Sunday, December 26, 2021

December 24, 2021

 Friday December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve 2021

Slept in until 0715.  We both debated on doing our morning exercise routine.  Exercise won.

Nancy put on her swimming suit and headed to MVP.  I had oatmeal breakfast and drove to the Y.  It was above freezing with a heavy fog.

The Y was very crowded this morning especially the classes.  First time I have seen a spinning class in months but this morning they had a full house.  Over thirty folks were in class.

I did my normal complement of exercises before showering.  Drove to Panera for a quick coffee and baguette.  I had to be home by 1130 because our handy man Randy was installing a new lock on the garage.  

With recent car thefts in the area I decided about time we got a workable garage door lock.  Randy did a great job at a reasonable price.  I feel better now that we have a secure garage,  especially when we will be gone for some time this winter.

Quick lunch and then afternoon chores.

Feed birds and deer

Filled up Escape at Meijer’s

1630 we headed out to Christmas Eve-service at Trinity Lutheran.  The Christmas Eve service was held in the main Sanctuary.  Church was jammed.  Pastor Bob gave a great Christmas Eve Homily.  All parishioners were in good mood which was great to see.  Especially glad to see so many young families in attendance.

I decided we needed a Christmas Eve treat.  Our original plan was to get a frozen custard at Culver’s but Culver’s was closed. Instead Nancy fixed a big bowl of Traverse City Cherry fudge ice cream.  It really hit the spot.

I have many pleasant memories of Christmas Eve.  One unusual memory was December 24, 1963 in Saigon, VN.  Because Vietnam was a French Colony for many years the country had a large catholic population.  The Navy provided my outfit with an apartment in downtown Saigon not far from the main Catholic Cathedral.  After Christmas Eve Mass the street in front of our apartment was jammed with families enjoying the spectacular warm evening.  It was fun to walk among the happy folks. 

No TV tonight.   We were both in bed by 2200.  Checked Courtyard before locking up.  The area outside garage was secure.  Glad to see the garage dock lock was properly engaged.


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