Thursday, December 9, 2021

December 8, 2021

 Wednesday December 8, 2021

Today is my easy day.  Performed Calisthenics at 50% and then dressed and walked to Panera, a distance of 0.9 miles.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her Wednesday swim at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

Ordered oatmeal, coffee and bagel.  Today was rewards day.  $1 off oatmeal, free bagel and coffee.  I took my mini iPad because of its light weight. 

I read the news and checked email before heading home at 1100.  The walk home was pleasant because I had the wind at my back.

Gathered up trash and recyclables and started laundry before lunch.  Also before lunch I made a quick trip to Meijer’s for bread, yogurt and bananas.  

Lately I have been noticing a light brown discoloring on the skin of the bananas.  The banana fruit is ok but the discoloring is disconcerting.

Continued chores after lunch.  Put out corn for deer and filled bird feeders.

I did take a short nap.  After the nap I headed downstairs to finish yesterday’s blog and start todays.

We had a light dinner tonight, blueberries, toast with peanut butter, and oatmeal cookie.  Watch some news during dinner.  We did find one unsettling report on local news about an ex neighbor.  The national news is just uninteresting.  Covid and screwed up congress is just too much.

Tonight we watched an episode of “No Offence”.  Checked Courtyard before bed and everything ok.  

1 comment:

Shirley Short said...

Well... what was the unsettling news?? See I do read your blog.
Shirley Short