Wednesday, December 1, 2021

November 30, 2021

 Tuesday November 30, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  Followed my normal winter morning routine.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for her class at MVP.

I checked out back yard and saw plenty of deer track.  When we went to bed last night the corn was covered with new snow.  Their sense of smell must be great because most of the ears were stripped clean.

Drove to the Y.  This morning the Y was crowded.  I had to wait my turn at the chin-up bar.  I hate waiting.  In addition to the calisthenics I rowed 1,000m and walked a mile.  My time for the 1K row is getting better.  Showered and shaved before heading to Panera.

After Panera came home and picked up Escape.  The Escape is overdue for an oil change.  Luckily, I was in and out of the Ford garage in 90 minutes.

On way home I stopped at Bank to get money for Kim who cleans Thursday and to order a stack of $2 bills.  Also dropped my laundry off at the cleaners.

Late lunch today.  This afternoon I put out corn for deer.  The deer must be hungry because they strip the cobs clean.  

The natural food supply for birds must be diminishing.  They have been very active at our feeders.  I fill one feeder twice a day.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Also had fresh blueberries.

We watched the news before switching to BritBox.  On Tuesday’s a new episode of Shetland is released.  I give this show an A both for story and the scenery.

With the new snow I expected to see critter tracks in our Courtyard.  Tonight I saw none.  The temperature was in low 30s but no snow tonight.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She explained her Christmas flight to GR.

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