Friday, December 31, 2021

December 30, 2021

 Thursday December 30, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Up at 0700. At home calisthenics before breakfast.  This morning Missy and I drove to the Y.  

The Y was nearly empty.  Missy walked and I did my weekday exercise routine.  Showered and then headed home.

Neither Missy or AJ wanted to go to Panera with me.  I drove to Panera and spent an hour reading and writing blog.

Coronavirus still is hanging on.  

After lunch spent time in office final checking my 2021 donations.  I am having trouble making online contributions using PayPal.  Finally AJ showed me how.  Good to have a teenaged handy.

At 1530 AJ and I headed to Celebration Cinema.  We watched Sing 2.  I really liked this movie.

After the movie we drove to Russ’ restaurant.  We met Nancy and Missy.  I had a hot turkey sandwich, Missy had a beef dip, AJ Chicken tenders and Nancy had Russ’ famous Chicken Rice Soup.  We all gave the food an A.

At home we all started watching “Only Murders in Building”starring Steve Martin and Martin Short.  It was very good Nancy and I watched two episode.  Missy binged and watched all ten episodes.

It was in the mid 30s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Nancy was just turning in when she looked out the window and saw a Fox.  Do foxes like corn? 

Thursday, December 30, 2021

December 29, 2021

Wednesday December 2.0, 2021

Blog time 1140 sitting in Panera

Did not get up this morning until 0715.  Today is my easy day so I performed my entire calisthenics routine at home at 50%.

I wanted to take Missy and AJ to breakfast but both declined.  I fixed oatmeal at home.

Today Missy and AJ are driving to Lansing to visit Missy’s high school classmate Steve Kozera.  They plan on leaving at 1000.  I got in the Fusion and made a quick check of the roads.  They were acceptable for travel.

I left home at 0930 and walked to Panera.  It is 0.9 miles from Condo to Panera.  

At Panera bought coffee and baguette to consume while reading and writing blogs.  Panera was nearly empty.  Not much on the news that I want to comment on.

The walk home from Panera was pleasant because I had the wind at my back.  Nancy was just leaving for her shift at the Gardens.

After lunch I:

Picked up trash and took to curb

Did a load of laundry

Feed the birds and deer.

Had a long phone call with daughter Debbie.  She is doing fine.  Apple has given their employees the week off.  San Jose has had a lot of rain lately.  All the rain should relieve the area’s drought.

Missy and AJ reported that they had a good time in Lansing visiting Steve Kozera.  Bought pizza for lunch.

Tonight for dinner we made a big dent in the leftovers from Christmas.  We finished the pumpkin pie.

For tonight’s viewing we selected a new show on Acorn called “Winter”.  I liked it but Missy and Nancy gave it a thumps down. 

Checked Courtyard before bed everything Ok.  Might get some snow tonight. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

December 28, 2021

 Tuesday December 28, 2021

Blog time 1215 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  At home calisthenics before breakfast.  Missy was sound asleep when I was ready to go to Y.  I decided she needed the sleep more than exercise.

The Y was empty this morning.  Performed normal routine, showered and headed home.  

Nancy and Missy were shopping according to AJ.  I shaved and then tried unsuccessfully to talk AJ going to Panera with me.  No luck.  I went alone to Panera.

After Panera I stopped at Meijer’s to pick up prescription.  

Quick lunch and then headed down to office.  I spent several hours making year end donations to charitable organizations. 

For dinner tonight we all got in the Escape and headed to Sundance.  Surprise Sundance was closed.

We drove to Cascade Roadhouse and immediately got a table.  Nancy and AJ got Mac and cheese,  Missy got a sandwich and I got the French Dip sandwich.  I also got a glass of wine.  Everyone else got water.  We all agreed the food was good.

Our SUV was covered with snow when we left.  About 2” of snow had fallen while we were eating.  

Missy has gotten hooked on a Netflix show “The Girl from Olso”.  Nancy and I joined Missy and watched several episodes before turning in.  Missy stayed up and finished Season 1.

I checked the Courtyard before bed.  To my surprise our walks had been shoveled and the drive plowed.  

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

December 27, 2021

 Monday December 27, 2021

Blog time 1230 sitting in living room

Up early this morning at 0630.  Morning calisthenics and then oatmeal breakfast.  

We had about two inches of snow overnight.  None of the roads in the area had been plowed when we headed out this morning.

Missy and I drove to the Y.  Missy walked the track and I did my normal weekday routine.

After the workout I showered and we headed home.  Missy has a 1330 lunch appointment with old OHHS Classmate Tanya Powell.  Now Tanya Powell-May.  

For you UM sports buffs Tanya was during her UM basketball career a leading scorer. She is also the mother of NBA star Xavier Tillman.  Missy said they had a great time reminiscing.  

As soon as I dropped Missy off at home I headed to Panera for my morning coffee and a chance to do some reading.  Got home at 1300 in time for Missy to head to her lunch appointment.

December is the time that I send my annual contributions to local charities.  Spent several hours in office writing checks.  

For dinner tonight we had ham sandwiches.  Surprised!

After dinner and the dishes I returned to office for an hour.  No TV tonight because we spent several hours in the living room talking.  Mostly about family.

Checked Courtyard at 2130 and everything was ok.

Monday, December 27, 2021

December 26, 2021

 Sunday December 26, 2021

Nancy and I decided that since we had attended church on Friday and had family visiting that we could in good conscience forgo church today.

First thing I did this morning was drive to Biggby for our morning coffee.  I fixed oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.

Melissa and AJ slept in this morning.  At 1000 Nancy, Missy and I made a supply trip to Meijer’s.  The place was empty.  Missy likes Starbuck’s Mocha Cold Brew.  We bought two big bottles.

After we unloaded the car I but on my bike clothes and headed out on a 8.71 bike ride.  Beautiful day for a ride, bright sun, no wind and 45 degrees.   Encountered walkers but no bikers.  After the ride I took a shower followed by a nap.

This afternoon Missy and AJ are having an early dinner with Missy’s old Shawnee Park teacher, Diane Bittrick.  They had their meal at Blue Water Grill.  Missy said they had a great time.

For dinner tonight I had a ham sandwich.  We will be having ham sandwiches for the next week.  

Tonight we watched a new show on Acorn called Lovejoy.  I gave it an A and Nancy a B.

Bright moon when checked Courtyard at 1730.  Everything secure.  We were all in bed by 2200.  

December 25, 2021

 Saturday December 25, 2021

Christmas Day 2021

Blog being written on December 26, 2021 at 1600. We slept in today until almost 0800.  

Temperature was in 40s.   A green Christmas in GR.  

Coffee this morning was provided by Keurig.  Fixed oatmeal with banana.  Our special treat was a scone.

This morning we FaceTimed with Debbie, Stephen, Veronica, and grandkids Lucas and Alessandra.  They are all spending Christmas at Debbie’s home in San Jose.  

Speaking of family later today, 1615, Missy and Akerke are flying in from LA.  We checked all morning and the flight was on schedule. 

It was such a beautiful I decided on a walk.  Today’s walk was 2.5 miles.  After the walk, shaved and showered and put on my Christmas finery.

Left for the airport at 1545.  I just got settled in the cell phone lot when I got a call the plane had landed.  Drove to Gate 3 and loaded Missy and AJ into the Escape.  The News media was wrong the trip went without a hiccup.

Nancy welcomed Missy and AJ with a big hug.  Nancy had been working on Christmas dinner since early this morning.  The menu included ham, mashed potatoes, string beans and for dessert pumpkin pie.

Before our Christmas dinner we opened presents.  Modern day Christmas presents tend toward gift cards.  We were no exception.

Nancy’s Christmas dinner was great.  Wine was included.  We had a pleasant time eating and talking.

We watched an Acorn detective show before everyone turning in.  Missy and AJ had some serious jet lag. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

December 24, 2021

 Friday December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve 2021

Slept in until 0715.  We both debated on doing our morning exercise routine.  Exercise won.

Nancy put on her swimming suit and headed to MVP.  I had oatmeal breakfast and drove to the Y.  It was above freezing with a heavy fog.

The Y was very crowded this morning especially the classes.  First time I have seen a spinning class in months but this morning they had a full house.  Over thirty folks were in class.

I did my normal complement of exercises before showering.  Drove to Panera for a quick coffee and baguette.  I had to be home by 1130 because our handy man Randy was installing a new lock on the garage.  

With recent car thefts in the area I decided about time we got a workable garage door lock.  Randy did a great job at a reasonable price.  I feel better now that we have a secure garage,  especially when we will be gone for some time this winter.

Quick lunch and then afternoon chores.

Feed birds and deer

Filled up Escape at Meijer’s

1630 we headed out to Christmas Eve-service at Trinity Lutheran.  The Christmas Eve service was held in the main Sanctuary.  Church was jammed.  Pastor Bob gave a great Christmas Eve Homily.  All parishioners were in good mood which was great to see.  Especially glad to see so many young families in attendance.

I decided we needed a Christmas Eve treat.  Our original plan was to get a frozen custard at Culver’s but Culver’s was closed. Instead Nancy fixed a big bowl of Traverse City Cherry fudge ice cream.  It really hit the spot.

I have many pleasant memories of Christmas Eve.  One unusual memory was December 24, 1963 in Saigon, VN.  Because Vietnam was a French Colony for many years the country had a large catholic population.  The Navy provided my outfit with an apartment in downtown Saigon not far from the main Catholic Cathedral.  After Christmas Eve Mass the street in front of our apartment was jammed with families enjoying the spectacular warm evening.  It was fun to walk among the happy folks. 

No TV tonight.   We were both in bed by 2200.  Checked Courtyard before locking up.  The area outside garage was secure.  Glad to see the garage dock lock was properly engaged.


Friday, December 24, 2021

December 23, 2021

 Thursday December 23, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera.

Up at 0700.  Did at home calisthenics before breakfast of oatmeal and banana.  Nancy headed out at 0815 for a class at MVP.

It was 25 with light snow this morning.  I drove to Panera.  The Y was not crowded.  

Calisthenics, 1.2K row and mile walk before shower.  Drove to Panera for coffee and baguette.  

The Coronavirus still dominates the news.  I only know one family that has not been vaccinated.  I really don’t know why and I would be afraid to ask?

The Alpena News stated this morning that this year the area will not have a white Christmas.  This happens about 20% of the time.  

In my youth I cannot recall a Christmas without snow.  I remember always being able to skate outside during the holidays.

One year my sister Helen and I decided to drive to a piece of property we owned on Lake Huron and cut a Christmas tree.  We spent a lot of time looking over the trees.  We finally found one that looked perfect.  Cut it down, jammed in car and drove home.  

I trimmed the butt end and installed the tree in the stand.  When we put the tree up in the living room it was a very sick looking tree.  It was lopsided and not very bushy.  However, we decorated it and decided it looked fine.  We liked the tree because we had muscle in the game.

This morning after Panera I drove to Meijer’s for a last minute purchase.  A lot of folks had the same idea.  The store was jammed.

For dinner tonight we drove to “Shepard’s Grill”.  I had the Lake Perch sandwich and Nancy had a hot dog and bowl of soup.

On the drive home we encountered a deer eating along side the road.  First deer sighting in over a week.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.  

When I checked the Courtyard tonight I encountered a skunk right outside the gate. I gave it a wide berth. 

Temperature will stay above freezing tonight.  

Thursday, December 23, 2021

December 22, 2021

 Wednesday December 22, 2021

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Today is my easy day.  First thing, I did all my calisthenics at 50%.  Also rowed for 10 minutes.  Rowing is a good aerobic exercise.  If my iWatch app is correct my average heart rate was 150 bpm.  Showered after my work out.

Nancy headed out for her Wednesday swim at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

It was cold, 25, this morning so no bike ride. We had a light dusting of snow on ground.  I drove to Panera and ordered an oatmeal, bagel and coffee.  Checked emails and read the local Michigan papers.

Left Panera earlier than usual.  Stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond and bought the mop on a stick that I talked about yesterday.  

Our travel agent for years has been Peggy Brumley.  Stopped at Peggy’s office and discussed our January trip to San Jose.  Peggy will make the necessary travel arrangements.

Also stopped at Meijer’s for more supplies.

Got home at 1215 and Nancy was getting ready to head to Gardens.  Activities for rest of afternoon:


Called Doctor Santos to see if I could get my pill prescription modified so I would not run out of pills while in Ca.

Made an appointment with Dr Kutsche for Bob and Nancy.  We meet on January 3.

Made an appointment with Dr Johnson a hip surgeon, Feb 28.

The leakage problem with our refrigerator has been fixed.  However, the ice maker is not working.  Called Miller Appliance.

Put out food for deer and birds.

Did a load of laundry.

Mopped the kitchen floor with my new mop on a stick.  It works slick.

Took out trash and recyclables.

No time for a nap this afternoon.

Normal Wednesday dinner of Cheerios and fruit.

After the news we watched an episode of Agatha Raisin on Acorn.  It was a Christmas show.  We gave it a B-.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Check of Courtyard before bed and everything was ok.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December 21, 2021

 Tuesday December 21, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Up this morning at exactly 0700.  The temperature was a cold 21.  

Today is a HAPPY DAY for Bob Scott.  It is the Winter Solstice.  We now have exactly 9 hours of daylight. The days will start getting longer.  Spring cannot be far away.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for a fitness class at MVP.  I did some chin-ups at home before breakfast.  Oatmeal breakfast with banana before driving to the Y.  No bike today.  Finished calisthenics, rowed 1.1K and walked a mile before shower.

Drove to Panera

This and that

There are several women at the Y who are serious weight lifters.  I am amazed at how much they can lift.  

However, strong women is not a new thing.  Most women living on farms did heavy lifting all day long.  My Dad alway talked about the strength of his Grandmother Scott.  Great grandmother Scott could shoulder a 90# bag of grain with one hand.  Now that is strong.

I shiver when I see folks with no socks.

This year it appears folks are making a special effort to decorate for Christmas.

Does anyone buy a real Christmas tree anymore.

I would never own a car without heated seats.

In the 50s the majority of citizens lived in snow country.  So all the Christmas songs about snow seemed appropriate.  Now the majority live in warm climates and don’t have snow for Christmas.  The songs appear outdated.

After Panera I stopped at Total Wines to restock. I purchased three bottles of my favorite red blend.  In my youth my parents would purchase a case of whiskey for the holiday season.  At lot of socializing in small towns during the holidays.

 Next door to Total Wines is Bed Bath and Beyond.  I made a quick visit and noted they had on display a slick looking mop that has everything on a stick.  

With Kim in recovery for the next several months I need to mop our kitchen floor.  I dread getting a bucket, filling it with cleaning fluid and lugging the mop and bucket around the kitchen.  Tomorrow I will head back to BBB and purchase the stick.

After lunch I feed the birds.  The deer did not eat the corn I put out yesterday. I think with all the new development around us the deer are being forced out. A shame!

The Coronavirus just won’t go away.  I think we should just live with it.

Light dinner tonight.  We watched some of the news before watching two episodes of “No Offence”.  We finished the season.

During the check of the Courtyard I found I had left a car unlocked.  Our recent neighborhood news letter said that thefts of cars and catalytic converters on cars are being coming common.  We never lock our garage.  That will change with this news.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

December 202021

 Monday December 20, 2021

Up at 0700. We are starting Christmas week.  The wind chill this morning was below freezing so no bike.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her morning swim at MVP.  After oatmeal breakfast I drove to Y.  The parking lot was jammed.

Big crowd at Y.  However, I was lucky because no wait for chin-up bar or rowing machine.  After a quick shower I drove to Panera.  

Bought coffee and baguette to enjoy while doing morning reading.  I read the news but just cannot find anything to comment on.

After Panera I drove to Breton Village.  Purchased a Christmas gift.

At home I unloaded a 35# bag of corn from the Fusion.  25 years ago carrying 35# was easy now it is a struggle.  I put out 8 ears for the deer.  Our backyard is still a quagmire.  I have to put the corn on limited dry spots.

Quick lunch and then spent some time paying bills.  Walked to mail box to post the bills.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  

For dinner I returned to my normal Monday night fare of Cheerios with fruit.  Of course finished with oatmeal cookies.

Debbie and Alessandra FaceTimed this evening.  They seem to be enjoying there time together.  Bob and Nancy gave a positive report.

Tonight we watched the last episode of True Lies.  It was a good show.

It was below freezing with bright moon when checked the Courtyard.  Everything secure.

Monday, December 20, 2021

December 19, 2021

 Sunday December 19, 2021

Blog being written on Monday the 20th at Panera, 1130

Sunday morning up at 0700. Quickly dressed and headed to Biggby to get our early morning coffee. Today is suppose to be sunny with temp in low 30s.  Sun does not come up until 0809.  Nine hours and 2 minutes of daylight.  Can’t wait for Tuesday.

Fixed oatmeal to go with coffee.  Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Church service starts at 0915.

After the service we took a short 45 minute ride to Lowell.  Stopped at Meijer’s to replenish supplies.

At home I bundled up and headed out on a 8 mile bike ride.  No wind so riding was pleasant.  I don’t ride with wind chills below freezing. A lot of folks were enjoying a Sunday walk.

Lunch and then I took a short nap.  Finished the afternoon reading today’s GRP.  Not much news I found interesting, although I was happy that the West VA Senator put a stop to President Biden’s budget buster legislation.  

For dinner tonight I had bowl of blackberries and pineapple also toast with peanut butter.  Finished off with oatmeal cookies.

This afternoon Debbie and Alessandra Facetimed.  They had a nice conversation with Nancy.  Alessandra flew up from LB to spend Christmas with Debbie.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Missy had a great video of a shark she saw on her morning beach walk.  She and AJ will head to GR on Christmas Day.  

Tonight we watched an episode of McDonald and Dodds.  We gave it a B.

Quick check of Courtyard before bed and found both cars were unlocked.  Will have to be more vigilant.  

Sunday, December 19, 2021

December 18, 2021

 Saturday December 18, 2021

Blog time 1330 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700. It was snowing this morning.  Temp was at freezing so the snow was sticking.  Quickly dressed and headed out to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  Nancy had her Western Omelette with raisin toast and I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and raisin toast.  The food is always good at “The Gathering Place”.

On way home we stopped at the Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd for our free coffee.  We also made a quick stop at a Dollar Tree but they did not have what Nancy needed.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I filled up the bird feeders.  Nancy wanted to visit another Dollar Tree so we headed out.  The Chow Hound is next door to this Dollar Tree.  I bought a 34# bag of corn and 16# bag of bird seed.  We have to keep the critters well fed.

After lunch I paid some bills and then walked to mail box.  Continued walking and ended up walking two miles.

Shaved and then took a short nap.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Onion Crock’s pea soup.  Very good.

Tonight we watch an episode of McDonald and Dodds on BritBox.  Gave it a B rating.

It was below freezing when checked Courtyard just before bed.  No rain or snow for the next week.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

December 17, 2021

 Friday December 17, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Sure glad it is Friday.  Had trouble getting motivated this morning.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.  She is more motivated than I am.

At home calisthenics before oatmeal w/banana breakfast.  It was sunny 27 and not much wind at 0800.  However, I did not take my bike.  Five years ago I would have taken the bike.  The times have changed.

The parking lot at the Y was crowded this morning.  Talked to a manager and he said attendance is increasing but they are still at 60% of pre covid membership.  Showered and then drove to Panera.

Purchased coffee and baguette to consume while I check the local papers and my email.  Left for home at noon.

After lunch spent time putting up Christmas lights on our rear deck railing.  I checked the two strings of lights we had from last year but could not get them to work.  

I made a quick trip to  ACE Hardware and bought two stings of lights.  Each string is 16 feet long so I thought I had enough for our 36 foot rail.  Not to be! Needed another string. Returned to ACE and got another string.  The lights were easy to string.  Done in 30 minutes.

For dinner tonight we headed to Culver’s.  Nancy was not hungry so I just got a Cod sandwich via the Drive Thru.  At home I ate my sandwich and some chips.  Cookies for dessert.

We watched some news before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we watched a new Australian show called “Small Claims”.  We both liked it.  

Veronica called Nancy today.  She gave Nancy an update on what is happening in Long Beach.  

It was 32 when checked the Courtyard before bed.  Everything ok.


Friday, December 17, 2021

December 16, 2021

 Thursday December 16, 2021

Slept in this morning until almost 0730.  Today I am driving to the Y.  The temperature is an unseasonably warm 60 but the wind is blowing at 35 mph.  

Nancy headed out to her exercise class at MVP at 0800.  After some chin-ups and oatmeal breakfast I drove to the Y.

Calisthenics, row and walk before showering.  The body pump and body combat classes at the Y are very popular with mature women.

After Y I headed to Panera for coffee and baguette.  Did not stay today because at 1100 we are expecting a reefer repair man.  Our fridge has been acting up lately.  We get a lot of icing.

The repair man took one look at our problem and knew immediately what was required.  He ordered a big part that will be delivered next Tuesday.  The installation of this part will solve our problem.  Or at least that is what he told us.

I did make a quick run to Meijer’s to get bananas for tomorrow.  Also filled the Fusion up.  Do not recall the price of gas.

Nancy said that her car was dirty.  The backup cameras were covered with mud making the cameras inoperable.  We drove to the nearest car wash.  A simple wash cleared up the backup cameras.

It is now 1630 and the temperature has dropped twenty degrees since morning.  Really strange weather we have been having.

Covid still dominates the news.  I sure hope we bring this outbreak under control.  Of course if the unvaccinated got their shots that would be a big help.

The Dems are still having problems passing their budget busting Build Back Better plan.  I sure hope the bill as presently structured gets a massive downgrade.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of Cheerios.  Cheerios are always good.

Did some reading before we switched to Acorn. Tonight we watched an episode of “No Offence”.  Good show.

The Courtyard was in good shape when checked before bed.  Temperature had dropped to high 30s.  Will freeze tonight.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

December 15, 2021

 Wednesday December 15, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0530.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.

I had time to do some chin-ups before heading out.  Stopped at Biggby for coffee to take with me.  It was pitch black and drizzling on my ride downtown.  I was glad the eye doctor provided me with some night vision glasses.

Very small crowd this morning.  The speaker was our neighbor Harry Jones.  His topic was his life in Real Estate.  

Headed home and then did calisthenics at 50%.  No Y today. Put on comfortable clothes and drove to Woodland Mall.  Purchased a Christmas gift for Nancy.  Also bought a coffee at Starbucks and read the local papers.

Nancy left at 1230 for the Gardens.  I got home from Woodland at 1300.  Lunch and then my Wednesday chores, trash, laundry and feed birds and deer.  Found time for an afternoon nap.

Tonight we are having dinner at Cascade Roadhouse.  We are meeting the Vances and Mastens.

Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1630.  She said they were not busy.

We left for Cascade Road House at 1700.  Glad we had reservations because the place was crowded.  

The six of us sat at a round table.  A round table is perfect for a group of six.  It makes conversation easy.  Lucky for us Wednesday is 1/2 off wine night.  We all had a glass of wine.

Tonight I had a meatloaf dinner.  It was very good.  We spent two hours in pleasant conversation.

At home we watched an episode of Madame Blanc Mysteries.  It was the last episode of the season.  Bummer I like this show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Checked the Courtyard before bed and the wind was already at 30 mph.  High wind advisory for tonight and tomorrow.  Temperature will be in low 60s at sunrise and then drop during the day.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

December 14, 2021

 Tuesday December 14, 2021

Blog time 1212 at Panera

Up at 0700.  It was cold, 27, but no wind so decided to take my bike to Y.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for a class at MVP.

Without a wind the bike ride to Y was pleasant.  Every day I see more folks at Y.  Finished routine and headed to Panera.

Just got seated at Panera when Nancy walked in for her morning coffee.  We sat and talked.  We agreed that as soon as I get home we will head to Costco.  Surprise, today it did not happen. My schedule got mixed up.

At home I showered and shaved.  Late lunch today, 1400.

Ran several errands including bank and Starbucks.

TODAY IN RH SCOTT’S HISTORY.  On December 14, 1962 US Navy Ensign Scott boarded the log flight from Midway Island NAS to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  I had ended my tour on Midway.  It lasted one year two weeks three days and thirteen hours.  I was going home for Christmas. I was one happy sailor.

It was 72 when I left Midway.  When I arrived in Alpena it was -17, but who cares.  Mother was not to happy when I told her my next assignment was Saigon.

Tonight for dinner I had a bowl of Cheerios with red raspberries. It was very good.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Shetland”.  As I have mentioned several times I like this show.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It is cold and rainy in Ca.  GR was warmer today.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Rain and mild temps overnight.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

December 13, 2021

 Monday December 13, 2021

Blog time:  I just lost my entire post so will make a speedy new one. Double bummer!!

Temperature was in 40s and sunny this morning.  Nancy has an early Doctor’s appointment so no MVP.

I biked to Y.  Did my exercise routine except no row because my bike ride is my aerobics.

Stopped at Panera for some reading.

At home showered, dressed and then drove to Woodland Mall.  Kim’s daughter works in the Mall.  I asked her if she could house sit for us in January.  She said yes.

At the Apple store I looked at watch bands.  Nancy wants a new band but could not find one that matches her existing.

Today is the 13th so stopped at Meijer’s to get a lottery ticket for Nancy.

Had a late lunch at 1500.

Feed the birds and deer.

Spent time in office reading.  At 1830 we drove to Meijer Gardens for their members only event.  Members were give the first opportunity to view the Christmas displays.

Free caramel corn was provided.  Who doesn’t like caramel corn.  Also a cash bar.  Nancy had a coke and I had a red wine.

The Christmas display were great.  The Gardens is a real jewel for GR.

We got home just in time for FaceTime calls from Debbie and Missy.  No TV or streaming tonight.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Ok.

I don’t know why but I sometimes lose my blog as I get ready to post.  Very frustrating! 

Monday, December 13, 2021

December 12, 2021

Sunday December 12, 2021

Blog time 1130 on Monday.  I am a day late.

Slept in this morning until 0730.  It was bright and sunny this morning.  Temperature was 30.

Got our morning coffee at Biggby.  I was first in line.

Oatmeal breakfast to go with the Biggby coffee.  Read the funnies before heading to Trinity Lutheran.

At church the big question was did you lose power yesterday.  It appears most member lost power.  We were lucky.

Today the church played a video of 2020 Youth Christmas program.  It very well done.  Someone in the membership has some serious video skills.

No Sunday drive today.  On our way home Nancy stopped at the  Dollar tree to get a cookie dish.  Today we are attending Nancy’s Book Club Christmas party.

We left home at 1130.  We are taking a fruit cake, cookies, ice cream and wine for the party.

Only 5 members at the Party.  The party was at the Moleski’s home.  The main food items were shrimp, strip steak, and roasted vegetables. Of course we all had wine.  For dessert we enjoyed the fruit cake, cookies and ice cream.  We spent nearly four hours eating, drinking and engaged in pleasant conversation.

Got home at 1800.  After all the food we had at the party we will forego dinner.  Watched some news and finished reading the GRP.  We watched an episode of “Shakespeare and Hathaway”.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Checked Courtyard at 2100 and  everything secure.  Super bright 1/2 moon.  It has a name that I cannot recall.

December 11, 2021

 Saturday December 11, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

We had heavy rain and wind all night.  This morning the temperature was 56, warmer than CA or Az.  High wind advisory up for the entire region.  

It was 56 when we drove to The Gathering Place for Breakfast.  A lot of tree branches down because of the wind.

The restaurant was crowded.  We had our standard Saturday breakfast, Western Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal with scrambled egg for me.  We both had raisin toast.

When we left the restaurant about 0900 the temperature had dropped about 15 degrees.

On way home we stopped at Total Wines to get a bottle of wine to take to tomorrow’s Book Club Christmas Party.  Next stop was Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd to get our free coffee.  The Panera near our Condo is closed on weekends.

At home I filled the bird feeders.  Looked in the backyard and saw that the corn on put out yesterday was uneaten.  The rain and wind must have kept the deer in a sheltered place.

Since I am going to be home bound today I needed some exercise.  Calisthenics at 50% and then rowed for ten minutes.  The electronics is not working on the rowing machine but I assume I rowed 2K.

Shaved my head and face before showering.  Quick lunch and then a short nap.

Light dinner tonight.  We watched some news until 1930.

Saturday night is movie night.  Tonight we watched “Unforgivable” starring Sandra Bullock on Netflix.  It was different.  I gave it a B+.

Missy and Debbie FaceTimed today, I think.

Check of Courtyard at 2200 and everything secure.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

December 10, 2021

 Friday December 10, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Who needs an alarm clock.  My internal clock gets me up every morning at exactly 0700.  Checked weather and it was 37.  It will be above freezing for the next week.

Today is swim day at MVP for Nancy.  She was gone by 0815.  Tonight we are going out to dinner.

At home calisthenics before breakfast.  I was debating taking the bike this morning but decided against it.  I might take a ride later this afternoon.

Every day I see more folks at Y.  Performed my normal routine, calisthenics, row and a mile walk.  Showered, dressed and motored to Panera. 

At Panera I ordered my coffee and baguette.  Spent most of my time at Panera writing yesterday’s and today’s blog. 

Headed home at 1230.  Put on bike clothes and took off on a short ride.  Started out by riding around the block.  On Charlevoix I encountered at deer standing in the middle of the road.  I was just getting my camera out when it quietly walked away.  First bike/deer encounter in several months.  Made my day.

I made a quick stop at Macatawa Bank to replenish my stock of $2 bills.  Apparently $2 bills are not in bit demand so the bank had to special order them for me.

After lunch my activities included:

Refill the bird feeder.

Put out corn for deer.

Clean up office.  Kim has a broken pelvis so she won’t be back cleaning for about two months.  Nancy and I are doing our best.

At 1700 we got in Escape and headed to Shepard’s Grill.  The place was packed.  We got the last table.

Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had a grilled Lake Perch sandwich with coleslaw.  It was great.

At home we watched an episode of “Madame Blanc Mysteries”. Great Friday night show.

It was very mild when checked Courtyard tonight.  Rain predicted for most of the night.

This evening we FaceTimed with both Debbie and Missy.  Conversation centered around an old neighbor who has been in the news lately.  

Friday, December 10, 2021

December 9, 2021

 Thursday December 9, 2021

Blog time noon at Panera

Up this morning at my default wake up time, 0700.  Sun does not come up until 0802.  

Nancy headed out at 0815 for a class at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with the Garden volunteers.

Morning temps were below freezing but a warm up is coming soon.

Today I will start Christmas shopping.  Also try and buy a fruit cake.  What is more Scottish than a Christmas fruit cake.

After my oatmeal breakfast I jumped in Fusion and drove to the Y.  The Y was busy this morning.  Folks must be starting an exercise routine to compensate for Holiday binge eating.

Calisthenics, row, and mile walk before showering.  Panera was not crowded this morning.  Bought my coffee and baguette before starting my morning read.

This and that:

Alpena News reported this morning that the High School and Middle School are closed today because of a plausible threat.  The parents of the kids making the threat should be held responsible and jailed and fined.  

Most days at Panera I talk to two regulars.  Both are Navy vets. Today I wanted to know where I should buy a fruitcake.  They both agreed on Gordon’s.  Gordon’s is across the street from Panera.  On my way home I stopped at Gordon’s and bought a fruit cake.  It looks good.

Yesterday I talked about my Great Aunt Laura Bingham’s famous fruit cake.  I was wrong she was famous for her home made Christmas Peanut Brittle.  My Sister Helen got me straight.  Aunt Laura used a special marble slab and a secret family recipe.

Before lunch I made a quick trip to Meijer’s for a special cheddar cheese.  Also filled the Fusion up.  Gas prices have dropped $0.35 in the past week.

Lunch and then put out food for deer and birds.  Got to keep the critters well fed.

This afternoon I wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.  Walked to post box to mail them. It took me 25 minutes to walk a mile.  Slow, slow, slow!

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of soup with blueberries.  Also oatmeal cookies for dessert.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She found out some information on our old neighbor. 

We watched an episode of “Murder in Paradise” tonight.  Check of Courtyard this evening proved everything ok.  

It was 35 when headed to bed.  This temperature will not drop tonight.  Above freezing temps for the next several day.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

December 8, 2021

 Wednesday December 8, 2021

Today is my easy day.  Performed Calisthenics at 50% and then dressed and walked to Panera, a distance of 0.9 miles.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her Wednesday swim at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

Ordered oatmeal, coffee and bagel.  Today was rewards day.  $1 off oatmeal, free bagel and coffee.  I took my mini iPad because of its light weight. 

I read the news and checked email before heading home at 1100.  The walk home was pleasant because I had the wind at my back.

Gathered up trash and recyclables and started laundry before lunch.  Also before lunch I made a quick trip to Meijer’s for bread, yogurt and bananas.  

Lately I have been noticing a light brown discoloring on the skin of the bananas.  The banana fruit is ok but the discoloring is disconcerting.

Continued chores after lunch.  Put out corn for deer and filled bird feeders.

I did take a short nap.  After the nap I headed downstairs to finish yesterday’s blog and start todays.

We had a light dinner tonight, blueberries, toast with peanut butter, and oatmeal cookie.  Watch some news during dinner.  We did find one unsettling report on local news about an ex neighbor.  The national news is just uninteresting.  Covid and screwed up congress is just too much.

Tonight we watched an episode of “No Offence”.  Checked Courtyard before bed and everything ok.  

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

December 7, 2021

 Tuesday December 7, 2021

Today is Pearl Harbor Day.  In 1941 the Japanese attached the Naval base at Pearl Harbor.  Massive destruction of the Pacific fleet resulted.  I was three years old at the time of the attack.

During my time in Navy I met several men who were at Pearl Harbor on the day of the attack.  How many folks today know what an impact the attack had on US history?

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  The snow had stopped, it was 17 degrees, coldest morning of the season.  After at home routine I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics, 1.1 K row and mile walk before shower.  

Every morning I have to bring my own towel.  The Y before Covid alway provided towels.  They say it is too expensive to provide this service.  I hope as membership increases they will resume providing towels.

Last week my sister, Helen, was in Florida.  She flew into Traverse City last night.  She texted that the drive from TC to Gaylord was done in blizzard conditions.  Avg speed 30 mph.  Good thing her son-in-law Sean Finnegan was driving his four wheel.  Over 2 foot of snow in Gaylord.

Left Panera early today, 1130.  At home Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco.  Purchased a big container of chicken noodle soup.  Also Cheerios and peanut butter.

Dropped Nancy off at home and then I ran errands.

Stopped at “The Cleaner Place” to pick up laundered shirts.  At Meijer’s I picked up my prescription and bought some Ensure and bagel chips.

Quick lunch and then at 1500 Nancy and I headed to the Cork at Watermark Country Club.  Porter Hills retirement community sponsored a “meet and greet” for prospective tenants.  Both Nancy and I were surprised at how many folks we knew.

Snacks and drinks were provided.  We had an opportunity to talk to folks considering a move to Porter Hills.  Nancy knew several women from the old Steketee Guild at Blodgett Hospital.  It was an enjoyable two hours.

Because of all the food we consumed this afternoon we only had blueberries and cookies for dinner tonight. Checked outside at 1800 and saw four deer feeding on corn in the backyard.   

We watched some news before switching to an episode of “Shetland”.  I like this show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We told her that one couple at the gathering this afternoon remembered her as their paper girl. They also commented that their young son had crush on her.

The Courtyard was secure when checked this evening.  Temperature will drop to low 20s tonight.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December 6, 2021

 Monday December 6, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  Temperature in low 30s with rain/snow mix.  Very windy.

At home calisthenics before breakfast of oatmeal.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for a swim at MVP.  Later she has a 1200 appointment to get her new tooth put in.  After the Dentist she is getting her Pacemaker checked.  Because of road conditions I will drive her.  

Hopped in Fusion and drove to Y.  Followed my normal routine at Y, calisthenics, 1K row and mile walk.  Showered and headed to Panera.

Coffee and baguette at Panera.  Read emails, Alpena News before heading home at 1100.  Strong winds and rain/snow mix made driving difficult.  Picked up Nancy and we headed to the Dentist.  It took about 30 minutes for the Dentist to put Nancy’s new tooth in.  It looks good.

After the Dentist we drove to Spectrum Heart clinic.  Today Nancy had her pacemaker checked.  Everything ok.

At home had a quick lunch before starting afternoon activities which included:

Filling bird feeders

Put out corn for deer.

Read the news

Finished two days worth of blogs.

No time for a nap today.

Nancy fixed bean with ham soup for dinner.  Also a bowl of blueberries.  

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive.  Nancy showed off her new tooth.

We watched an episode of “Queens of Mystery”.  A nice light show.

Check of Courtyard at 2200 showed everything secure.  At midnight I looked out our dining room window and noted three deer heading to our backyard.  With snow on ground and a bright moon visibility is great.

Temperature will drop to teens this evening.  Coldest night of the  season.

Monday, December 6, 2021

December 5, 2021

 Sunday December 5, 2021

Blog time:  this blog is being written on Monday December 6 at 1630.

Sunday was a complete lazy day.

Up Sunday morning at 0700.  It was 42, windy and drizzling.  In fact it rained all day.  Miserable day.  Except for church we stayed inside all day.

Days activities:

Coffee at Biggby.  Oatmeal breakfast

0845 Trinity Lutheran.  Today we celebrated the 125th anniversary of Trinity.

After church we headed to Meijer’s via Ada to relished supplies.

Spent the rest of day indoors.  

Read papers and took nap.

Nancy fixed me poached eggs on toast for dinner.  

No 60 Minutes tonight.

We watched the last episode of season 22 of Midsomer Murders.  

Still drizzling when checked Courtyard at 2200.

Debbie and Missy Facetimed today.

December 4, 2021

 Saturday December 4, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in office

Up at 0700 and head out to “The Gathering Place for Breakfast”.

After breakfast we stopped at dry cleaner to pick up Nancy’s sweater.  It was not ready.

Took a short ride.  Stopped at Total Wines to restock my supply. 

At Panera we got our morning’s free coffee.  Actually it is not free.  We pay $9.99 a month for unlimited coffee.

At home Nancy started laundry and I headed out on a 8.7 mile bike ride.  First time on bike in a month.  Temperature was in low 40s but still windy.  Passed a lot of walkers but no bikers.

Showered and shaved and then ran errands.  Stopped again at cleaner and picked up Nancy’s sweater.  At the Chow Hound I bought a 35# bag of corn and 15# bag of bird seed.

Put out corn and filled bird feeders before taking a nap.

Nancy’s watch went on the fritz today.  We spent time trying to reset the apps on her watch face.  Finally we called Debbie and she helped.  Still not exactly what Nancy desires.  Will make changes on Sunday.

For dinner I finished the beef dip sandwich I purchased at Schnitz’s Deli last night.  Also had a dish of blueberries.

Saturday night is movie night.  Tonight we watched an Agatha Christie movie on Netflix.  About an English PI during the 50s.  Also starred Glenn Close.  We gave it a B-.

I am finishing this blog on Monday so I cannot remember much about FaceTime folks who contacted us on Saturday. I know Debbie and also Missy, I think.  

It was misting when checked the Courtyard before bed.  Everything secure.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

December 3, 2021

 Friday December 3, 2021

Blog time 1220 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Nancy is meeting friends for coffee at 0930.  No MVP for her today.

Calisthenics and breakfast of oatmeal before driving to the Y.  We had a light dusting of snow on the ground.  Temperature was 32.

At Y I finished calisthenics, walked a mile and rowed 1K.  Showered and headed to Panera.  

Panera was once again empty and it was also cold.  I have complained several times about the lack of heat.  No action by Panera.  If not for the cheap coffee I would go elsewhere.

Arrived home at 1230.  Feed the birds and put out corn for deer before lunch.

This and that:

Several folks who regularly attend the Y use wheel chairs.  I am surprised at the clever modifications to vehicles to accommodate wheel chairs.  Everything from gull wings to expensive mobile ramps.  Most modified vehicles are pickups or SUVs.  

Weather data for the month of November indicates that we had a very average month weather wise.

An article in one of the news outlets says folks are totally turned off by news reporting.  I agree.

The attack at Oxford HS still dominates the local news.  

We left home at 1645 and headed to Schnitz’s Deli in Ada.  Arrived at 1700 and got the last table.  I had the beef dip and Nancy had a bowl of chicken rice soup.  We really enjoyed the food and atmosphere.  We gave Schnitz’s an A.

Tonight we watched an episode of Murder in Paradise.  This is a Good Friday night show.

We FaceTimed with both girls tonight.  

Check of Courtyard just before bed was uneventful.


Friday, December 3, 2021

December 2, 2021

Thursday December 2, 2021

Blog time noon at Panera

Up this morning at 0715.  Nancy headed out to a class at MVP.  I did the at home calisthenics before breakfast.  The sun was out and the temperature was in high 40s.  The wind speed was 18mph so I decided not to ride bike.  I drove to the Y.

At Y I did calisthenics, mile walk and 1,000 meter row.  Showered and then headed to Panera for coffee and baguette.  Read some news, checked email and finished yesterday’s blog. 

I thought Kim was cleaning today so I spent more time than normal at Panera.  Left Panera and headed to Woodland Mall.  Stopped at Woodland Mall to purchase a new case for my mini iPad.  Found out the super duper case I was looking at was not available for my model.  Bummer.

When I got home found out Kim had not come today.  We had a mix up on her schedule.  She comes next week.

I had a late lunch and then some chores:

Filled bird feeders

Put out corn for deer

I moved some furniture to help Kim with her cleaning.  Put the furniture back.

Nancy and I ordered some Christmas gifts using Amazon.  The gift will be delivered next Tuesday.  Folks criticize Amazon but they offer a real service.

Light dinner tonight.  News is dominated by new strain of Covid.  

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of “The Madame Blanc Mysteries”.  Easy watching.

Tonight we FaceTimed Debbie.  We had not heard from her all week.  Debbie explained how busy she is a work.  With the new Covid strain and uncertainty in manufacturing she has plenty on her plate.  Had a nice talk.  Steve and family are visiting Debbie over Christmas.  Good news, no one should be alone over the holidays.  Missy and AJ will spend Christmas in GR.

I know what it is like to spend the holidays alone.  In 1957 as a member of the UM wrestling team I was selected to go to a holiday tournament in Wilkes Barre, Pa. I was very excited. 

We were to leave Ann Arbor several days after Christmas.  Because of the long trip between Alpena and Ann Arbor I decided to stay on campus.  All the dorms were closed except one.  I got a room in the dorm.  The place was empty and after one night I got very lonely.  Next day I said the hell with it.  Took a Greyhound to Alpena.  It was Christmas Eve when I walked into the house at 2200.  My Mom and Dad were sitting in the living room playing gin rummy.  Mom said what are you doing here!  I told her I got so lonely that I had to come home for Christmas.  Spent a great holiday at home.  Several days after Christmas I took the Greyhound back to Ann Arbor.

Light snow when checked 



Thursday, December 2, 2021

December 1, 2021

 Wednesday December 1, 2021

Blog time 1040 sitting in Starbucks at Woodland Mall.

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with the 0530 alarm.  I emptied the dishwasher before getting ready for BC.  Left home at 0630 for the University Club in downtown GR.  It was pitch black with temperature slightly above freezing.  

Small crowd at BC this morning.  Our long time Secretary-Treasurer Pam McVeigh passed away last month.  The Club voted to provide a bench in her name for the Veteran’s Center in GR.  Pam was an active volunteer at the Center.

Today’s speaker was the GR Mortgage manager for Lake Michigan Credit Union.  He talked on the past and present mortgage market in GR.  It was very interesting.  Nancy has been a long time member of the LMCU.  LMCU is the largest mortgage provider in MI.

After BC I drove to Breton Village to get the Fusion washed.  After the wash I headed to Woodland Mall.  Arrived at 0930 so all the stores were closed.  Did some blog writing until until 1000.

This and that:

I do not know anyone who got their buck this year.  This afternoon my high school friend Tom Cassell called me.  We had a nice hour long talk.  Tom is a big hunter and neither he or other class mates got their buck this year.

Two BC members that sit at my table have had covid since the last meeting.  They say that they are Covid free.  Glad I got my shots.

The school shooting at Oxford, Mi high school is mind boggling. How can we prevent these shootings short of a complete ban on guns?

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.

Trash and laundry were chores I did this afternoon.

After the stores opened in the Mall I did some Christmas shopping.  Looking for a big computer monitor.

All the trees in GR are bare.  We won't see leaves until the end of April.

Temperatures in the next several days will be above normal.  Not unusual.  

In early December in 1964 I was working for my Dad in Alpena.  We had a bridge job in Big Rapids.  I was to be the on-site inspector.  After 3 years in tropics I did not look forward to working outside in a Mi winter.  So in early December I had to do some layout work.  It was 70 degrees.  I thought I can live with this.  Dumb!  We had a cold front move in next day.  The snow did not leave ground until late March.  Brr.  I never got warm.

I found time this afternoon for a nap.

We had a light dinner.  Blueberries, toast w/PB and cookies.

Tonight we watched a cop show on Acorn called “The Gulf” I think.  It is filmed in New Zealand.  Gave it a B+.

Noted when checked Courtyard at 2200 all our snow is gone.  Temperature in 40s.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

November 30, 2021

 Tuesday November 30, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  Followed my normal winter morning routine.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for her class at MVP.

I checked out back yard and saw plenty of deer track.  When we went to bed last night the corn was covered with new snow.  Their sense of smell must be great because most of the ears were stripped clean.

Drove to the Y.  This morning the Y was crowded.  I had to wait my turn at the chin-up bar.  I hate waiting.  In addition to the calisthenics I rowed 1,000m and walked a mile.  My time for the 1K row is getting better.  Showered and shaved before heading to Panera.

After Panera came home and picked up Escape.  The Escape is overdue for an oil change.  Luckily, I was in and out of the Ford garage in 90 minutes.

On way home I stopped at Bank to get money for Kim who cleans Thursday and to order a stack of $2 bills.  Also dropped my laundry off at the cleaners.

Late lunch today.  This afternoon I put out corn for deer.  The deer must be hungry because they strip the cobs clean.  

The natural food supply for birds must be diminishing.  They have been very active at our feeders.  I fill one feeder twice a day.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Also had fresh blueberries.

We watched the news before switching to BritBox.  On Tuesday’s a new episode of Shetland is released.  I give this show an A both for story and the scenery.

With the new snow I expected to see critter tracks in our Courtyard.  Tonight I saw none.  The temperature was in low 30s but no snow tonight.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She explained her Christmas flight to GR.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 29, 2021

 Monday November 29, 2021

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Up at 0700.  First thing, I did my at-home calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy left early for her Monday swim at MVP.

This evening Bob and Nancy are attending a dinner at Meijer’s Gardens.  It is suppose to be a black tie affair.  I have a tux that I bought in 1957.  Last year it fit, but yesterday I could not get the pants to fit.  Blame it on Covid diet?  I will wear a 45 year old blue suit that fits.

I drove to the Y.  Did my calisthenics, 1,000 meter row and mile walk.  Showered and drove to Panera.

Ordered my coffee and two baguettes before settling down for some serious reading.  The new Covid variant dominates much of the news.  Folks worldwide seem to be panicking.

One news story that I have not heard much about is the upcoming Winter Olympics in China.  There as been some inkling that President might boycott.  I don’t think boycotts work.

Got home from Panera at noon.  The squirrel proof bird feeder works but the squirrels keep trying.  Today I moved the bird feeder to a location that squirrels can not reach.

Before lunch I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  Picked up my MG prescription and bought some green grapes.

At 1600 Nancy and I got dressed for our dinner at the Gardens. As I mentioned earlier my tux does not fit so I wore a 45 year old navy blue suit.  My biggest problem was tying my tie.  I have not worn a tie in over 2 years so it took several tries.  Nancy looked great.

Before leaving I put out my daily allotment of corn for the deer, 7 cobs.  It was snowing hard when we left at 1700.

Luckily the Gardens provided complimentary valet service so we wouldn’t get our feet wet.  The event was well attended.  I thought I might be one of the few without a tux.  I was wrong about 50% of men wore suits.

Drinks and snacks were provided in the new entrance meeting area.  This area was officially opened this evening.  Of course several short speeches were in order.

Nancy and I were surprised at how many folks we knew.  Trinity Church and Breakfast Club members were in attendance as were several old neighbors.  

The official banquet started at 1900.  It was a sit down affair.  The main course according to the menu was “Catalan Braised Short Rib”.  We all agreed that it was nice and tender.  The salad, rice and dessert were also great.

After some boring speeches the GR Symphony performed for an hour.  They performed a great selection of music.

We left for home at 2100.  During the time we were inside about 2” of snow had fallen.  All the cars were snow covered.  Luckily the Valet service brushed them off.

This evening Missy sent us a message that she had purchased tickets to GR.  They will arrive late Christmas Day and leave for LA on Jan 4.  Missy and AJ had planned to spend Christmas in Budapest with her college roommate Audrey.  Audrey had to cancel so Nancy suggested they spend Christmas with us.

Speaking of visiting relatives we hope to spend some time this January with Debbie in San Jose.  We love Debbie’s home and her neighborhood.  Last time we visited we became attached to her new dog Violet.

Before bed I shoveled the Courtyard walks of about 2” of new snow.  Checked the backyard and saw no deer tracks so I assume the deer have sheltered in place.  

Monday, November 29, 2021

November 28, 2021

 Sunday November 28, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room

Up at 0700.  It was 27 with a nice blanket of snow on the ground.  Dressed and then drove the Escape to Biggby to get our morning coffee.

I was pleasantly surprised that our driveway had been cleared.  Tahoe Drive was not yet plowed but traffic had made a path.  Of course All Wheel drive helps.  AWD is a must in Mi.

Breakfast today of oatmeal and banana.  Also ate a bagel I had purchased at Biggby.

Nancy was worried about snow covered roads so we left for church early.  No problems.

Church was not crowded.  Today is the First Sunday in Advent.  Pastor Dan gave a 10 minute Homily.  Is it in bad taste to time the Homily?

Because of last night’s snow we did not take our normal Sunday drive through local rural areas.  Instead we headed to Meijer’s and bought some fresh fruit on sale.  

I remember as a boy that fresh fruits were not available at this time of year.  My Mother and Grandmother would can fruits in late summer so we could eat them in cold months.  Now a lot of our fruits come from South America.

To get my 20 minutes outside today I took a 1.8 mile walk.  Average pace per mile = 27’43”.  Very slow!

This afternoon was uneventful.  Lunch followed by a nap.  I did put our corn for the deer.

We had a light dinner tonight.  Toast w/peanut butter and blueberries.

We watched some of 60 Minutes this evening.  60 Minutes is getting stale.

Watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Nancy headed to bed and I finished reading the GRP. 

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Checked the Courtyard just before bed.  Everything was normal.

Just before midnight I looked out our slider and saw 4 deer eating the corn I had put out earlier.  I never tire of watching critters.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

February 27, 2021

 Saturday November 27, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

We had snow on the ground when looked out at 0700.  The temperature was in high 20s.  

This morning Nancy and I had breakfast at the Gathering Place.  On a cold morning it is great to sit down in a nice warm environment.  My biggest gripe about Panera is that it is always cold.

We took a short ride after breakfast.  We did stop at Panera to get our free coffee.  We took the coffee home.

Dropped Nancy off at home so she can start laundry.  I headed out on some errands.

Stopped at D&W to mail packages to Ca.  Next I stopped at Meijer’s for resupply.

This afternoon Debbie Facetimed.  She had purchased Hulu for us.  Debbie walked us through hooking up Hulu to our Apple TV.  TV.  Thanks Debbie.

This afternoon I mailed a short note to kids.  Walked to the postbox to mail.  It took me 37 minutes so I did get my 20 minutes outside. 

Miles walked 1.34, avg pace per mi 27’41”.  Very slow.

Watched some of the UM and MSU games.  Great to see they both won under difficult weather conditions.

It has snowed all day and we have about 1” on the ground.

Nancy fixed chicken rice soup for dinner.  It was great.

No news tonight.  We watched 2 episodes of “No Offence” on Acorn. 

The snow had accumulated about 1” when checked the Courtyard before bed.  For first time this Fall I got out the snow shovel and cleaned our walks.  I like shoveling snow.  Weird.

Visibility is increased greatly when we have a blanket of snow.  At 2345 I looked out our bedroom window and saw a big buck eating the corn I had put out earlier.  With no snow on the ground the buck would not be visible.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

November 26, 2021

 Friday November 26, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera.  

Up at 0700.  At home calisthenics before breakfast.  Breakfast and then I drove to the Y.  Nancy decided to take an easy day today.  No MVP today.

I did not take bike because the wind chill was in the teens.  

At the Y I finished calisthenics, walked a mile and rowed 1,000m.  Quick shower and then headed to Panera.  Got my coffee and baguette before settling down for some reading.  Once again Panera was not crowded.  How much longer can they hang on?

Left Panera at 1115 and headed home.  Picked up Nancy and we drove to Dick’s Sporting Goods to look at some possible Christmas gifts.

The squirrels have been robbing my bird feeder.  Our niece Jennifer Finnegan sent a photo of a squirrel proof feeder that they use.  They said it works great.  It was purchased at Tractor Supply.

We have a Tractor Supply store in Lowell. I made the trip to Lowell and bought a squirrel proof bird feeder.  It is really a slick design.  At home I took down to old feeder and put up the new.

The temperature has been dropping all day.  Winter weather advisory is up.

For dinner Nancy cooked the last of the pork loin.  It was great.

Once again we spent time on FaceTime with Debbie and Missy.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Vera.  I gave the show a B-.

Temperature had dropped below freezing when check the Courtyard just before bedtime.  It will be cold with snow tomorrow.