Tuesday, December 21, 2021

December 202021

 Monday December 20, 2021

Up at 0700. We are starting Christmas week.  The wind chill this morning was below freezing so no bike.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her morning swim at MVP.  After oatmeal breakfast I drove to Y.  The parking lot was jammed.

Big crowd at Y.  However, I was lucky because no wait for chin-up bar or rowing machine.  After a quick shower I drove to Panera.  

Bought coffee and baguette to enjoy while doing morning reading.  I read the news but just cannot find anything to comment on.

After Panera I drove to Breton Village.  Purchased a Christmas gift.

At home I unloaded a 35# bag of corn from the Fusion.  25 years ago carrying 35# was easy now it is a struggle.  I put out 8 ears for the deer.  Our backyard is still a quagmire.  I have to put the corn on limited dry spots.

Quick lunch and then spent some time paying bills.  Walked to mail box to post the bills.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  

For dinner I returned to my normal Monday night fare of Cheerios with fruit.  Of course finished with oatmeal cookies.

Debbie and Alessandra FaceTimed this evening.  They seem to be enjoying there time together.  Bob and Nancy gave a positive report.

Tonight we watched the last episode of True Lies.  It was a good show.

It was below freezing with bright moon when checked the Courtyard.  Everything secure.

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