Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December 21, 2021

 Tuesday December 21, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Up this morning at exactly 0700.  The temperature was a cold 21.  

Today is a HAPPY DAY for Bob Scott.  It is the Winter Solstice.  We now have exactly 9 hours of daylight. The days will start getting longer.  Spring cannot be far away.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for a fitness class at MVP.  I did some chin-ups at home before breakfast.  Oatmeal breakfast with banana before driving to the Y.  No bike today.  Finished calisthenics, rowed 1.1K and walked a mile before shower.

Drove to Panera

This and that

There are several women at the Y who are serious weight lifters.  I am amazed at how much they can lift.  

However, strong women is not a new thing.  Most women living on farms did heavy lifting all day long.  My Dad alway talked about the strength of his Grandmother Scott.  Great grandmother Scott could shoulder a 90# bag of grain with one hand.  Now that is strong.

I shiver when I see folks with no socks.

This year it appears folks are making a special effort to decorate for Christmas.

Does anyone buy a real Christmas tree anymore.

I would never own a car without heated seats.

In the 50s the majority of citizens lived in snow country.  So all the Christmas songs about snow seemed appropriate.  Now the majority live in warm climates and don’t have snow for Christmas.  The songs appear outdated.

After Panera I stopped at Total Wines to restock. I purchased three bottles of my favorite red blend.  In my youth my parents would purchase a case of whiskey for the holiday season.  At lot of socializing in small towns during the holidays.

 Next door to Total Wines is Bed Bath and Beyond.  I made a quick visit and noted they had on display a slick looking mop that has everything on a stick.  

With Kim in recovery for the next several months I need to mop our kitchen floor.  I dread getting a bucket, filling it with cleaning fluid and lugging the mop and bucket around the kitchen.  Tomorrow I will head back to BBB and purchase the stick.

After lunch I feed the birds.  The deer did not eat the corn I put out yesterday. I think with all the new development around us the deer are being forced out. A shame!

The Coronavirus just won’t go away.  I think we should just live with it.

Light dinner tonight.  We watched some of the news before watching two episodes of “No Offence”.  We finished the season.

During the check of the Courtyard I found I had left a car unlocked.  Our recent neighborhood news letter said that thefts of cars and catalytic converters on cars are being coming common.  We never lock our garage.  That will change with this news.

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