Wednesday, September 8, 2021

September 7, 2021

Tuesday September 7, 2021

It is now 1500 on the 8th.  I was going to post yesterday’s blog but while editing the blog disappeared onto never-never land.  Major league bummer.

The following is a brief recap of Tuesday:

Up at 0600

Put spare tire on Escape.

Nancy headed to MVP.

Calisthenics and breakfast

Drove the Fusion to Fox Ford.  

Dropped off flat tire from Escape. Drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Drive.

Drank coffee and read papers.

At home took a 10 mile bike ride.  Today I took the Bianchi.


This afternoon a heavy thunder storm rolled through.  Rain did not last long but it was intense.

Checked basement and found we had water.  The water is coming through the sealed crack.  

Drove the Escape to Fox Ford and they put tire back on.  The cause of the flat was a nail.  No charge because I purchased the tires at Fox.


For dinner Nancy fixed a pork chop in her special sauce.  Very good.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.

Everything ok when checked Courtyard at 2200. 

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