Thursday, December 2, 2021

December 1, 2021

 Wednesday December 1, 2021

Blog time 1040 sitting in Starbucks at Woodland Mall.

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with the 0530 alarm.  I emptied the dishwasher before getting ready for BC.  Left home at 0630 for the University Club in downtown GR.  It was pitch black with temperature slightly above freezing.  

Small crowd at BC this morning.  Our long time Secretary-Treasurer Pam McVeigh passed away last month.  The Club voted to provide a bench in her name for the Veteran’s Center in GR.  Pam was an active volunteer at the Center.

Today’s speaker was the GR Mortgage manager for Lake Michigan Credit Union.  He talked on the past and present mortgage market in GR.  It was very interesting.  Nancy has been a long time member of the LMCU.  LMCU is the largest mortgage provider in MI.

After BC I drove to Breton Village to get the Fusion washed.  After the wash I headed to Woodland Mall.  Arrived at 0930 so all the stores were closed.  Did some blog writing until until 1000.

This and that:

I do not know anyone who got their buck this year.  This afternoon my high school friend Tom Cassell called me.  We had a nice hour long talk.  Tom is a big hunter and neither he or other class mates got their buck this year.

Two BC members that sit at my table have had covid since the last meeting.  They say that they are Covid free.  Glad I got my shots.

The school shooting at Oxford, Mi high school is mind boggling. How can we prevent these shootings short of a complete ban on guns?

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.

Trash and laundry were chores I did this afternoon.

After the stores opened in the Mall I did some Christmas shopping.  Looking for a big computer monitor.

All the trees in GR are bare.  We won't see leaves until the end of April.

Temperatures in the next several days will be above normal.  Not unusual.  

In early December in 1964 I was working for my Dad in Alpena.  We had a bridge job in Big Rapids.  I was to be the on-site inspector.  After 3 years in tropics I did not look forward to working outside in a Mi winter.  So in early December I had to do some layout work.  It was 70 degrees.  I thought I can live with this.  Dumb!  We had a cold front move in next day.  The snow did not leave ground until late March.  Brr.  I never got warm.

I found time this afternoon for a nap.

We had a light dinner.  Blueberries, toast w/PB and cookies.

Tonight we watched a cop show on Acorn called “The Gulf” I think.  It is filmed in New Zealand.  Gave it a B+.

Noted when checked Courtyard at 2200 all our snow is gone.  Temperature in 40s.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

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