Monday, May 31, 2021

May 30, 2021

 Sunday May 30, 2021

Blog time 1500 on Monday sitting in office

Sunday Morning up at 0630.  It was sunny but cold, low 40s.

This morning we decided we would forego attending Church.  Today we would make our annual Memorial Day trip to Saugatuck for breakfast.

Stopped at Bixby’s for coffee before heading out.  Pleasant drive to Saugatuck.  Just before we got to the Saugatuck exit we ran into heavy construction on I 196.  The exit we usually use to get to Saugatuck was closed.  We headed south to another exit but too many obstacles so we decided to head to South Haven.

South Haven is a very touristy Lake Michigan town like Saugatuck.  We drove along the waterfront and looked at the boats in the Harbor.  Very pleasant.

We parked downtown and had breakfast at Captain Nemo’s.  Nancy had an omelette and I had fried eggs with hash browns and raisin toast.  Very good food.

We got home about noon. On our trip today we encountered four deer.  My first sighting in several weeks.

At home  I took a short nap and then at 1430 headed to the Moleski’s.  

All of Nancy’s book club was in attendance.  We sat outside and had drinks and conversation before our meal.  Linda fixed a  chicken dish cooked in her crock pot.  We also had salad and bread sticks.  A very pleasant afternoon.

We got home at 1800.  Watched the news and 60 Minutes before heading to the den.  Tonight we watched New Tricks on Prime.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave them an update of our relaxing weekend.

Bright moon when checked the courtyard this evening.  A warmup is finally coming.

May 29, 2021

 Saturday May 29, 2021

Blog time 2200 sitting in den.

Up this morning at 0645.  Quickly dressed and then Nancy and I drove to the Gathering Place for breakfast.  We beat the crowd. I had oatmeal, scrambled egg, coffee and sourdough toast.  Nancy had a western omelette with coffee.  Food was good.

The temperature this morning was in high 30s but with bright sunshine.

At home I got in Escape and took it through the car wash.  Also filled it up.  Gas was $3.09.

Nancy was doing laundry when I got home.  Put on my warm bike clothes and took an eleven mile ride.

When I got home noted that Nancy was planting flowers she had purchased at Countryside Greenhouse on Thursday.  I got the shovel and helped her.  The courtyard looks good.

Shaved my face and head before showering.  

This and that:

In 1966 Nancy and I were living in Redwood City, Ca.  Debbie was just a baby.  

The apartment complex was at 875 Woodside Road.  The apartments were arranged in the shape of a horse shoe. The center was open.  Apartments were on the 2nd and 3rd floors.  We parked our car under the apartments.

On the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend I planned on sleeping in.  The company I worked for had just completed a big project that had required working weekends.  I looked forward to a relaxing weekend.

About 0700 an alarm goes off.  I tell Nancy to shut the damn alarm off.  She checked and said the alarm was off.  Nancy stuck her head out the door and called it is the building’s fire alarm.

Nancy frantically grabs Debbie and heads out the door.  I soon join her but had to go back because I forgot my cigarettes.

The residents gathered in the center of the horseshoe.  Most of the residents were single.  In fact Debbie was the only child in the complex.  We soon found out who was sleeping with who.  Very scandalous!

I commented to our group that I was glad we had a renter’s insurance policy that included fire insurance.  Most of the folks were surprised that such a policy was available.

In my youth Memorial Day was held on May 30.  Memorial Day weekend did not start until 1968.

I was a Boy Scout and every Memorial Day the Scouts marched in Alpena’s big Memorial Day Parade.  The parade started downtown and we marched over a mile to the Cemetery.  

One year it was very hot and I was drenched when the parade ended.  Every year my mother made me wear long underwear until Memorial Day.  I think my Mother felt guilty making me wear long underwear. This was the year that long underwear was no longer required during cold weather.


Headed to the ice cream store in Ada

Nancy had a small dish of chocolate flavored ice cream and I had a large dish of butter pecan.  

Tonight we watched and episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway followed by Fearless.  

I did check the courtyard at 2200 but beside being cold I noted nothing out of the ordinary.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

May 28, 2021

 Friday May 28, 2021

Blog time noon at Panera

Up with the alarm at 0630.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.

It was raining and cold, 43 this morning.  No bike today.  I will drive to Y.

Only did chin-ups and pull-ups at home before breakfast.  Got in Fusion and drove to Y. 

The Y was not crowded.  Masks are now optional at the Y if you are vaccinated.  

Calisthenics, 4.2 miles on stationary bike and a short walk.  The Y still does not provided towels so I bought my super-duper fast drying towel.  At least they have hot water.

After Y drove to Panera.  It was very crowded and I got the last available table.

Finished blog and read messages and emails.  Checked news headlines and looks like everyone is taking a long weekend.

At home quick shower and then lunch.

This afternoon I made at quick trip to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Sundance.  I had a cheeseburger.  Nancy had soup.

We watched some news before watching a movie.  Tonight’s movie was called Green Zone starring Matt Damon.  It was about the confusing days after the US invasion of Iraq.  Total chaos and a US Government that totally screwed up.  Reminds me of Vietnam.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

It was cold when checked the courtyard and garage at 2200.  Once again freeze warnings are up.

Friday, May 28, 2021

May 27, 2021

 Thursday May 27, 2021

Blog time 1120 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Ave.

Slept in this morning until 0700.  The sun had been up for an hour.  It was a cold 43 but sunny.  Sun trumps everything.

Nancy left at 0800.  She has a class at MVP and then will have lunch with her Meijer’s gang.  

This afternoon we will made our annual trip to Countryside Greenhouse to get more hanging baskets.

Calisthenics at home before breakfast.  I bundled up for my 8.5 mile ride to Panera.  

Panera was crowded this morning.  I sure hope the Governor allows more seating in restaurants.  A lot of useable seats are not available for customers.  It is a real economic hardship for owners.

This and that:

President Biden is adding more and more regulations on businesses.  Over regulation will kill the economy.

In my experience the most incompetent government agency is the Federal Government.  The most competent are local agencies.  I have made this observation many times.

In a country of 300 million folks why are the leaders of both parties in Washington so shallow.

I have finally decided that I am not WOKE.

I still don’t understand BitCoins.

The US Navy is way underfunded.  We send a Carrier to Afghanistan and leave the South China without a Carrier.  My career Navy friends are furious.

Speaking of Navy, what about all those unidentifiable flying objects harassing Navy ships.  

Got home from Panera at noon.  Total bike miles today 14.3.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Lunch today was yogurt with Fiber 1, Ensure and 2 oatmeal cookies.

Nancy got home from her lunch at 1400.  

We immediately headed to Countryside Greenhouse.  The parking lot was full.  Nancy picked out several hanging baskets and several flowers that she can plant.  

I finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed a corn/crab soup she purchased at Trader Joe’s.  Also had a dish of fresh Mellon.

Tonight we watched a new show on Acorn called Liverpool 1.  It was bad.  

Finished the evening watching New Tricks.  It was good

Raining hard when I made my 2200 check of Courtyard and garage.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

May 26, 2021

 Wednesday May 26, 2021

Blog time 1015 at the Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up this morning at 0630.  Today is my easy Wednesday.

It started raining around 0300 and was still raining hard at 0800.  We really needed the rain.

This morning Nancy is swimming at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

I do my calisthenics at 50%.  Dressed, ate a banana and drove to Panera.  Today I had a bowl of oatmeal with a toasted bagel.

Finished yesterdays blog and read email before heading home. The temperature was in 70s and the rain had stopped.

I did stop at Dick’s Sporting Goods to check if they had any Ex-Officio underclothes.  They did not.

Today I took an 11 mile bike ride. For most of the ride I had to ride into the teeth of an 18 mph wind.  

Only civil engineers select their bike route based on number of large depressions they encounter.  I wanted to see how much rain we had last night.  It was a good, not great, rain.  The puddles were 80% full.

Lately I have seen more turkeys.  We have several living in our back yard and this morning I saw several in my favorite Spaulding Ave viewing area.

As soon as I got home I showered.  Lunch and then I started laundry and took out trash and recyclables.

Found time for a hour’s nap.

This and that from the news:

President Biden wants a study into the origins of the Coronavirus.  So what?  Why not spend the intelligence community’s time and money on current east Asia problems.

Another mass shooting.  This time in San Jose, Ca.  Yet Texas has recently allowed open carry with hardly any restrictions. I support a ban on open carry.   

Belarus is back in the news.  The dictator rerouted a commercial flight heading to Lithuania so that he could arrest a passenger who has written damaging articles about him.  Why hasn’t the EU taken strong retaliation.

For dinner tonight we had our standard Wednesday evening meal of Cheerios.  I had mine with blueberries.

We watch evening news on NBC and CNBC.  Lately we have become very critical of their mushy reporting.

This evening we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was called Whitstable Pearl.  We liked the first episode show so we watched episode 2.

Nancy told me to check the moon when I made my 2200 inspection of the courtyard and garage.  She was right the moon was full and looked very large and bright.  

We will have several days of cool temperatures.  Temperature tonight will drop to 40s.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  We gave a positive report.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

May 25, 2021

 Tuesday May 25, 2021

Blog time 2000 sitting in living room.

Up 0630.  Another 80 degree day ahead.

Nancy headed out early for her morning walk with friends.   They are meeting at Calvin College.  Nancy likes Calvin’s walking trails.

I did light calisthenics at home.  

Today I volunteered to join a work party at Trinity Lutheran.  We are clearing several rooms for repairs.

Breakfast and then headed to Trinity Lutheran.  About 7 members in the work party.  

Spent 2 hours moving items out of two rooms.  I avoided any heavy lifting. It was very warm in church so I had to remove a layer, something I generally avoid.

At home dressed for a short 7.6 mile bike ride.

Shaved and showered.

Quick lunch and then continued to clean out old clothes.  Nancy has a friend who distributes the clothes free of charge to families in need.

Today Nancy had a 1330 appointment with our family Dentist.  Dr Lambert looked at her existing temporary tooth provided by the Oral Surgeon.  He agreed it was substandard quality.  Dr Lamberts will make a new temporary.  He guaranteed the new tooth will be of superior quality.  I could tell that Nancy was greatly relieved.

As soon as Nancy got home we headed to Costco.  Costco was not crowded.  We could not find the cleaning supplies that Kim requested.  Nancy will visit Meijer’s tomorrow.

I did make a big purchase at Costco.  I bought a Norelco shaver.  I have been using another brand of shaver for my head but lately it has provided a less than satisfactory result.  I will use the new Norelco exclusively on my head.

Found time for a short nap.

Just before dinner I looked out the kitchen slider and saw a huge Ground Hog in the Courtyard.  I tapped on window and he ran. 

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken on a stick with mashed potatoes and vegetables.  Good meal.

Tonight we watched New Tricks on Prime.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.

No Ground Hog in courtyard when checked at 2200.  The temperature was 81 but a cool front is moving in.  

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

May 24, 2021

 Monday May 24, 2021

Blog time 1000 sitting in Nonna’s Pantry in downtown Ada

Last full week of May.  Time just flies.  Like folks say life is like a roll of toilet paper,  the closer you get to the end the faster it goes.

Up with the 0603 alarm.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.  Looked outside and it was cool and gloomy.  Temperature 54.

Nancy stepped on scale this morning and she was happy with results.  I stepped on scale and said ouch.

Calisthenics at home and then oatmeal breakfast.

First big problem of the day what to wear with the cool temp.  Decided on long pants and two layers before jacket.  It worked.

Today I pedaled to Ada a distance of 6 miles.  Stopped at Nonna’s Pantry and had a scone and coffee.  I promised myself this morning after the weigh-in no more scones.  So much for Promises Kept.

This and that:

Noticed that most adults since our Spring warmup no longer wear socks.  I wear wool socks all year round.

Downtown Ada is very busy this morning.  All the street parking spots are occupied.

Several articles in local MI papers on High School Graduations. It has been a tough year for seniors.  

Speaking of tough years for graduates.  I knew several men who graduated from AHS in 1942.  They walked across the stage to pick up their diploma and immediately got on bus and headed to US Army Basic training.  WWII was under way, no HS grad could escape the military.  Lloyd Aikens froze his feet in the Battle of the Bulge and Doug Basil was wounded during fighting on a Pacific Island.  

President Biden’s legislative program seems to be walking in place.

Got home from Ada at noon.  Total miles traveled today 15.25.

Showered and then spent an hour in office reading.

After lunch ran several errands.  Stopped at Meijer’s to check on some over the counter memory pills.  The Pharmacist pointed me in the direction of the pills.  I checked several labels and it all looked like snake oil.  Nothing purchased.

Granddaughter Alessandra FaceTimed me this afternoon.  She wanted someone to talk to during her lunch break.  We had a nice talk.

I spent some time cleaning out the storage space I have in the garage for bike gear.  60% of the stuff I will throw out.

For dinner tonight we had our standard Cheerios meal.  I had mine with a scone and blueberries.

Tonight we watched Law and Order UK.  Good show.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched episode 1 of the new season of Who Killed Sara.  Kind of disappointing.

Missy FaceTimed the evening.

The courtyard and garage were ok when checked at 2200.  Tomorrow will be a warm day.

Monday, May 24, 2021

May 23, 2021

 Sunday May 23, 2021

Blog time 2000 sitting in living room

Quick summary of day’s activities.  Today is my lazy day.

Up at 0700


Panera for coffee


Sunday drive to Grand Valley State and beyond.

8.7 mile bike ride, rode into light drizzle.  Temp in 70s



Dinner, fried eggs on waffle, spinach pie

Watched 60 Minutes

Watched New Tricks on Prime.

Debbie Facetimed.

Checked courtyard and garage at 2200, no problems.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

May 22, 2021

 Saturday May 22, 2021

Once again we get up at 0700.

The sun was up and temperature 70.

We drove to Gathering Place for breakfast.  Nancy had an omelette and I had my standard oatmeal with scrambled egg.

Dropped Nancy off at home so she could start laundry.

Drove to Meijer’s to replenish my Ensure, yogurt and cookie supply.

A squirrel had knocked off a suet basket I had hung from our lower level deck beam.  Picked up the basket and noted the concrete floor was very dirty.  I swept the deck and removed cobwebs from wood beams.  Even found a dead mouse.

This morning I went on an eleven mile bike ride half way through the ride my super Brooks bike seat lost a support bolt.  I pedaled 8 miles with a broken bike seat.

At home took off bike seat post and drove to Ada Bike.  They removed the broken Brooks saddle and replaced with a new saddle.

Saturday so I shaved (shave on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) and then showered. Quick lunch.

Spent time in office cleaning up before taking a nap.

This and that:

Cease fire in Israel seems to be working.  I don’t think I will ever see peace in the Middle East in my lifetime.

China continues muscling its neighbors in the South China Sea. I sure hope President Biden keeps the US Navy fully engaged in the area.

More and more folks are getting their vaccines.  I sure hope son Stephen gets his kids their shots.

Still no infrastructure plan.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner tonight we drove to Brann’s.  The place was empty.  Nancy had the potato soup and I had a burger.  Good food.

Tonight we watched another episode of Death in Paradise.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was still in 70s when checked the courtyard and garage at 2200.  The possum and skunk I saw earlier this spring in the courtyard must have found better eating spots.

It was 75 when I got in bed.  The slider door was open allowing a breeze.  No need for AC.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

May 21, 2021

 Friday May 21, 2021

Blog time 1100 sitting in Panera

0700 is becoming our default wake up time.  

It was 69 and sunny.  High temperature today, 82

Nancy has an appointment this morning with the folks who are making her shoe inserts.  Later this morning she will help her friend Kathi get ready for her move to Indianapolis.

Today I did all calisthenics at home.  Fixed an oatmeal with banana breakfast before biking to Panera.  Today I took the longer 8.6 mile route.  I over dressed.  Had to stop an remove a layer.

Once again Panera was empty.  Had my coffee and bagel before checking email and finishing yesterday’s blog.

At home quick shower and then errands.

Stopped at ACE to get a new towel rack but instead bought $0.44 of screws and this solved problem.

At REI bought a bike rack for Fusion.

Short nap 

At1700 we drove to GRAM to see an exhibit of American folk art.  It was great getting out and mingling with folks.  Even saw some folks we knew.

Because of Covid the GRAM did not have drinks or light snacks.

We got home at 1930.  Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Checked courtyard at 2200.  No critters and temp still in 70s.

Friday, May 21, 2021

May 20, 2021

 Thursday May 20, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  Temperature was in 70s and should reach high 80s this afternoon.

Only did chin-ups/pull-ups this morning before breakfast.

Put on my warm weather bike clothes and headed to the Y a distance of 8 miles.  The Y was empty this morning.  

Good News, masks are not required at Y.  I finished my morning calisthenics before heading home.  Total bike miles today, 12.1.

Kim and her daughter Brenna were almost done cleaning when got home.  Nancy and I had the opportunity to talk to Brenna about house sitting for us when we are in Ca.  She agreed.

Showered and then drove to Panera for coffee.  Purchased coffee and bagel before doing some reading.

At 1230 headed home for lunch.  After lunch headed to my Optometrist, Dr Anderson, for my annual checkup.  Every thing ok.

On way home stopped at Y to pick up my dirty workout clothes.  

Next stop was the Cleaner Place to pick up shirts.

Final chore was to clean our washing machine.  Cleaning is quite simple, add bleach and turn on special cycle.

Finished afternoon with nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed a chicken drumstick, rice and onion dish. She cooked the meal in crock pot.  Very good.

Watched the news and then watched an episode of New Tricks.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It was in the 80s in GR and 60s in Ca.  We win!

Warm and muggy when checked courtyard at 2200.  I love these warm days.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

May 19, 2021

 Wednesday May 19, 2021

Blog time 1100 sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up with 0600 alarm this morning.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  

After some light calisthenics I drove to Bixby Coffee on Kraft.  No inside seating at Bixby.  Used the drive thru for my coffee.

Fixed oatmeal to go with coffee.  The BC Zoom meeting starts at 0730.  I was several minutes late.  We had 25 members in attendance today.  I am not a fan of Zoom.

Today’s Speaker was a no show.  The management was able to get Lynn Afendoulis a recent Michigan legislator.  She gave a good view of working in Mi legislature.  

The best part was the question and answer section that followed her brief remarks.  Many members had questions and opinions on the political scene in MI.

After the meeting I put on my bike knickers and headed out on an 8 mile bike ride to Panera.  It was 75 when arrived at Panera.

Finished yesterday’s blog, read emails and newspapers.

I was overdressed so the ride home was uncomfortable.  Quick shower before lunch.

This afternoon I did my normal Wednesday chores.  


Gathered up trash and took to curb.

Most important took a nap.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.  She said they were not busy.

Light dinner before starting our evening viewing.

Watched news on NBC and CNBC.

This evening we watched episode 1, season 6 of Line of Duty on BritBox.  We gave it a B.

Temperature was still in 70s when checked courtyard and garage at 2200.  No critters observed.  Warm weather continues.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.     

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May 18, 2021

 Tuesday May 18, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting on deck, temperature 81.

Up this morning at 0645.  Bright sun and temperature was in high 50s.

Today Nancy is meeting friends at Calvin College for a walk.

I do my calisthenics and then a quick breakfast.  

For the first time this year I wore my knickers.  Also wore a thin tee shirt and jacket.  Love this nice weather.  Total daylight today is 14h47’.

Pedaled 5.5 miles to Ada.  I had coffee and scone at Nonna’s.  I sat outside and enjoyed the fresh air.  After 30 minutes the sun was high enough in the sky that I had trouble seeing the iPads screen.  Packed up and pedaled home.  I took the scenic route. Today miles biked today, 15.4 miles.  

At home shaved and showered before lunch.  I was rearranging some files when I came across my vehicle file.  Suddenly realized that the Escape is overdue for an oil change.

Grabbed the keys and headed to Fox Ford.  Normally an oil change takes about 90 minutes.  I brought my iPad so I could finish yesterday’s blog and do some reading.

Wouldn’t you know they completed the oil change in record time.  Packed up my iPad and headed home.

It was so pleasant I decided to continue my blog writing and reading on the deck.  Very pleasant sitting outside.

Blast from past:

This morning I encountered a young man getting ready to take off on his Vespa Motor Scooter.  I stopped and talked to him.  Told him in 1958 while working a summer job in Albuquerque, NM I bought a Vespa at Sears Roebuck.  It was a great machine.

Drove the Vespa around Albuquerque all summer.  I also started to drive it home to Alpena.  Got to Illinois and had an accident.  I was pretty banged up.  Called home and my Sister, Helen and cousin Doug Hughes drove to Illinois.  Packed up the scooter and headed home.

My fondest memory was the summer of 1959.  My Dad’s firm got a big job at the Wurtsmith AFB in Oscoda, Mi about 45 miles south of Alpena.

The crew I worked with rented a cabin on the AuSable River.  We worked 12 hours a day Monday thru Thursday and 4 hours on Friday.

Early Monday morning, 0400, I would get on the scooter and drive the 45 miles to Oscoda.  It was a pleasant drive along Lake Huron.

At noon on Friday I would leave Oscoda and head to my Grandmother Scott’s farm at Hubbard Lake.  Friday’s were bread baking day for Grandmother.  I would arrive just in time to have several slices of home made bread.  Great memories of eating and talking to Grandmother.

I don’t think I got rained on once all summer.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Scotch pie.  Also fresh pineapple, cottage cheese and baguette.  Cookies for dessert.

After the news we watched the last two episodes of Jack Irish on Acorn.  Liked the show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We compared temps and it was warmer in GR.

Temp still in 70s when checked garage and courtyard at 2200.  Clouds partially covered the crescent moon.  Another warm day predicted for tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

May 17, 2021

 Monday May 17, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up this morning at 0645.

This morning Nancy has a 0900 appointment with the Oral Surgeon.  Nancy gets a new tooth today.  

I do calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then tried to figure out what to wear today.  It was 54 at 0800 but will get up to 75 later.

I have been complaining about not seeing any deer lately.  Well this morning while riding on 28th Street I encountered a young deer at the edge of the trail.  I could have touched it.  Made my day.

Later on the bike ride on 28th St,  I encountered two geese and their 6 goslings.  I did take a photo.  

At the Lake Eastbrook Blvd Panera I order coffee and two bagels.  I could not get on Panera’s internet.  I thought maybe I was in a blind spot.  Not the case.

I asked a young lady using her laptop if she was on the internet.  She said she was using her iPhone.

I turned on my iPhone set it next to the iPad.  When I hit the WiFi button on my iPad I selected RHSCOTT.  Hooray I got on-line.  First time I have used the iPhone to get on-line.  Works great.

Nancy had an appointment with an Oral Surgeon this morning and I have an appointment with a Dermatologist at 1400.  We a grateful for health insurance.

This and that:

Big news this morning about AT&T.  I don’t fully understand it but the Business news folks say AT&T made a big mistake several years ago when the tried to create a Vertical organization.  They are divesting from this mistake.

The Dems left wing is attacking President Biden for supporting Israel.  The easy solution is for Hamas to stop their rocket attack on Israel.  

The mask issue is very confusing.  Our Gov has added to the confusion.

Glad to see President Biden is sharing vaccines with third world countries.  Great gesture.

My old iPod with all my CDs on it is on the fritz.  So I am listening to my iPhone’s XM radio.  Listening to 40s station.

It was 70 when I left Panera.   At home quick shower before lunch.

Nancy did not get a new implant tooth today.  They just put in the implant anchor.  It takes a month for the area to heal.  Nancy was given a temporary.  She is not a Happy Camper.

Today I had my first appointment with my new dermatologist, Dr Chahill.  The Doctor gave me a quick full body check.  He froze several spots on my head.  

I was in and out in 15 minutes.  I was disappointed.  I did not feel he had my full attention.

Cheerios  with fruit and sourdough bread for dinner.  Every evening I also have 2 oatmeal cookies for dessert.

After the news we watched an episode of Call the Midwives.  As always the show was great.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Valhalla Murders on Netflix.  Good show.

Facetimed with Debbie and Missy this evening.

Temperature still in 70s when checked outside at 2200. Also noted the pretty crescent moon.

Another warm day tomorrow.

Monday, May 17, 2021

May 16, 2021

 Sunday May 16, 2021

Blog time 1930 sitting in living room.

Quick summary of day’s activities:

Up at 0630

Dressed and then breakfast.  At 0800 headed to Panera to get our morning coffee.  I also got a bagel.

0845 headed to Trinity Lutheran.

Church attendance was up this week.  Folks must be more confident about going out.

After church we drove to Kathi Kothe’s.  Nancy helped her unload her car.  Today her purse sale continues.  She does not need Nancy’s help.

Dropped Nancy off at home.  Headed to Meijer’s for supplies.

Read morning paper before lunch.


Nancy started the laundry.

I took a nap.

After nap took a 7 mile bike route.  


Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs tonight.  I also had fresh pineapple and a baguette.

Watched 60 Minutes.

We both watched an episode of New Tricks.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the final episode of Backstrom.  It was disappointing.

Checked garage and front yard at 2200.  Noted a beautiful crescent moon.  Temp will stay in 50s all night.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

May 15, 2021

 Saturday May 15, 2021

Up this morning at 0645.

We dressed and headed to Gathering Place for breakfast. We beat the crowd.  Today I had my oatmeal with scrambled egg and sourdough toast.  Nancy had 2 fried eggs with toast.

After breakfast I drove Nancy to Kathi Kothe’s.  Nancy is helping Kathi with her purse sale today.

At home I changed into biking clothes and headed out on a 12.5 mile ride.  Temperature was in 50s.  Perfect day for a bike ride.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  

Nancy called at 1600 and said the sale was over.  I picked her up.

We had an early dinner at NOCO.  NOCO is located on the site of the old Forest Hills Inn.  I had a burger and Nancy had tomato  bisque with grilled cheese sandwich.  Good food.  NOCO is now added to our list.

At home we watched an episode of Death in Paradise.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched my favorite Swedish Cop show, Backstrom.  One episode is left.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

All clear when I checked the courtyard and garage this evening. Temperature in low 50s at 2200.  

Saturday, May 15, 2021

May 14, 2021

Friday May 14, 2021

Blog time 1045 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up with 0630 alarm.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.  No swim this week.  I think she is tired of having to wait to get a lane.  I keep telling her to use the pool at Y because you can reserve a lane and bypass the hassle.

The temperature this morning was a cold 33.  However, the sun was nice and bright.  Temps will reach 70 later today.

Calisthenics before breakfast.  Put on cold weather clothes and headed out on the 8.2 mile ride to Panera.  

Panera was crowded this morning.  They keep running out of Light Roast coffee.  I wonder if the closing of the dining area at the Panera I frequented has increased their business.

It was 20 degrees warmer when I headed home.  Total bike miles today 12.7.

Got home about noon.  Nancy has book club today so I don’t expect her to get home before 1400.

Shower and then a quick lunch.  Took a nap and then spent rest of afternoon in office.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Also had scone and cottage cheese.

Tonight we watched a Tom Clancy movie on Prime.  It was called “Without Remorse” starring Michael B. Jordan.  I did not like the movie.  I gave it a D.

It was still mild when made my evening check of the courtyard and garage.  Evening temps will be mild, mid 40s.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok.

Friday, May 14, 2021

May 13, 2021

 Thursday May 13, 2021

Up at 0645.  Encountered bright sun and 33 degrees.

Nancy dressed for an exercise class at MVP.  No swim today.  Later she is having lunch with college friend, Karen Horlings.

The only thing I have on today’s agenda is to purchase a lottery ticket.  Always buy a ticket on the 13th.

Completed my calisthenics and then had breakfast.  Oatmeal and banana.

Put on warm bike clothes and headed to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  Today I took an eight mile route.

Ordered coffee and two plain bagels before starting my morning blog writing and read.

This and that from the news:

Gas is flowing in Colonial pipeline.  It has been reported that Colonial paid a ransom of $5m

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is very serious.

Can anyone figure out the stock market.  It has been going down lately but today at 1100 it is up over 400.

CDC issues “no mask required” order.   It does not apply to plane trips or health care visits.  Michigan has not commented so I will wear mask until I hear from our dictatorial Gov.

The GOP continues to implode.

Got home from Panera at 1215.  Total miles pedaled 12.7.

Showered and shaved before lunch of yogurt w/Fiber 1 and Ensure drink.

Nancy got home from lunch at 1400.  She said it was a good lunch.  She and Karen talked for 2 hours.

This afternoon I stopped at Meijer’s to get gas for the Escape.  Also bought lottery ticket.

At D&W I bought 1/2 pound of coleslaw to have with dinner tonight.  

This afternoon I filled out a medical history sheet for next weeks visit to Dermatologist.  At least I could complete the questionnaire on-line.  However the program the Dermatologist uses is different from our GP, ENT and hip doctor.  No connectivity between programs.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Trader Joe’s Cod dinner.  Also peas and coleslaw.  Very good.

Before dinner Nancy FaceTimed Akerke.  They had a nice talk.

Tonight we watched another episode of Virgin River.  It was dark and gloomy.  

Finished the evening with an episode of New Tricks.

It was cold when checked courtyard and garage at 2200.  Freeze warnings are up.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

May 12, 2021

 Wednesday May 12, 2021

Blog time 1500 sitting in living room.

Today is my easy day.  I slept in until 0700.

The sun was up and the temperature was 33.  Calisthenics at 50% before getting dressed in warm weather bike gear.

Today I will have breakfast at Nonna’s in Ada.  It is a six mile ride.

Nonna’s was crowded when I arrived.  Got a table and ordered coffee, oatmeal, scrambled egg and English muffin.  The food was great but Nonna’s does not have internet.  Bummer.

Took Ada Drive route home.  Total bike miles today, 14.3.

Shower and then lunch.

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.

We placed an order to have our dryer vent cleaned today.  The Cleaner arrived at 1430.  It took him about 15 minutes to clean the vent.  

Being Wednesday I took out trash and recyclables.  Also did a load of laundry.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner we had our Wednesday standard, Cheerios with strawberries and a tasty muffin.

The GOP vote to remove Rep Cheney from a leadership role dominated the news.  I think it was a big mistake.  The GOP has staked their future on a disgraced ex President.  RIP, GOP!

Tonight we watched Death in Paradise and a new BritBox show whose name escapes me.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  Hot in Ca and cold in Mi.

My 2200 check of garage and courtyard produced no surprises.  Frost warnings up for the area.  It should be our last warning until September.  I sure hope so.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May 11, 2021

 Tuesday May 11, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Slept in today until 0700.  It was sunny but cold, 34.  Nancy is meeting friends this morning at Woodland Mall for a walk and coffee.

I did my calisthenics at home before breakfast.  Bundled up and took a 7 mile ride to the Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  

This morning I attached my iPhone to handlebars.  I turned on the compass.  I was curious about the direction of several roads.  For example, I thought Burton Road between Kraft and Cascade Rd was north-south.  In fact it is east-west.

Finally I have no appointments this afternoon. I might go shopping.

Nancy has a 1430 appointment with Oral Surgeon.  She is having a tooth replaced with an implant.

I am glad the Feds have approved a vaccine for kids 12 and over. We hope the Grandkids get their shots soon.

No one has mention if the folks who shut down the petroleum pipe line have demanded a ransom.  Why can’t we retaliate against these criminals?

Easy ride home from Panera.  I had wind at my back.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Lunch and then some errands.

First stop was Meijer’s to purchase bananas, yogurt and suet for the birds.  Next I stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods.  I bought a small jackknife.  It was a Buck Knife, made in USA.

Nancy was home from her Dentist appointment when I got home.  She authorized the Oral Surgeon to go ahead making her implant.  Implants are not cheap but I am happy with mine.  Nancy will be happy with her implant.

Spent rest of afternoon in office reading.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken on a stick with mashed potatoes and vegetables.  Good.

After the news we retired to den to watch another episode of New Tricks on Prime.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the Swedish cop show, Backstrom.  

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Nancy had already gone to bed so I gave her an update on the day’s activities.

Alessandra also FaceTimed.  We had a nice talk.

Another frost warning up for this evening.  When checked courtyard and garage the temp had already dropped to 30s.   

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

May 10, 2021

 Monday May 10, 2021

Blog time 1000 sitting in the Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up with the 0630 alarm.  Temperature was 34. I checked my weather app and rain predicted for early this morning.  Bummer!

After pondering the rain problem I decided to do all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then drove to Panera.

My plan was to finish yesterday’s blog and check emails.  I would leave Panera at 1000 and head home for a bike ride.  Just checked my app and it now say 70% chance of rain at 1000.  

At home I decided that no matter the weather folks say I am going on a bike ride.  Put on rain pants, put a rain jacket in my bike bag and headed out.  

It threatened rain the entire ride but encountered only a very brief drizzle.  Our recent cold snap does not appear to have impacted local flora.  The flowers and in full bloom and leaves are nearly in full bloom.  Great time of year.  Today’s ride was 10.5 miles.  

At home I showered before lunch.  This afternoon I have a 1430 appointment with my dentist.  

On my way to the Dentist I stopped at Trinity Lutheran to drop of a check for the orphans home in Central Africa.

Spent over 90 minutes at Dentist.  In addition to cleaning my bottom teeth, the staff spent considerable time filling the anchor holes in my new top denture.  

As soon as I got home Nancy and I made a quick trip to Meijer’s for some supplies.  At home I headed to the office to continue reading.

We had our normal light Monday dinner, Cheerios with strawberries.

After the news we headed to the den to watch some Apple TV.

Our first show was Shakespeare and Hathaway on BritBox.  I cannot remember the second show.  Nancy and I both fell asleep.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed the evening.

Made a check of the garage and courtyard at 2200. All was secure.  Where have all the critters gone?

Frost warning are up again.

Monday, May 10, 2021

May 9, 2021

 Sunday May 9, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700. Temperature was 34 and high today will be in low 50s.  I sure hope our cold snap ends soon.

Dressed and fixed my oatmeal w/banana.  Normally I would have had a bagel and coffee from Panera.  However, Panera has new hours and does not open until 0800.  

After breakfast I did drive to Panera and got our coffees.  I also got a bagel.

Left for Trinity Lutheran Church at 0845.  Still a small crowd at today’s service.  

The church is sponsoring a residential home for children left homeless by a civil war in central Africa.  A Trinity member gave a good pitch of the needs for the home.  We were impressed and will make a donation.

After church, took a drive.  We drove north to Knapp and then proceeded east  and north along local roads to Ten Mile Road. Continued east to Lincoln Lake.

Took Lincoln Lake through Lowell and then west on Grand River to Ada and home via Thornapple Apple River Drive.  

We drove through several very upscale recent developments.  Also a lot of productive farm land.

The total drive took about 90 minutes.  We thoroughly enjoy our rides through rural west MI.

At home I put on bike clothes and took an 8.9 mile ride through the neighborhood.  Noted several road kills but no live critters.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s for supplies.  Meijer’s was jammed.  Noted that gas is now $3 per gallon.

Took a nap before heading downstairs to finish blogs.

For dinner I had two fried eggs on waffle.  Also spinach pie and a muffin.

Today being Mother’s Day, Nancy received a FaceTime call from all three kids, Debbie, Missy and Steve.  She really appreciated these calls.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  We especially liked the segment about a group of mostly Jewish men who fled Germany.  The US Army trained these men and then put them in front line Army units.  With their language skills they were invaluable.  

The thing that impressed me most was that several of the men are still alive.  They were in their late 90s and sharp as a tack.  Very impressive.

We finished the evening watching New Tricks on Prime.  As always a good show.

Checked courtyard at 2200.  The cars and garage were secure. Temp will drop to low 30s tonight.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

May 8, 2021

 Saturday May 8, 2021

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly dressed and then we headed to Gathering Place Restaurant for breakfast.  It was sunny but cold this morning, 32.  

For breakfast Nancy had two fried eggs with cinnamon toast.  I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and sourdough toast.  I put the egg over the top of the oatmeal.  The waitress said she had never seen that before.  I told her eggs over oatmeal is common in Vietnam.

Today Nancy is helping her friend Kathi sell her inventory of purses.  I drove her to Kathi’s and will pick her up later.

After dropping Nancy off I headed home.  Temperature was still in 30s so I put on my winter biking clothes.  Today I took a 10.5 miles ride.

At home I shaved and showered before heading out to Woodland Mall.   I wanted to stop at the Apple Store.  To my surprise the Apple Store was closed.

I bought a coffee and croissant at Starbucks.  Grabbed a table and checked email and read some news headlines.

At home I had quick lunch and headed down to the office to finish yesterday’s blog and start todays.

Nancy called at 1530 and said I should pick her up.  She said they sold a lot of purses today.  I looked at the remaining inventory and thought they will need several more sales to delete the inventory.

It was 1600 when we left Kathi’s.  Nancy said she was hungry so we decided on an early dinner.  We drove to Cascade Roadhouse.

We sat in one of those outdoor bubbles that are covered in plastic.  Our bubble was heated.  We both ordered a glass of wine before ordering.  I had a beef dip sandwich and Nancy had a chicken salad.  The food was very good.  I am glad we were early because the place was full within 30 minutes of our arrival.

At home we watched the news before switching to BritBox.  Tonight we watched episode 2 of McDonald & Dodds.  This episode was also the last of Season 1.  Good show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We told her that we both were fine.  It was in the 80s in CA and only reached the 50s in GR.

Checked the courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  Temp will again approach freezing again this evening. 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

May 7, 2021

 Friday May 7, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Lake Eastbrook Dr Panera

The alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy quickly gets dressed and heads out to an early class at MVP.

It was 34 and very foggy this morning.  

I did all my calisthenics at home today.  Breakfast and then bundled up and headed to Panera.  Today I took a new route that added 3 miles.  I did encounter some sprinkles.

Today Nancy is having lunch with friends.  Later we will head to D&W to get some food for dinner.

This and that:

Some folks in Japan want to cancel the Olympics.  I sure hope this does not happen.

In the UK, because of the Coronavirus, officials are saying to bring your own pencil to the voting booth.

Speaking of UK, some politicians in Scotland still want to leave the UK.  This type of nonsense is why my ancestors left for North America.

The Woke folks are criticizing Snow White because the Prince does not ask permission to kiss her.  Who attacks Snow White, good grief.

While at Panera it rained outside.  It had stopped when I decided to leave.  

At home took a long hot shower followed by lunch.

When Nancy got home  we headed to D&W.  Bought eggs, tuna fish sandwich for dinner tonight and coleslaw.

Dropped Nancy off at home.   

I ran errands.  

At Staples I bought a small box of gummed envelopes.  Glad we no longer have to lick the glue.

Stopped at Home Depot looking for a door stop to go over the hole in the plaster created by the old stop.  I found exactly what I needed.   A square piece of ceramic that fits perfectly over the hole in the wall.  It has an adhesive back so I just glue it to the wall.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Dinner tonight was tuna fish sandwich with coleslaw and melon.

After the news we switched to BritBox and watched the first episode of McDonald & Dodds.  We gave it a thumbs up.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.  

Earlier Granddaughter Akerke FaceTimed Nancy.  They had a nice conversation.  Nancy appreciates FaceTiming with Grandkids.

Frost Warnings up for tonight.  It sure felt cold when checked the front yard at 2200.

Friday, May 7, 2021

May 6, 2021

 Thursday May 6, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Br.

We both slept in until 0700.

Nancy headed out early for a swim at MVP.  Later she will help Kathi pack for her move to Indiana.

The TV and my iPad said it will rain this morning.  So no bike I will drive the Fusion to Y.

The Y still has not reached its pre Covid attendance.  I did my calisthenics and rode stationary bike 4.5 miles.  Showered and started some errands.

Stopped at Koetsier’s and bought a hanging basket for Nancy.  Actually it is a Mother’s Day present from Debbie.

Found a UPS drop box so I could return an item recently purchased.

Stopped at Panera for coffee and bagels.  Finished yesterday’s blog and checked the headlines.

It is now noon so will continue with some errands.  Kim is still cleaning so I don’t want to get in her way.  Will get home about 1330.

This and that:

State voting laws are getting a lot of heat lately.  Why is the simple task of voting getting so complicated.  People object to showing an ID.  Good grief you have to show an ID to get on a plane or visit a Doctor.

Bill and Melinda Gates are getting a divorce.  Do we really need the details?

NYT 1619 Project is historically incorrect say experts.  Why promote it in our schools?

Today is National Day of Prayer.  No mention on main stream media.

Sign of times, today Alpena Community College is having a Drive Through graduation.

After Panera I drove to Talbots’s to get a Mother’s Day gift card for Nancy.

Pulled into Talbot’s parking lot and noticed that I was parking next to our Escape.  Nancy was shopping at Talbot’s so I found her and let her pick out  a Mother’s Day gift.

Nancy told me that Kim had just called about a leak in our guest room sink.  Kim showed me the location of the leak.  It is a minor leak.

Lunch and then headed out on one more errand.

Stopped at Meijer’s to pick up a prescription and buy supplies.

This afternoon I took a short nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Also had a scone and cottage cheese.

Tonight we watched Jack Irish on Acorn.  I like this show, Nancy not so much.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was dark and cold when checked courtyard at 2200.  Temp will drop to mid30s tonight.  What happened to global warming?


Thursday, May 6, 2021

May 5, 2021

 Wednesday May 5, 2021

Blog time 1930 sitting in living room

Up with alarm at 0600.

Today I have Breakfast Club starting at 0730.

First thing this morning I did calisthenics at 50%.  Dressed and headed to Panera to buy a bagel and coffee.

At home I fixed oatmeal w/banana to go with coffee and bagel.

Today’s speaker was the President of Grand Rapids Community College.  He gave a great talk of changes in Education after Covid.

After BC I got on bike and pedaled the 5.4 miles to Ada. Had coffee and a scone.  Their internet was very weak so I left early.

Took a long route home, 9.6 miles.  Total miles today 15.  Longest ride of year.

Quick shower before lunch. 

Lunch and then started Wednesday chores.  Load of laundry and took out trash.

This afternoon we headed to Porter Hills, a retirement community.  They have both standard condos and apartments.  They also have separate assisted living accommodations.

We had a tour of their apartments. I was impressed.  We will fill out an application to get our name on a waiting list.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

This afternoon I got my new Apple iPad keyboard.  I have not yet set it up.

Wednesday evening so we had our standard Cheerios with fruit.

The Coronavirus especially in India dominated the news.  Facebook won’t let our ex President back on.  I think this is wrong.  Even jerks have a right to free speech.

This evening I emailed our US Rep. Peter Meijer.  I told him I support Liz Cheney.  Trump Republicans will ruin the party.

Tonight we watched a show on BritBox called Wild Bill.  We liked the first episode so we watched another.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She might visit us later this month.

Temp in mid 40s when checked outside at 2200.  Rain predicted.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

May 4, 2021

 Tuesday May 4, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Dr.

Slept in this morning until 0700.

Nancy this morning is meeting friends at Woodland Mall for a walk.  For lunch today she is meeting Mary Namey at the Cork.

I did all my calisthenics at home before breakfast.  Got on bike and pedaled the 3 miles to Panera. Rode into a strong 12 mph wind.  Will enjoy the ride home.

This morning I finalized our June trip to CA.  We are leaving June 14 and coming home July 5.    

Today I must be home by 1300 because we have Jacobson Heating and Cooling coming to do a maintenance check on our AC unit.

1130 left Panera.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

At home shaved and showered before lunch. 

The mechanic from Jacobson H&C arrived at 1400.  It took him about 45 minutes to check out AC.  Everything ok.

This afternoon I completed a spread sheet showing our assets.  Also wrote monthly note to Grandkids.

For dinner Nancy fixed a cod dinner with succotash.  Very good.

After the news we headed to the den and watched “Midsummer Murder”.  I think it was an episode from season 22.

Debbie teamed up with Granddaughter Alessandra to FaceTime us this evening.  I have no idea how to do a three way FaceTime call.

Missy also FaceTimed this evening.  Most mornings Missy sends us a video of her five mile walk on the beach.  Her weight loss is amazing.  Nancy and I are very proud.

A check of the front yard at 2200 produced no surprises.

A cold evening ahead.  Temps will drop to low 40s.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May 3, 2021

 Monday May 3, 2021

Blog time 1000 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Dr.

Up with 0630 alarm.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.

Checked my weather app on my iPhone and no rain.  My plan was to do all calisthenics at home and then pedal to Ada for coffee.

After calisthenics I put on bike clothes.  Quick breakfast and looked outside and it was raining.  Bummer!  The best laid plans of mice and men are screwed by bum weather apps.

I drove to the Lake Eastbrook Panera.  Will take bike ride later.

It must be a Panera policy to keep their stores cold.  I do compensate by wearing an extra layer.  

If it had not rained this morning I was going to try a coffee shop in Ada.  It is 6 miles from the condo to the Ada Coffee shop which would make for a perfect daily bike ride.  I will try on the next sunny day.

Left Panera at 1100. Headed home for a bike ride.  Today I rode 8.4 miles.  Got home at 1230 and quickly showered.

Today we have an appointment with a new senior living facility on Spaulding.  The facility is not to far from our condo.

We spent an hour talking with the sales rep for the facility.  The apartments are still under construction but we saw floor plans for the units.   Availability is scheduled for mid 2022.

Of course in order to get our name of the list we must put down a sizable deposit.  Senior living ain’t cheap.

At home I spent some time in office doing some financial business and reading today’s papers.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  Dinner tonight was cheerios with fresh pineapple and baguette.

After the news we watched another episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway on BritBox.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Temp was in mid 50s with strong wind when checked front yard.  Lately we have been having many days with high winds.  I have been told the high winds are related to global warming.

Monday, May 3, 2021

May 2, 2021

Sunday May 2, 2021

 It was 57 and sunny when we got up at 0645.  Temperature will reach 80 this afternoon.

I dressed and drove to Panera.  Bought a coffee and bagel to have with my oatmeal.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Church starts at 0915.  Once again the attendance was low.  Folks that were watching the service on YouTube were also disappointed because the Comcast network went down.  Good news, however, the 1015 outside service on the lawn was crowded.  First outside service of the year.

On our way home we stopped at Meijer’s.  I bought a large baguette and Nancy bought more supplies.

The temperature was in 70s when got home.  What to wear on my bike ride was my big dilemma.  I got out my knickers for the first time this year.  Also wore a light tee and high visibility sweatshirt.

I was over dressed.  Left home at noon. On the ride today I saw several groundhogs and rabbits.  Total distance traveled was 9.6 miles.

At home Nancy was sunning herself on the deck.  She actually got burned. 

I got busy and cleaned the deck table and put up the sun umbrella.  We are ready for summer.

Speaking of summer.  Today we have 14h12’ of daylight.  On the summer solstice, June 22, we will have 15 hours.

Showered and then had a quick lunch.  

This afternoon I took my mandatory Sunday nap.  After the nap I sat on deck and read the GRP and finished yesterday’s blog. It was great sitting on the deck reading.

Nancy is fixing me 2 fried eggs on a waffle this evening.  Also a baguette and 2 sausages.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes before switching to Apple TV.  We watched another episode of New Tricks.

Debbie and Missy both FaceTimed this evening.  We compared temps between CA and MI and MI won.  

My check of the courtyard at 2200 showed everything was normal.   Tomorrow’s high temp will be in high 60s compared to 80s today. 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

May 1, 2021

 Saturday May 1, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up at 0700

Breakfast at Gathering Place.  I had oatmeal with scrambled egg and sourdough toast.  Nancy had fried eggs and toast.  Very good.  Gathering Place was crowded.

Drove to Lowe’s and got two bags of mulch and a bottle of Roundup Spray.

I took a 10.6 mile bike ride.

Nancy started laundry.  

When I got home Nancy in addition to finishing the laundry she had also finished spreading 1.5 bags of mulch.  I spread the final 1/2. We are now done mulching for the year.

This and that;

Today is May Day.  I remember watching the newsreels showing big May Day celebrations in Moscow.  May Day was the commies big day.

First day of the new month so I start using a new tooth brush and razor blade.

Lunch and drove to Ace to look for paving bricks.  No luck.  I need the paving bricks to put under our outside brick wall.  It is undermined.


Dinner at Shepard’s Grill. I had perch sandwich and Nancy a bowl of bean soup.  Shepard’s Grill was crowded.  The place violates all health guidelines like seating at 50% capacity.  We think it was more like 80%.  6 foot separation was a joke. 

It was 72 degrees when we left Shepard’s. Time for a cold snack.  So we headed to the ice cream store in Ada.  Nancy had a cup of butter pecan and I had a frozen yogurt cone.  The place was crowded.  We sat outside and enjoyed our treat.

At home we watched a Bill Murray movie, “On the Rocks”, on Apple TV+.  We did not like it.  I gave it a D+.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.

It was still in 60s when checked front yard at 2200.  Warm evening with morning temps in high 50s.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

April 30, 2021

 Friday April 30, 2021

Blog time 1100 sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook Drive.

I got up slowly with the 0630 alarm.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.  

It was 43 and raining when first checked outside this morning.  I will delay bike ride until after Panera.

Breakfast and then drove to the Y.  Once again the Y was empty except for a very popular Zoom class.

Calisthenics and a short walk before dressing and driving to Panera.

This and that:

I will be glad when the Panera near our condo reopens.  The Lake Eastbrook Panera is poorly laid out with bad acoustics.  It is very noisy.  Also has a poor internet connection.

The Senate approved a limited infrastructure bill by a large margin.  It is a program that I think is badly needed.

I eavesdropped on several conversations between sports fans.  Big topic was the NFL draft.  I have lost all interest on professional sports.

I left Panera near noon.  At home I changed into my biking clothes and headed out on a 10.6 mile ride.

The temperature was in low 50s but I had to ride into a brisk wind.  A brisk wind quickly chills the body despite multiple layers.

At home quickly shaved and showered.  Lunch and then Nancy and I headed out on another ride through West Mi.

Today we headed to Holland to look at the Tulips.  Because of the COVID this year’s Holland’s Tulip festival was canceled.

The route we chose today was along old Chicago Drive.  The trip took us through the old industrial area of GR.  We followed the GR to Chicago RR tracks most of the way.

Communities we passed through were:

GR, Wyoming, Grandville, Jenison, Hudsonville, Zeeland and finally Holland.  

Noted a lot of folks driving through Holland looking at the tulips. We stopped at Windmill Island.  They had a large vivid display of tulips.

We took the expressway home.  Total trip time was 3 hours which is about our maximum.

Spent remainder of the afternoon in office doing my old man things.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed bean and ham soup.  The soup was made by the Onion Crock.  The Onion Crock was a very popular restaurant noted for its soups.  The restaurant closed many years ago.  The company still makes soup for sale at local stores.  Nancy bought this soup at D&W.  The soup was great.  Also had dinner rolls, green beans and coleslaw.

This evening we watched the news followed by an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries.  This was a very confusing show.  We did not know Who done it.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed today.  

Checked the front yard at 2200.  It was cold.  Freeze warnings are up for tonight.