Monday, December 13, 2021

December 11, 2021

 Saturday December 11, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

We had heavy rain and wind all night.  This morning the temperature was 56, warmer than CA or Az.  High wind advisory up for the entire region.  

It was 56 when we drove to The Gathering Place for Breakfast.  A lot of tree branches down because of the wind.

The restaurant was crowded.  We had our standard Saturday breakfast, Western Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal with scrambled egg for me.  We both had raisin toast.

When we left the restaurant about 0900 the temperature had dropped about 15 degrees.

On way home we stopped at Total Wines to get a bottle of wine to take to tomorrow’s Book Club Christmas Party.  Next stop was Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd to get our free coffee.  The Panera near our Condo is closed on weekends.

At home I filled the bird feeders.  Looked in the backyard and saw that the corn on put out yesterday was uneaten.  The rain and wind must have kept the deer in a sheltered place.

Since I am going to be home bound today I needed some exercise.  Calisthenics at 50% and then rowed for ten minutes.  The electronics is not working on the rowing machine but I assume I rowed 2K.

Shaved my head and face before showering.  Quick lunch and then a short nap.

Light dinner tonight.  We watched some news until 1930.

Saturday night is movie night.  Tonight we watched “Unforgivable” starring Sandra Bullock on Netflix.  It was different.  I gave it a B+.

Missy and Debbie FaceTimed today, I think.

Check of Courtyard at 2200 and everything secure.

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