Monday, December 27, 2021

December 26, 2021

 Sunday December 26, 2021

Nancy and I decided that since we had attended church on Friday and had family visiting that we could in good conscience forgo church today.

First thing I did this morning was drive to Biggby for our morning coffee.  I fixed oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.

Melissa and AJ slept in this morning.  At 1000 Nancy, Missy and I made a supply trip to Meijer’s.  The place was empty.  Missy likes Starbuck’s Mocha Cold Brew.  We bought two big bottles.

After we unloaded the car I but on my bike clothes and headed out on a 8.71 bike ride.  Beautiful day for a ride, bright sun, no wind and 45 degrees.   Encountered walkers but no bikers.  After the ride I took a shower followed by a nap.

This afternoon Missy and AJ are having an early dinner with Missy’s old Shawnee Park teacher, Diane Bittrick.  They had their meal at Blue Water Grill.  Missy said they had a great time.

For dinner tonight I had a ham sandwich.  We will be having ham sandwiches for the next week.  

Tonight we watched a new show on Acorn called Lovejoy.  I gave it an A and Nancy a B.

Bright moon when checked Courtyard at 1730.  Everything secure.  We were all in bed by 2200.  

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