Monday, December 6, 2021

December 4, 2021

 Saturday December 4, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in office

Up at 0700 and head out to “The Gathering Place for Breakfast”.

After breakfast we stopped at dry cleaner to pick up Nancy’s sweater.  It was not ready.

Took a short ride.  Stopped at Total Wines to restock my supply. 

At Panera we got our morning’s free coffee.  Actually it is not free.  We pay $9.99 a month for unlimited coffee.

At home Nancy started laundry and I headed out on a 8.7 mile bike ride.  First time on bike in a month.  Temperature was in low 40s but still windy.  Passed a lot of walkers but no bikers.

Showered and shaved and then ran errands.  Stopped again at cleaner and picked up Nancy’s sweater.  At the Chow Hound I bought a 35# bag of corn and 15# bag of bird seed.

Put out corn and filled bird feeders before taking a nap.

Nancy’s watch went on the fritz today.  We spent time trying to reset the apps on her watch face.  Finally we called Debbie and she helped.  Still not exactly what Nancy desires.  Will make changes on Sunday.

For dinner I finished the beef dip sandwich I purchased at Schnitz’s Deli last night.  Also had a dish of blueberries.

Saturday night is movie night.  Tonight we watched an Agatha Christie movie on Netflix.  About an English PI during the 50s.  Also starred Glenn Close.  We gave it a B-.

I am finishing this blog on Monday so I cannot remember much about FaceTime folks who contacted us on Saturday. I know Debbie and also Missy, I think.  

It was misting when checked the Courtyard before bed.  Everything secure.

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