Thursday, December 30, 2021

December 29, 2021

Wednesday December 2.0, 2021

Blog time 1140 sitting in Panera

Did not get up this morning until 0715.  Today is my easy day so I performed my entire calisthenics routine at home at 50%.

I wanted to take Missy and AJ to breakfast but both declined.  I fixed oatmeal at home.

Today Missy and AJ are driving to Lansing to visit Missy’s high school classmate Steve Kozera.  They plan on leaving at 1000.  I got in the Fusion and made a quick check of the roads.  They were acceptable for travel.

I left home at 0930 and walked to Panera.  It is 0.9 miles from Condo to Panera.  

At Panera bought coffee and baguette to consume while reading and writing blogs.  Panera was nearly empty.  Not much on the news that I want to comment on.

The walk home from Panera was pleasant because I had the wind at my back.  Nancy was just leaving for her shift at the Gardens.

After lunch I:

Picked up trash and took to curb

Did a load of laundry

Feed the birds and deer.

Had a long phone call with daughter Debbie.  She is doing fine.  Apple has given their employees the week off.  San Jose has had a lot of rain lately.  All the rain should relieve the area’s drought.

Missy and AJ reported that they had a good time in Lansing visiting Steve Kozera.  Bought pizza for lunch.

Tonight for dinner we made a big dent in the leftovers from Christmas.  We finished the pumpkin pie.

For tonight’s viewing we selected a new show on Acorn called “Winter”.  I liked it but Missy and Nancy gave it a thumps down. 

Checked Courtyard before bed everything Ok.  Might get some snow tonight. Stay tuned!

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