Monday, December 20, 2021

December 19, 2021

 Sunday December 19, 2021

Blog being written on Monday the 20th at Panera, 1130

Sunday morning up at 0700. Quickly dressed and headed to Biggby to get our early morning coffee. Today is suppose to be sunny with temp in low 30s.  Sun does not come up until 0809.  Nine hours and 2 minutes of daylight.  Can’t wait for Tuesday.

Fixed oatmeal to go with coffee.  Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Church service starts at 0915.

After the service we took a short 45 minute ride to Lowell.  Stopped at Meijer’s to replenish supplies.

At home I bundled up and headed out on a 8 mile bike ride.  No wind so riding was pleasant.  I don’t ride with wind chills below freezing. A lot of folks were enjoying a Sunday walk.

Lunch and then I took a short nap.  Finished the afternoon reading today’s GRP.  Not much news I found interesting, although I was happy that the West VA Senator put a stop to President Biden’s budget buster legislation.  

For dinner tonight I had bowl of blackberries and pineapple also toast with peanut butter.  Finished off with oatmeal cookies.

This afternoon Debbie and Alessandra Facetimed.  They had a nice conversation with Nancy.  Alessandra flew up from LB to spend Christmas with Debbie.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Missy had a great video of a shark she saw on her morning beach walk.  She and AJ will head to GR on Christmas Day.  

Tonight we watched an episode of McDonald and Dodds.  We gave it a B.

Quick check of Courtyard before bed and found both cars were unlocked.  Will have to be more vigilant.  

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