Tuesday, December 28, 2021

December 27, 2021

 Monday December 27, 2021

Blog time 1230 sitting in living room

Up early this morning at 0630.  Morning calisthenics and then oatmeal breakfast.  

We had about two inches of snow overnight.  None of the roads in the area had been plowed when we headed out this morning.

Missy and I drove to the Y.  Missy walked the track and I did my normal weekday routine.

After the workout I showered and we headed home.  Missy has a 1330 lunch appointment with old OHHS Classmate Tanya Powell.  Now Tanya Powell-May.  

For you UM sports buffs Tanya was during her UM basketball career a leading scorer. She is also the mother of NBA star Xavier Tillman.  Missy said they had a great time reminiscing.  

As soon as I dropped Missy off at home I headed to Panera for my morning coffee and a chance to do some reading.  Got home at 1300 in time for Missy to head to her lunch appointment.

December is the time that I send my annual contributions to local charities.  Spent several hours in office writing checks.  

For dinner tonight we had ham sandwiches.  Surprised!

After dinner and the dishes I returned to office for an hour.  No TV tonight because we spent several hours in the living room talking.  Mostly about family.

Checked Courtyard at 2130 and everything was ok.

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