Wednesday, December 8, 2021

December 7, 2021

 Tuesday December 7, 2021

Today is Pearl Harbor Day.  In 1941 the Japanese attached the Naval base at Pearl Harbor.  Massive destruction of the Pacific fleet resulted.  I was three years old at the time of the attack.

During my time in Navy I met several men who were at Pearl Harbor on the day of the attack.  How many folks today know what an impact the attack had on US history?

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  The snow had stopped, it was 17 degrees, coldest morning of the season.  After at home routine I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics, 1.1 K row and mile walk before shower.  

Every morning I have to bring my own towel.  The Y before Covid alway provided towels.  They say it is too expensive to provide this service.  I hope as membership increases they will resume providing towels.

Last week my sister, Helen, was in Florida.  She flew into Traverse City last night.  She texted that the drive from TC to Gaylord was done in blizzard conditions.  Avg speed 30 mph.  Good thing her son-in-law Sean Finnegan was driving his four wheel.  Over 2 foot of snow in Gaylord.

Left Panera early today, 1130.  At home Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco.  Purchased a big container of chicken noodle soup.  Also Cheerios and peanut butter.

Dropped Nancy off at home and then I ran errands.

Stopped at “The Cleaner Place” to pick up laundered shirts.  At Meijer’s I picked up my prescription and bought some Ensure and bagel chips.

Quick lunch and then at 1500 Nancy and I headed to the Cork at Watermark Country Club.  Porter Hills retirement community sponsored a “meet and greet” for prospective tenants.  Both Nancy and I were surprised at how many folks we knew.

Snacks and drinks were provided.  We had an opportunity to talk to folks considering a move to Porter Hills.  Nancy knew several women from the old Steketee Guild at Blodgett Hospital.  It was an enjoyable two hours.

Because of all the food we consumed this afternoon we only had blueberries and cookies for dinner tonight. Checked outside at 1800 and saw four deer feeding on corn in the backyard.   

We watched some news before switching to an episode of “Shetland”.  I like this show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We told her that one couple at the gathering this afternoon remembered her as their paper girl. They also commented that their young son had crush on her.

The Courtyard was secure when checked this evening.  Temperature will drop to low 20s tonight.

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