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