Monday, December 27, 2021

December 25, 2021

 Saturday December 25, 2021

Christmas Day 2021

Blog being written on December 26, 2021 at 1600. We slept in today until almost 0800.  

Temperature was in 40s.   A green Christmas in GR.  

Coffee this morning was provided by Keurig.  Fixed oatmeal with banana.  Our special treat was a scone.

This morning we FaceTimed with Debbie, Stephen, Veronica, and grandkids Lucas and Alessandra.  They are all spending Christmas at Debbie’s home in San Jose.  

Speaking of family later today, 1615, Missy and Akerke are flying in from LA.  We checked all morning and the flight was on schedule. 

It was such a beautiful I decided on a walk.  Today’s walk was 2.5 miles.  After the walk, shaved and showered and put on my Christmas finery.

Left for the airport at 1545.  I just got settled in the cell phone lot when I got a call the plane had landed.  Drove to Gate 3 and loaded Missy and AJ into the Escape.  The News media was wrong the trip went without a hiccup.

Nancy welcomed Missy and AJ with a big hug.  Nancy had been working on Christmas dinner since early this morning.  The menu included ham, mashed potatoes, string beans and for dessert pumpkin pie.

Before our Christmas dinner we opened presents.  Modern day Christmas presents tend toward gift cards.  We were no exception.

Nancy’s Christmas dinner was great.  Wine was included.  We had a pleasant time eating and talking.

We watched an Acorn detective show before everyone turning in.  Missy and AJ had some serious jet lag. 

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