Friday, December 3, 2021

December 2, 2021

Thursday December 2, 2021

Blog time noon at Panera

Up this morning at 0715.  Nancy headed out to a class at MVP.  I did the at home calisthenics before breakfast.  The sun was out and the temperature was in high 40s.  The wind speed was 18mph so I decided not to ride bike.  I drove to the Y.

At Y I did calisthenics, mile walk and 1,000 meter row.  Showered and then headed to Panera for coffee and baguette.  Read some news, checked email and finished yesterday’s blog. 

I thought Kim was cleaning today so I spent more time than normal at Panera.  Left Panera and headed to Woodland Mall.  Stopped at Woodland Mall to purchase a new case for my mini iPad.  Found out the super duper case I was looking at was not available for my model.  Bummer.

When I got home found out Kim had not come today.  We had a mix up on her schedule.  She comes next week.

I had a late lunch and then some chores:

Filled bird feeders

Put out corn for deer

I moved some furniture to help Kim with her cleaning.  Put the furniture back.

Nancy and I ordered some Christmas gifts using Amazon.  The gift will be delivered next Tuesday.  Folks criticize Amazon but they offer a real service.

Light dinner tonight.  News is dominated by new strain of Covid.  

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of “The Madame Blanc Mysteries”.  Easy watching.

Tonight we FaceTimed Debbie.  We had not heard from her all week.  Debbie explained how busy she is a work.  With the new Covid strain and uncertainty in manufacturing she has plenty on her plate.  Had a nice talk.  Steve and family are visiting Debbie over Christmas.  Good news, no one should be alone over the holidays.  Missy and AJ will spend Christmas in GR.

I know what it is like to spend the holidays alone.  In 1957 as a member of the UM wrestling team I was selected to go to a holiday tournament in Wilkes Barre, Pa. I was very excited. 

We were to leave Ann Arbor several days after Christmas.  Because of the long trip between Alpena and Ann Arbor I decided to stay on campus.  All the dorms were closed except one.  I got a room in the dorm.  The place was empty and after one night I got very lonely.  Next day I said the hell with it.  Took a Greyhound to Alpena.  It was Christmas Eve when I walked into the house at 2200.  My Mom and Dad were sitting in the living room playing gin rummy.  Mom said what are you doing here!  I told her I got so lonely that I had to come home for Christmas.  Spent a great holiday at home.  Several days after Christmas I took the Greyhound back to Ann Arbor.

Light snow when checked 



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