Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 29, 2020

 Tuesday September 29, 2020

Blog time 2030 sitting in den.  Up at 0630. Nancy headed out early for her morning swim.  Chin-ups and push-ups before oatmeal breakfast.

Temp in 50s but sunny.  Rode my Bianchi bike to Y.  

We are almost nearing peak colors.  Saw three sand hill cranes in Y’s parking lot.  

It takes me 25 minutes to do my exercise routine at the Y.  Got home at 1000.  Quick shower and immediately headed to Panera.  Bought coffee and a bagel and headed back home.

Luke the estimator from Verhey arrived at 1100. It took him about 35 minutes to measure up the areas where we want carpet and tile.

Made a trip to Meijer’s for supplies, yogurt, pudding, Diet Coke, wine.   At home had a quick lunch.   

Nancy noted that the condo was cold.  Checked the thermostat and found it was dead.  Called Jacobson Heating and Cooling and they promised a service man between 1 and 5.

Spent time downstairs getting the downstairs prepared for my sister’s visit on Wednesday.  Also wrote monthly note to grandkids.  Notes are early this month because I want them to get to CA before the 4th.  Oct 4 is grandson Lucas’s birthday.

At 1500 started a walk when noted a Jacobson truck.  Turned around and headed home.  Sean, the repair man, fixed our problem.  We now have heat. This is important because morning temps for the next week are in 30s and low 40s.

Took a short nap. 

Dinner tonight was French onion soup.  Also with croissants, cottage cheese, pineapple and pudding. 

After dinner took a walk to post box to mail my October note to Grandkids.  

Tonight we watched 2 episodes of Absentia.  

At 2140 switched to the Presidential debate.  It was embarrassing!  Name calling, continued interruptions by President Trump, you would think when men reach 70 they would have gained some cool.  I cannot vote for either of these men.  A country of over 300 million and this is the best we can do.

About 0200 I looked out on our deck and saw some movement. Turned on light and saw two huge raccoons trying to get to the suet I put out for birds.  I yelled and they ran off.  Checked again an hour later and they had returned.  Tomorrow will take down the suet.  

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  She is trying to survive CA’s heat wave with no AC.  Good luck.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

September 28, 2020

 Monday September 28, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0630. Nancy quickly dressed because she is attending two early classes at MVP.

Chin-ups and sit-ups before breakfast.  It was still raining so I will drive to the Y.

All the Y’s outdoor classes were cancelled this morning.  So a number of participants worked out inside.  I still think the number of folks inside was about 50% of pre Coronavirus.

Today I added a mile walk and a short ride on a stationary bike.  

This and that”

Looks like a nasty Supreme fight is ahead.  I cringe at the prospect of USA citizens having to listen to the politicians grandstanding

The NYT articles on the President’s tax returns do not put the President in a good light.  If you are rich enough you can hire tax attorneys to help you avoid taxes.  Another reason for a minimum tax.  I thought tax returns were private.  How did NYT get the returns.  If leaked by an IRS employee he should be fired.  I do not want anyone having access to my returns.

Armenia vs Azerbaijan fight is serious and could result in regional instability.  Russia supports Armenia and Turkey supports Azerbaijan.

As soon as I got home from Panera I took my Bianchi bike to Ada Bike.  I want a smaller front chain ring to make pedaling easier.  They looked over the bike and said it is doable but there is a two week wait for parts.  I ordered the parts and headed home.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of Cheerios with croissant and cottage cheese.  After the news we watched an episode of The Sound on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched the final episode, Season 1, of the Welsh cop show.  Good ending.

Missy FaceTimed us.  Nancy was already in bed but I gave a positive.  LA is having a heat wave.  Missy has no AC so I hope they can stay cool.  

Temp in mid 50s when I checked the yard at 2200.  High temp tomorrow will not reach 60.

Monday, September 28, 2020

September 27, 2020

 Sunday September 27, 2020

Blog time 1300 in office

Both up at 0700.  Nancy heads out on a 3 mile walk.  I dress and head to Panera to get our morning coffee.

On way home Nancy called me and said she got a message from Consumers Power that our power was out.  Estimated time for turn on is1300.

Stopped at home gave Nancy her coffee.  I grabbed my iPad and headed back to Panera.  Bought oatmeal and started reading emails.  Nancy called at 0900 and said the power was back on.

Headed home and set up iPad so we could watch Trinity Lutheran’s 29th streaming service.  Hard to image that we have not been at a real live church service in 29 weeks.  I really miss it especially Communion.

After church we took down two hanging baskets. Sorry to see the end of the growing season.  We still have three pots of Asters on the deck.

Read several sections of the GRP, comics and obituary.  After I took a 1. 75 walk.  Nancy wins she is the better walker.

After the walk I got down my Bianchi bike, pumped up the tires.  Will take a ride later.

Lunch today was the oatmeal I set out at 0700 but did not cook because of the power outage. Also had white bread w/peanut butter and an ensure drink.

After lunch I finished reading the GRP.  Today the paper had a special section on the 75th Anniversary of the end of WW II.  Very interesting.  I was 7 in 1945 and can recall the events of 1945.  Iwo Jima was a major battle in 45.  7,000 US Marines were killed in the battle.  The photo of the raising of the flag on Mount Suribachi is perhaps one of the most famous photos of WW II.  No TV in 45 but we could watch the new reels showing the war when we attended the movies.

At 1500 I headed out on a 6.25 mile bike ride.  It was sunny and warm.  

Showered after the ride.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

This morning’s power outage screwed up our menus.  For dinner I had what I usually have at lunch, yogurt, croissant, pineapples and vanilla pudding.  

This evening we had three Sand Hill Cranes in the back yard.  They have been around most of the summer.  I like their distinctive call.  I just read that they winter in New Mexico.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by Call The Midwifes.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Welsh crime show “Bang”.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive report.

It was very humid when I went out at 2200.  Rain expected around midnight.  Cold tomorrow, 50s.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

September 26, 2020

 Saturday September 26, 2020

Up at 0700.  Sunny and temps already in 70s.

Walk to Panera for breakfast.

At home Nancy starts laundry.

Saturday morning chores:

Empty hanging plant baskets on deck.

Get gas at Meijer’s.  Inside the store bought pudding, yogurt, bleach.

Stopped at laundry left off shirts.

ACE Hardware bought a roll of electrical tape.

At noon started off on 8 mile bike ride.  Despite a beautiful day the trail was devoid of walkers and bikers.

It being Saturday I shaved my head and face.  Showered before lunch.

At 1400 Nancy drove to Kathi’s for the last swim of the year.  In fact it might be her last swim ever in the pool because Kathi is selling her house.

I took a nap followed by mile walk.

Spent rest of afternoon in office finishing Friday’s blog and reading.

For dinner Nancy finished her liver from Thursday.  I had a couple of Tamales from Trader Joe’s.  Very good.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive health report.

The temperature was still in 70s when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Tomorrow will be our last day with temps in 70s.  Highs in 50s and 60s next week.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

September 25, 2020

 Friday September 25, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera

We set the alarm for 0630 so Nancy could make her early class at MVP.  I turned the alarm off and decided to stay up.  

Nancy headed out before 0700.  Chin-ups/sit-ups downstairs before oatmeal breakfast.

Sunny with temps in mid 50s when left home this morning.  We are not yet at peak color but it is rapidly approaching.  Noted today a lot of daisies growing wild along the bike trail.  The Township probably because of the Coronavirus has not groomed the side of the trail this fall.  Passed 6 foot tall cattails.  Kind of nice.

Not many folks working out inside today.  Next week the weather turns foul so expect the Y to be crowded.

At home quick shower before heading to Panera. Great day to sit outside and noted every table was filled.

This and that:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the first women and Jewish person to lie in State at the US Capitol.  

After lunch Nancy and I headed to Woodland Mall.  My purpose was to purchase charging cords for the iPhone and iPad.  Apple has taken extreme precautions against the Coronavirus.  Security guards outside take your temperature and if ok tell you to stand on a circle.  Of course the circle is outside the store. An Apple employee asked what I wanted.  I told him and he entered the store to get my cords.  I paid for my purchase and never entered the Apple store.  I don’t think they would let me in to browse.

At 1700 Nancy and I drove to Bud and Stanley’s for dinner.  We met the Moleski’s.  We arrived at 1730 and the place was jammed.  We waited 20 minutes for a table.

The Moleski’s and Nancy had liver and onions.  I had meatloaf and mashed potatoes.  The food was very good.

At home we watch the news before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we continued watching Absentia.  It took a while to get up to speed.  We decided that in the future when we start a series we will stay with it to the end.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We told them what a beautiful fall we are having.  Health wise every thing is ok.

Another bright moon when I went out at 2200.  Warm weather will continue through tomorrow.

Friday, September 25, 2020

September 24, 2020

 Thursday September 24, 2020

Blog time 1740 sitting in living room

Up at 0545, turned off bedside alarm then turned off outside alarm.  Decided to go back to bed and sleep until 0630.  Did not happen, slept in until 0700.

Nancy headed out at 0700 for a swim at MVP.  Chin-ups and situps and then a quick breakfast.  It was sunny with temp at 54.  

Took the 7 mile route to the Y.  Perfect fall day.  The maples are rapidly turning bright red.  The Y had four separate outdoor classes.  The workout rooms inside the Y were empty.  

I did note that the lifeguards were undergoing some training.  Pool might open next week.

Temperature was near 70 when left Y for home.  Shaved and showered before biking to Panera.

Filled out 23&me health questionnaire.

Almost finished blog when I noted a message saying blog system not backed up.  I did not know what the message meant.  Found out when tried to post blog.  I lost all this morning’s work.  Panera had kicked me off line.  Rebooted and rewrote the blog.

Left at Panera at 1300. Lunch followed by work in office.

Decorator arrived at 1500.  She brought samples for kitchen and living room.  We were unanimous in our selection.  Estimator  will come next week to give us an estimate.

Finally found time to read the WSJ.  

Finished the afternoon with a walk.

Transfer of power after election is the the big news story today.  President Trump must leave immediately after the election results determine he has lost.

Dr Fauci says masks still needed even after vaccine.

China actions in Hong Kong and Tibet show a very repressive regime.  I am surprised Democratic countries have not united to censure China.

For dinner we finished the chicken noodle soup.  Also had cottage cheese and croissant.  Vanilla pudding for dessert.

Nancy looked out our living room slider and saw a deer.  In fact she saw three deer.  The two rapidly maturing fawns and their mother.  We had not seen them in a month.  Great to see they are doing well.

After the news we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  These episodes go on forever and ever.

Noted a bright orange half moon when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature was still in low 60s.  80 expected tomorrow.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

September 23, 2020

 Wednesday September 23, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Woke at 0645, headed downstairs and did calisthenics at 50%.  Today BC is again on Zoom.  I was just in time for the 0730 start.  Seventeen members were in attendance.  This is about 50% of normal.  I think Zoom is a turn off for the older members.

Today’s speaker was the Chief Operating Officer for Opera GR. She gave a great speech.  I don’t know what Opera GR pays her but she is worth every penny and probably more.  Opera GR had survived quite nicely during the pandemic.  A lot of innovation, I was impressed.

After BC I hopped on bike and headed to Panera.  No time for breakfast this morning so I ordered coffee, oatmeal, yogurt and a croissant.  Mixed the yogurt with oatmeal.  It was good but not as good as at home.

Read news and my emails before heading back home.  Dropped off back pack and headed out on a easy ride.  Easy ride means no steep climbs.  Total bike miles 9.5.  Great day for a ride.  Another sunny day with temps heading to mid 70s.

Shower and then lunch.  Easy Wednesday so I did a load of laundry and took out trash.  

Afternoon activities:

Short nap

Mile walk 

This and that;

Hunter Biden and his activities in Ukraine and Russia are being mentioned on Fox News.  How soon will NBC, CBS and ABC comment? 

Sad to hear of the passing of Gayle Sayers.  The first time I saw him was in 1965. We were living in Redwood City, Ca and the 49ers were playing the Bears.  Sayers destroyed the 49ers.

Read Ruth Ginsberg’s bio.  Very impressive, a real pioneer.

This month must be dedicated to Women rights.  I once asked my mother why she did not teach after her marriage.  She said married women could not teach.  Nancy’s Grandmother Patton was a real pioneer.  She was a medical doctor.  She was ostracized by men MDs.  The only time she got work was during the World War when all the MDs were in the service.  Nancy’ sister was in the first graduating class that allowed women at Harvard Business School.

I told myself that my teeth and jaw are sufficiently healed.  I had a bowl of Cheerios for dinner.  Tasted great.

After the news we watched what we thought was the final episode of The Sound.  Unsatisfactory ending.  Checked and found out they will add a new episode every Monday.  Stay tuned.

Bright half moon when I checked outside at 2200.  Temp in mid 60s but will drop to mid 50s by morning.  Temp might reach 80 tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September 22, 2020

Tuesday September 22, 2020

Blog time 1220 at Panera

I bounced out of bed at 0630.  Nancy has a later class this morning so she stayed in bed.  At noon she is meeting fellow volunteers at the Gardens for lunch.

At 0930 the Fall Equinox occurs.  Equal hours of sun and dark.  GR will go from 12 hrs Sun and dark today to 9 hours of sun on Dec 21.  Gloomy

Breakfast and both Nancy and I headed out.  The sun was hazy from the western fire smoke. It was cool with temperature in mid 40s. 

I thought I could smell the smoke. Checked with weatherman at Y and he said yes I was smelling smoke.  Kind of scary.

On my ride today I did not see any turkeys, deer or robins.  Traffic is beginning to increase on Cascade Road, especially school buses.  I did see more road kill especially raccoons.  Is this due to increased traffic?

The Y has been running body fit type classes outside.  They are well attended, 90% female, despite the temperature being in the 40s and 50s. I shiver when I see participants wearing tees and shorts.  

I am about the only person at the Y who is not lifting weights.  Some very hard core lifters.  Several men were deadlifting 350+ pounds.  The folks exercising inside the Y are about 90% male.  Is this the new normal?

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Today I am taking my laptop to Panera to see if it can replace the iPad.

The laptop works fine but the graphics are not as good as the iPad and with no touch screen makes maneuvering cumbersome.   I will stick with the iPad as my preferred computer.

News today still is dominated by weather, Coronavirus and Presidential politics.  I am already suffering from political ad overload.  Stop already!

Got home at 1300.  Lunch and then got in Fusion and drove to Staples to buy another crate for storing clothes.  Maybe I will finally get organized.

This afternoon:

Took a short nap

Paid bills

Took a mile walk.

This evening Nancy fixed a cod dinner from Trader Joe’s.  Very good.

Watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Watched another episode of The Sound.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of Welsh Cop show “Bang” on Acorn.  

The temperature reached mid 70s today but at 2200 had dropped to 50s.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

September 21, 2020

 Monday September 21, 2020

Blog time 1212 at Panera

Up at 0645.  Nancy took a short mile walk before heading to MVP for morning class.  I did my chin-ups and pushups before breakfast.

The sun was up when I left home at 0810.  It was 42 but I now know how to dress for my 7 mile bike ride to the Y.  No turkeys or mammals today.  The maples are starting to show bright red colors. 

The Y was not crowded.  I think having to wear a mask and no showers are encouraging folks to work out at home.

At home showered and then headed to Panera.  Drank my coffee, read news, emails and finished yesterday's blog. Got home at 1300.  

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I got in Escape and drove to Meijer's.  I picked up prescription.  The cost of the prescription that I have been taking for many years increased this year from $25 to $37.50.  We also bought white bread, yogurt, suet for birds and tooth paste.

At home Nancy and I filled up Escape's back end with 6 big bags of unwanted clothes.  She is giving the clothes to a friend whose church will distribute them.

I took the Fusion to D&W gas station for a fill up.  Gas was less than $1.60.  Next stop was Fox Ford.  Needed a new battery for the Escape's key.  Also ordered mats for the Fusion's trunk.

Stopped at Home Depot and bought safety glasses to use when riding my bike.  Safety glasses will protect eyes from pebbles thrown up by passing cars.

This and that;

The Stockmarket continues to tank.  Folks in the know say it is because of discouraging news on the Coronavirus.

Schitt’ s Creek big Emmy winner.  Nancy and I watched an episode and thought it was geared to young folks.  We thought it stupid.

Hurricane heading to Gulf Coast before they have chance to clean up from last storm.  Residents must feel snake bit.

The western forest fires continue.  Weather folks say the smoke plume will be over GR tomorrow.

The UK and EU are having a surge of new cases of the Coronavirus.

Russia says their vaccine is ready for use.  Would you use the Russian vaccine?  

Finished the afternoon with a short nap followed by a walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on a waffle.  Also blueberries and cottage cheese.

After the news we watched an episode of The Sound on Acorn.  Both Debbie and Missy Facetimed us this evening.  

Checked outside at 2200.  The temperature will drop to mid 40s tonight.

Monday, September 21, 2020

September 20, 2020

 Weekend update for WE Sunday September 20, 2020

Saturday September 19, 2020

Blog time 1750 sitting in office.

It was a cold 34 when we got up.  Bundled up and walked to Panera for breakfast.  It was cold but the sun was bright.

As soon as we got home Nancy started doing the laundry.  I got on my bike and took an 8 mile ride.  Today I took my normal weekday ride, backwards. It is easier backwards.

It being Saturday I shaved my head and face before showering. I noted a new barber shop within walking distance of the condo. I think I will check what their cost would be for shaving my head.

Lunch and then we got in the Fusion and drove to Pier One store on Alpine Ave.  It has been months since we have been on Alpine.  The traffic on Alpine was much more congested than 28th St.  Wasted trip the Pier One store had closed.

At home took a short nap before finishing yesterday’s blog.  For dinner tonight we finished the meat loaf.  After the dishes I took a .66 mile walk.  

We started watching a movie on Prime.  It was terrible so we turned it off.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Every one is ok.

Clear skies tonight.  The temperature will drop to mid 40s.

Sunday September 20, 2020

Sunday’s blog being written on Monday.  

Both up at 0700.  Nancy headed out on a walk.  Quick shower, dressed before heading to Panera to get coffee for breakfast of oatmeal and croissant.

Set up my iPad and this morning we watched the 28th streaming service for Trinity Lutheran. Hard to imagine that we have been watching church at home for over six months.

Read several sections of the GRP and checked Friday’s football scores for Alpena High and Ottawa Hills.  Both teams suffered big defeats.  

At 1130 for we drove to Tom and Linda Moleski’s for a noon brunch.  Tim Mask and Mary Namey were also guests.  We had meatballs, small sausage, shrimp and cheese/crackers along with wine.  It was good.

We sat outside on a beautiful sunny day.  After an hour in the sun I took off my sweater.  Even got my face sunburned.

Got home at 1500 and took a mile walk.  Only exercise today.

For dinner I had yogurt and white bread with peanut butter.  Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  Watched also some of Emmy show.  

At 2100 Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched episode 5 of Welsh crime show Hidden.  

Stars were out bright at 2200.  Temp will drop to mid 40s tonight. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

September 18, 2020

Friday September 18, 2020

 Blog time 1200 at Panera.

Up this morning at 0645.  Sunrise today at 0725.  It was cold outside 42.

For the first time in 6 months Nancy is going swimming.  I did some chin-ups and sit-ups before breakfast.  

I dressed warm for my 7 mile ride to Y.  I was comfortable except for my hands.  I wore gloves but my fingers always get cold.  Will switch to mittens next cold morning.

Check in at the Y and did my morning routine which takes about 25’.  Fewer folks inside today than previous days.  They did have a well attended out door class.  I shivered when saw folks I tees.

Biked home.  Decided that I did not work up a sweat so grabbed my iPad and bike to Panera.  Will shower when I get home.

This and that;

Sound advice from experts, wear a mask and get flu shot.

It must be generational, all the fuss about TikTok.  I have never seen it.

The EU is experiencing an uptick in Coronavirus cases.

I will be first in line when a vaccine become available.

Believe it or not but the UK want President Trump to win.  President Trump wants a USA/UK trade deal.  Biden is not a free trader.

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Lunch today as on most weekdays was Light and Fit yogurt, blueberry, with added plain yogurt, white bread with peanut butter, a vanilla pudding cup and an ensure.  

Spent most of the afternoon in the office just reading and catching up.  At 1600 the designer from Verhage Carpets stopped by to look at the upstairs area we want carpeted.  We also want an estimate on replacing the linoleum in the front hall and kitchen with tile.  This is a project that has been on Nancy’s wish list for several years.

I finished the afternoon with a mile walk.  For dinner we finished the chicken noodle soup. Also had cottage cheese and a scone.

Watched the Brook and Shields debate on PBS.  Just judging by the comments of David Brooks a conservative reporter for the NYT, President Trump is doomed in November.

Tonight we watched two episodes of a New Zeeland mystery on Acorn.  It is called The Sounds.  I liked it.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch a Welch crime show I started this week.  I immediately fell asleep and slept through two episodes.  

When I checked the front yard at 2300 the stars were out bright and clear.  Frost warnings are up with temps dropping to low 30s.

Friday, September 18, 2020

September 17, 2020

Thursday September 17, 2020
Blog time 1630 sitting in office

The alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy has another early class at MVP.  After some chin-ups I have breakfast and head out on my 7 mile ride to the Y.  It was 55 and sunny.

Saw no critters on the ride this morning.  Also noted the number of walkers and bike rides has declined substantially since Labor Day.

The Y has a standard welcoming procedure in place.  They take my temperature and ask some Coronavirus related questions.  I think I have had my temperature taken more times in the last 6 months than my previous 82 years.

The Y is not using any of their indoor sessions room.  I did see a well attended exercise class outdoors. The majority of folks using the indoor facilities are men.

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  I have a 1300 appointment with the oral surgeon so no bike to Panera. I took the Fusion.

At Panera I only had time to finish yesterday’s blog and read my email before heading out.  Quick lunch and then headed to the Dr Jesin’s office.  Today Dr Jesin inspected the area around my implants and said they are healing nicely. 

He laid out a plan.  On Oct 20 he will take more xrays and impressions.  This data will be used to make the permanent denture.  Two weeks later I will visit Dr Lambert my primary care dentist.  Dr Lambert will remove the temporary denture and bolt in my permanent denture.  The permanent denture is made of much stronger material that will allow me to eats apples and hard candy.  I will remain on the soft diet until mid November.  The upside to the soft diet, I have lost weight.

On way home I stopped at Meijer’s to replenish soft diet items like pudding and yogurt.  I bet my cholesterol has increased since the soft diet heavy on dairy products.

This afternoon Nancy and friend Carol Masten took a walking tour of the Gardens.  She said the Gardens had all their fall flowers in bloom.  They especially liked the display of huge pumpkins.

I found time this afternoon for a nap.  Followed the nap with a mile walk.

For dinner we headed to Brann’s.  Too cold to sit outside.  Nancy had a frozen margarita with cherry chicken salad and I had a glass of red wine and bowl of chili.  The food at Brann’s is always good.

We got home in time to watch Jeopardy.  On Apple TV we watched another episode of Wycliffe.  

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She said AJ is adapting to virtual school.  The air quality index is improving.

The Stars were out bright and clear when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to low 40s this evening.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

September 16, 2020

Wednesday September 16, 2020

Blog time 1215 at Panera

Set the alarm for 0630 so Nancy could make her 0730 class at MVP.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  I take it easy on my exercise routine.

After breakfast I took the short route to the Y, 5 miles.  Temperature was 55.  The sun was a bright orange.  Asked a Weatherman at the Y what caused the color.  He said it was smoke from the fires out west. Wow!

Like yesterday I noted several flocks of Turkeys feeding.  They are not shy.  I think that Is because dogs are leashed.  They have no predators and feel safe.

The Y was not crowded.  A sign at the door said maximum capacity 245. Today they had 25 folks max.

This and that:

News report said Pensacola had 24” of rain over night.  Major devastation.  How do you design infrastructure for this event.  The normal standard is the 100 year storm event.  Last night’s rain was well above this standard.

Japan now has 80,000 folks over the age of 100.

Normally on my morning ride down Cascade Road I encounter a steady stream of school buses.  Not this year.

President Trump is his own worst enemy.  If he just said nothing his poll numbers would go up.  The political ads on TV are getting nastier.

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Lunch and then started chores.  Did a load of laundry.  Took out the recyclables.  

I recently purchased a bike rake for the garage.  Today I spent over almost 2 hours hanging the rack.  I am such a klutz.
The bike rack episode wiped me out.  Took an hour nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  She modified Trader Joe’s soup by adding more broth and chicken.  Very good.  Also croissants, cottage cheese and vanilla pudding.

After the news we watched an episode of Wycliffe.  It was a pleasant 68 when I checked outside at 2200.

Missy FaceTimed the evening.  She got a hit on Ancestry telling her she had several first cousins.  I am on Ancestry and did not get a hit.  Conclusion it has be Nancy’s relatives.  Missy did some more checking and sure enough it was the Patton tree.  Missy will continue checking but we think it is probably the grandchildren of Nancy’s uncle or aunt.  

80,000 folks in Japan over 100

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

September 15, 2020

Tuesday September 15, 2020

Blog time 1717 sitting in office

Up at 0630.  Chin-ups and sit-ups before breakfast.  Breakfast and at 0800 I start my 7 mile bike ride to the Y.  It was cool, 49, but sunny.

Nancy got up around 0730.  Today is her first day back at MVP.  She is taking a Healthy Lifestyle class.

This morning I encountered two flocks of Turkeys.  They must be out getting fat so they can survive the upcoming winter.  They are a fun bird to watch.  Ben Franklin wanted to make the Turkey our national bird.  I agree.

Speaking of birds most of our Robins have either left for the south or are in hiding.  I have not seen one recently.  Talk about a fair weather friend.  Maybe we should make the Turkey our State bird instead of the Robin.

The Y was not crowded today.  I don’t think there were more than 15 folks working out.

After working out I pedaled straight home.  Shave, showered and changed clothes before heading to Panera.  I arrived at 1100 and counted only four folks.  

I ordered coffee and a croissant.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read my email.  Did not have time to read the news because this afternoon Nancy and I have some errands to run.

Left home at 1300 and our first stop was Huizenga’s Greenhouse.  Every fall Nancy buys big pots of Mums to sit on our deck.  We were surprised that only a few pots were available.  Stay at home folks must be beautifying their homes. Huizenga’s had record sales this year.

Next stop was Costco.  We had a big list.  We headed first for the paper towels.  We got the last roll.  Also got peanut butter, mini-naans, chicken noodle soup, dish washer soap and a fleece blanket for me.  Could not find disinfecting wipes or 409 spray cleaner. 

After we unloaded the car and put the plants on the deck I took a nap.  Nancy drove to Harvest Bakery and bought a loaf of her favorite whole grain bread.  My soft food diet excludes whole grain bread.

After the nap headed downstairs to the office.  Paid some bill, read the news and started this blog.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. I had mine on a waffle.  I love eggs.  Are they still out of favor with the food police?

Tonight we watched the news.  Fires, Coronavirus and hurricanes dominates.  News folks are still going bananas interviewing Robert Woodward on his new book on President Trump.  I don’t think the book contains anything we did not already know.  

This being Tuesday we planned on watching NCIS after Jeopardy.  NCIS was not on so we switched to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched the final episode of season 1 Young Wallander.  I like this show.

Checked outside at 2200 and everything ok.  Temps will drop to mid50s tonight.  Mid 50s are great.  Not too hot or too cold.

Talked to both Debbie and Missy tonight.  The air quality index in CA is almost off the charts.

All the California politicians are putting the blame for the fires on climate change.  I certainly think Climate Change is a contributing factor but so is proper forest management.  

During the depression FDR created the CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps.  CCC recruited young men to work on natural resource projects.  In Alpena a CCC camp was built. It was not unlike an Army barracks.  The CCC workers in our area lived in the camps.  They cleared fire trails in the forest to prevent fires spreading.  A good program.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

September 14, 2020

 Monday September 14, 2020

This morning I overslept.  Wanted to get up at 0630 but did not get up until 0700. Nancy was heading out on her morning walk.  

Today after 6 months I will be able to do my calisthenics at the Y.  Quick breakfast and then pedaled the 7 miles to the Y.

It was a cool 52 when I started my ride.  Fall is fast approaching.  Noted several maple trees in full color.  Fallen acorns and walnuts make biking hazardous.  

The Y has all sorts of new rules, masks, 6’ separation and must wipe down all equipment after use.  On checkin they took my temperature and asked me several health questions.

I did my calisthenics and took a 0.4 mile walk.  Total time at Y 30’. The locker rooms and showers are closed.

At home I showered and quickly dressed.  Got to Panera at 1100.  My goal is to arrive at 1030.  

Other signs of fall.  The Alpena News reported on the start of Youth deer season.  Young folks under 16 have two special days for deer hunting.  Of course they must pass a firearms safety class first.  Bear season is also underway.

Arrive home from Panera at 1300.  First business before lunch was to change a light bulb in our hall chandler.  Needed a step ladder to reach the bulb.  Probably not a good idea for an old guy.

Lunch and then ran errands.  I was give new floor mats when I purchased the Fusion.  I put them in before driving to Ada Bike.  I am looking for a simple bike rack for the new Fusion.  Ada bike did not have any racks.  In fact their supply of new bikes and bike accessories were non existent.  Bike shops have thrived during the pandemic but are now having serious problems restocking.

I stopped at Meijer’s to replenish my vanilla pudding and ensure stock.  Also filled up the Fusion.

Spent most of the afternoon reading the news.  I did check my bank accounts and found I had sufficient funds to pay two major bills.  Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed the frozen Cod dinner she purchased at Trader Joe’s.  It was very good.  Also had croissants and cottage cheese.

The weather dominated tonight’s new.  The forest fires along the west coast are the worst I have ever seen.  Total destruction of entire communities.  

The hurricane heading towards Louisiana might create rainfalls exceeding 24” in 24 hours.  I witnessed 18” of rain in 24 hours in Vietnam and the resulting damage. The heaviest 24 hour rain I have seen in MI was 6” and it washed out bridges and roads.

The TV weather folks said that our cloudy conditions today are the result of the forest fires.  Don’t mess with Mother Nature.

We switched from the news to Jeopardy at 1930.  Who needs more gloomy news.  After Jeopardy we watched several episodes of Young Wallander.  

Temp in low 60s when checked outside at 2200.  It will be a cool 46 when we get up tomorrow.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  Lately she has been having a lot of evening meetings.

Monday, September 14, 2020

September 13, 2020

 Sunday September 13, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630 this morning.  It was raining so Nancy postponed her morning walk.  She made a quick trip to Meijer’s before church.

I dressed had breakfast and brought my iPad upstairs.  We watch Trinity Lutheran’s streaming service on my iPad.  We sit on the couch and I put the iPad on a small computer table in front of us.

Before the service I made a trip to Meijer’s to fill the Escape up. Stopped at Panera on way home to get coffee for us.

Today’s service dealt with forgiving.  This is a message our citizens should incorporate in their daily lives.

After church spent time reading the GRP.  At 1130 I headed out on a short 7.5 mile ride.  It is the 13th so I stopped at Meijer’s to buy a lottery ticket.  Also bought vanilla pudding cups.  Got home from the ride at 1300.

Lunch and then I took a short nap.  Remaining activities this afternoon:

Finished reading the GRP and the headlines on my iPad.

Took a 1.33 miles walk.  

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I also had blueberries and several pieces of spinach pie.

This evening we watched 60 Minutes.  Finished our evening TV by watching two episodes of Young Wallander.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We both gave positive health reports.

Every evening near 2200 I make a check of our front yard and the garage.  Want to make sure the cars are secure and garage door is closed.  Occasionally I encounter a deer in the front yard.  Everything ok this evening.

I remember when I was young and staying on my Grandparents farm.  Every evening my job was to walk down to the chicken coop and make sure the doors were closed.  Many foxes in area and if they found an open door they would have a feast.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

September 12, 2020

 Saturday September 12, 2020

Slept in until 0715 this morning.  I blame my late wake up to our shorter days.  Today we have 12hr 37” of daylight.  Sunrise 0718.  

The temperature was 59 when we headed out on our Saturday walk to Panera.  Too cold to sit outside, bummer.  I had oatmeal,  croissant and coffee.  Nancy just had her morning coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry. Later she will make a quick drive to D&W to get cottage cheese for dinner.

On Monday the Y opens with strict rules.  Decided this morning to make a dry run.  I will bike to the Y, do my workout and then use a different route home.  At home I will shower and then bike to Panera.  

Today I pedaled 3.5 mile to Y.  The route home was 7 miles.  Total bike time 1hr30”.  Assuming my Y time is an hour and then 30’ for a shower I will be lucky to get to Panera before 1100.  1100 is the absolute latest time for Panera.  Some adjustments will be needed.

Today is Saturday so in addition to shaving my face I also shave my head before showering.  I worry that if like most old men I develop tremors.  A trembling hand will make shaving difficult.  Do I then go to a barber?

Speaking of barbers.  One of the luxuries my Grandfather Hughes enjoyed in retirement was getting a barber shave. 

Spent several hours before lunch putting away summer clothes and bringing out the cold weather clothes.  Also discarded some clothes I no longer wear.  Nancy’s friend will take the clothes and her church will distributes to folks in need.

Lunch and then I spent the afternoon in my office reading.  The election and coronavirus still dominates.  

I did read an article on the Ottoman Empire I thought interesting.  It was about the early Ottomans.  In their time the Ottoman’s were a dominate force in the world.  Turkey’s President Erdogan is modeling his regime after the early Ottomans.  

No nap this afternoon.  At 1700 I took a 3/4 mile walk.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed meatloaf with mashed potatoes.  Also had cottage cheese and croissants.  Good.

This evening we watched a new show on Acorn. It was called Public Enemies.  Kind of grim.  Will watch another episode to see if it improves.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched a Polish murder mystery.  I fell asleep two minutes in.  

It was raining when I checked the front yard at 2200.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  The fires still rage in CA.


Saturday, September 12, 2020

September 11, 2020

 Friday September 11, 2020

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room

September 11, 2001 do you remember what you were doing on the day of the attacks.  I certainly do.  I first saw it on the TV at the MAC athletic club.  When I got to the office the staff was watching on our small TV.  This event I will always remember.  Other events I remember vividly are VJ Day in 1945.  The assassination of JFK.  Also remember the Gulf of Tonkin attack in 1964.

After my morning calisthenics I had breakfast and then headed out on my bike ride.  It was cool and gloomy but any day I can ride is a good day.  Today I rode 12.5 miles which is longer than my normal weekday ride.  

After I showered and dressed I drove the Fusion to Panera.  I got a coffee and just read some headlines. Left at 1130 and picked up Nancy and drove her to Book Club. Book Club starts at 1200 and ends at 1400.

I had two hours to runs some errands.  Stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods to see their selection of sweat shirts.  Nothing I liked.

Next I stopped a Staples and bought a storage crate.  Need more storage for my winter clothes.

Final stop was Meijer’s.  Bought vanilla and chocolate snack packs, yogurt and wine.  

Dropped my purchases off and headed back to Book Club.  I arrived at 1400 and had to wait less than a minute.  We drove to Breton Village.  I visited Orvis and Fitzgerald’s.  No purchases.  

Nancy looked in Lululemon and Talbots.  She made no purchases.  

At home I headed downstairs to finish yesterday’s blog and start this blog.  Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a Trader Joe’s chicken pot pie.  Also had cottage cheese.  Good.

We watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Acorn.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  

It was cool when I made my outside check at 2200.

Friday, September 11, 2020

September 10, 2020

 Thursday September 10, 2020

Blog time 1230 sitting in Panera

Boy did I sleep in today.  Nancy gave me a good morning kiss at 0710 as she was heading out on her morning walk.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

Calisthenics this morning at 100%.  Breakfast and then headed out on a 11 mile bike ride.  This morning encountered a big flock of Wild Turkeys.  It was gloomy with temps in 50s.  I was bundled up.

At home I shaved and showered.  Got back on bike and headed to Panera.

This and that;

Wildfires in Ca and Coronavirus dominates the new.

Will the folks trying to oust the Dictator in Belarus be successful?  The citizens need a change.  Lukashenko has been in power for nearly 30 years.   The citizens are crying for democracy.  Will Putin save him?

President Trump told Bob Woodward that he downplayed the seriousness of the Coronavirus because he did not want to panic folks.  The news media is having a hissy fit.   The goal of not overly alarming folks is what every leader should strive for.  

Folks wanting a medical system like the UK’s should read The Telegraph.  They had a recent article that folks needing surgery had to wait over a year.

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Nancy had already left for the Gardens.  Lunch and then I took a quick nap.  After the nap I headed downstairs for some more reading.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Brann’s.  Started the evening with a drink, Margarita for Nancy and red wine for me.  For dinner Nancy had a cheese sandwich.  I had a bowl of white chicken chili.

At home watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to netflix.  Tonight we watched another episode of Young Wallander.  

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She has fixed AJ’s room up so it is better for virtual learning.  

It was raining and cool, 59, when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Low tonight 51 but a warmup tomorrow.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

September 9, 2020

 Wednesday September 9, 2020

Blog time 1025 sitting in Panera

Up at 0600.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Lately our meeting have been held on ZOOM.  Today we had 20 members in attendance.  The speaker was from Dwelling Place and she described their mission of providing low cost housing.  They manage over 30 structures.  Today’s Zoom presentation had some technical problems, mainly sound quality.

After BC I got in Fusion and drove to Panera.  It was still raining.  In fact it rained hard all night.  Should clear up after noon.  

This and that:

Signs of fall are all over the place.  The leaves are turning.  Noted the squirrels are very active.  They are picking up fallen acorns and walnuts and squirreling them away.  No pun intended.

For first time since March I turned on the heat to take the chill out of the house.

The Coronavirus has dominated the news but NE Mi has some serious drug problems.   Recently the Alpena News has been reporting on this problem.

Checked what my Great Grandfather Sanborn was doing on this day in 1938.  He picked potatoes in the morning and in the afternoon attended the last day of the Alpena County Fair.  The county fair was a big deal in 1938.

I remember in 1952 starting HS.  All freshman attended an assembly.  We were told the rules.  I remember that guys got three day excused absence for bird hunting and another three days for deer hunting.  Girls were not offered this privilege.

However, boys and girls got 5 days excused absence for potato picking.  Seems fair!

Classes taken, Latin, english, general science, algebra, physical education and I think one other class.

The rain had stopped at noon.  At 1220 headed out on a 8.8 miles bike ride.  The temperature was still in the 50s so I bundled up.

Lunch and headed to office to pay some bills.  First time this fall I turned on electric heater in the office.

No nap today. I did take a 0.8 mile walk.  My mile pace was 25’23”, really, really slow.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a frozen salmon dinner we purchased at Trader Joe’s.  Very good.  Also had cottage cheese, toast and a chocolate pudding cup.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of the Young Wallander.  I liked it Nancy not so hot.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the final episode of the Finnish show Deadwind.  I like the show.

It was cool and misting when made my 2200 check of the front yard.  Missy and AJ FaceTimed us this evening. AJ had spent the weekend at a friends cabin in Big Bear, Ca.  They were heading home.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

September 8, 2020

 Tuesday September 8, 2020

Blog time 1215 sitting in dining room.

Up at 0630.  It was raining and 52.  Rained most of the night.

Did my calisthenics at 75% before shaving and showering.  No bike ride this morning.  Our financial guy is stopping by at 1000.

Quick breakfast of only oatmeal.  Drove to Panera to get my free coffee.  

Our meeting with Jim Marosi from Wells Fargo Advisors started at 1000.  Nancy provided scones and coffee.  Bottom line from the meeting,  Nancy and I are ok financially, at least for the next 6 months.

After the meeting I got in the Fusion and ran errands.

First stop was Macatawa to get money for Kim and the Grandkids.

Stopped at the Ford dealer to see in the Fusion had the feature to unlock the car just using my hand.  It does not.

Stopped at Joan’s fabrics to buy a clothes marking pen.  Actually it was just a sharpie.

At Meijer’s bought wine, yogurt and mini naan.

Quick lunch and then some more time on iPad.

This afternoon Nancy has an appointment to see Dr Kutsche.

This afternoon I took a quick nap.  My sleep was interrupted by a phone call from Nancy’s friend, Kathi.  I told her Nancy was at the Doctors.  Ended up talking to Kathi for 45 minutes.

Nancy was given a clean bill of health by Doctor Kutsche.  Good news!

At 1700 put on my raincoat and took a two mile walk.  My aerobic exercise of the day.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pasta.  I had mine with toast and cottage cheese.  For dessert I had chocolate pudding.

Tonight was the start of the fall TV schedule.  After the news we watched Jeopardy followed by NCIS.

After NCIS Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched an episode of Deadwind on Netflix.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  It is still hot in CA and the forest fires have pushed the air quality index off the chart.

It was 55 and threatening rain when I checked our front yard and garage at 2200.  Rain tonight and tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

September 7, 2020

Monday September 7, 2020

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

HAPPY LABOR DAY, 2020;  the end of summer and the start of school and the fall season.  Put away the seersucker shirts and jackets and break out the flannels.

I cannot recall any thing special we did on Labor Day during my youth.  I think we just rested and got ready for school tomorrow.

This morning was sunny and pleasant, 72.  We walked to Panera for breakfast.  Sat outside and enjoyed our coffee. I had oatmeal and a croissant to go with my coffee.

At home I took a relaxing 8 mile bike ride.  At noon Nancy and I drove to Meijer Gardens.  We spent an hour walking around.  This morning we walked the Garden’s boardwalk through their wetland area.  We saw a lot of waterfowl and turtles.  Lots and lots of turtles.  I keep forgetting was a great place the Gardens is to visit.  The place was jammed with families enjoying the beautiful day.

At home I had a quick lunch. Spent time checking email and news before finishing yesterday’s blog.

At 1700 I took a 3/4 mile walk.  Just before dinner I looked out the rear slider and saw three Sand Hill Cranes in the backyard.  Beautiful birds.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on toast.

We watched some news tonight.  Not much news on a holiday.

Switched to Acorn and finished watching season 1 of London Kills.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Deadwind.  

It was windy and turning cold when I checked outside at 2200.  Rain most of night and the temp will drop to 55.

Received FaceTime messages from both Debbie and Missy.  The heat continues in CA.

Monday, September 7, 2020

September 6, 2020

 Sunday September 6, 2020

Blog time 1600 Monday sitting in office.  Yes I am behind

We were both up at 0700.  Cloudy and cool morning.

This being a holiday weekend we decided to forego church today.  We drove to Bob Evans for a big breakfast.  

After breakfast we drove to South Haven.  Been a long time since we have been in South Haven.  The city is like a bigger Saugatuck.  We drove down to the beach area.  It was cool and windy so the beach was nearly empty.  We parked and walked around downtown.  The downtown was very crowded.  Noted a lot of out of state plates.

We got home about 1230.  Had a quick lunch and spent some time reading the GRP and news on my iPad.  

This afternoon I took a long nap.  At 1700 took a 2 mile walk.

Nancy fixed tomato soup for dinner.  I had mine with toast and peanut butter.  Good news I can now eat PB.

We watched several stories on 60 Minutes before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we watched a grim cop shoe called London Kills.

Busy night for Nancy; she got calls from Debbie, Missy and her friend Karen.  She and Karen set a lunch date.  Debbie and Missy are still trying to keep cool with CA temps near 100.

September 5, 2020

 Saturday September 5, 2020

Blog time 1645 sitting in office

Slept in until 0700.  Dressed and started our Saturday walk to Panera.  We got 0.6 miles into the walk when we realized we forgot our masks.  Walked back home got the masks and drove the Fusion back to Panera.

After Panera we drove to Crystal Spring’s Golf Course.  Nancy is meeting friends for lunch there next Wednesday and she wanted to make a dry run.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on my bike clothes and at 1230 headed out on a 8.65 mile ride.  The trails were busy.

At home I shaved head and face before showering.  Dressed and had a light lunch.  

After lunch made a quick trip to Meijer’s to replenish my pudding and yogurt supplies.  This soft food diet limits my food selection but yogurt and pudding, vanilla and chocolate are filling the void.

Spent the rest of afternoon reading news and checking emails.  It is Labor Day weekend so I don’t want to ruin anyone’s weekend by commenting on news.

This evening we had an early dinner at Cascade Road house.  We sat outside and enjoyed a really good meal.  I had the lasagna and Nancy had a chicken sandwich.  We gave Cascade Roadhouse an A.

After dinner took a short walk. Tonight we watched a movie on Prime.  It was call RED and we really enjoyed it.  

Talked with both Debbie and Missy.  They are surviving the heat in LA and San Jose.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

September 4, 2020

 Friday September 4, 2020

Blog time 1215 at Panera

We both got up at 0615.  Nancy wasted no time getting ready for her morning walk, 3 miles.  Today she is having lunch with Mary Namey.

Calisthenics, breakfast before heading out on my morning bike ride.  It was a cool 52 but sunny.

Last night the Governor announced that sports clubs can open next week.  Nancy and I are looking forward to being able to go to MVP and the Y.  In my case it will be just a slight adjustment to my schedule.  Nancy is looking forward to resuming  swimming. Late afternoon email said the Y  I go to will open September 14.

Today’s Morning Joe was nasty. Also some news outlet reported on unsolicited emails regarding crimes by Biden’s family members.  I don’t think the bitterness will improve this year.  I recommend all Pols start attending Sunday School.

Rep Nancy Pelosi was found getting her hair done in a business that was suppose to be closed.  She said she was set up.  Sure! another example of the double standard for political elites.  Quit whining Rep Pelosi.  You got caught.

After 11 mile ride I showered put on street clothes and biked to Panera.  Arrived at 1055 and left at 1242.  Almost 2 hours at Panera.  Much too long!   Must make schedule changes after Labor Day.

Lunch and then headed down to office.  Continued reading news.  Also wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.  Finished afternoon activities with a walk to mailbox. 

For dinner Nancy fixed tamales.  Very good.

We watched news before switching to Acorn.  We watched the final two episodes of show on the trial of husband accused of the mercy killing of his wife.  The Show’s name escapes me but we gave the show a B.  Different ending. 

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a great report on our nice cool weather.  CA will have record heat over the weekend.

Nice and cool when I checked outside at 2200.  Looks like we will be able to walk to Panera tomorrow.

Friday, September 4, 2020

September 3, 2020

 Thursday September 3, 2020

Blog time 1150 at Panera

We had a bright moon last night.  Nice to see the moon light streaming through the slider.

Up at 0630.  Sunrise today at 0709.  The temperature was 59.  Nancy headed out early for her morning walk.

Calisthenics and breakfast before heading out on my 11 mile morning ride.  Rode into bright sunshine and light wind.  The wind will pick up as the day progresses.  A cold front is moving in.

Shaved, showered, put on civilian clothes before biking to Panera.  Ordered my daily coffee and lately my preferred pastry a croissant.  They are soft and easy to chew which should make my dentist happy.

Read Alpena News, email and the News App on my ipad.  Headed out at 1200.  

Quick lunch today because I am picking up my new Ford Focus at 1300.  Nancy drove me to Fox Ford.

With all the electronics on new cars I had to spend about 45 minutes learning all the features.  Fox Ford has a dedicated employee whose job is to give new buyers a tutorials on operating the car.

I often wonder what my Grandfather Scott would think of all the features now available on cars. Such things as automatic transmission, power steering and air conditioning were unheard of in Grandfather’s cars.  Not to mention heated seats, cruise control and all the electronics.  My Grandmother Scott did not drive.  My Grandmother Hughes had a license but I never saw her drive.  

The Ford App was downloaded to my iPhone.  One of the features is remote starting.

As soon as I got home I took Nancy for a ride.  She approved of my purchase.

Other activities Thursday activities included a nap and walk.  Read the paper edition of the GRP.  

Good News:  It was announced on the evening news that the Governor will allow Fall HS sports to start.  Football will start the week after Labor Day.  Only a six game season but all teams will be eligible for the playoffs.  Indoor sports such as volleyball and swimming are also resuming.

Tonight we watched two episodes of Taken Down on Acorn.  I thought we had finished the series but one episode left.

 It was still very windy when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Low temp tonight in low 50s.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

September 2, 2020

 Wednesday September 2, 2020

Blog time 1000 sitting in Panera

Today is my easy Monday.  Got up at 0645 and looked outside.  It was raining hard.  

Nancy was going walking this morning with Carol Masten.  Because of the rain they had to call it off.  Nancy drove to Panera to get a coffee.

I did my calisthenics at 50% before breakfast.  Put on my street clothes and planned on driving the Escape to Panera.  However, it had stopped raining so I got on my bike.  Will take a longer ride later.

It is now 1000 and the temperature is 69 with bright sun.  

This and that:

I don’t know if it is our recent high humidity or just the change of season but I have increased my dosage of MG pills from 3 to four a day.  During the winter I need 8 pills a day.  Go figure.

Today I declared that I am back to normal after the recent dental implant surgery.  I am off the prescription meds and the bruises on my face are gone.

My next big health issues is the need for a hernia operation.  I will call the Surgeon and schedule a date for an operation.

Is the Kennedy era now ended?  Joe Kennedy III was defeated in the MA Senate primary yesterday.  I think he would have been a better choice than Senator Markey.  Sen Markey will bankrupt the country.

A CA court had said that the University of California system cannot use SAT of ACT scores in determining admission to their schools.  Why not?  The tests are universal and make comparisons easier.

Labor Day is coming up.  In my youth it was the unofficial start of the Presidential campaign.

Got home at 1130 and immediately changed into bike clothes.  This morning’s ride was almost 9 miles.  Slightly shorter than my other weekday rides.

Shower and then lunch, afternoon activities included:

Called Surgeon and scheduled my hernia operation.  It is set for Oct 27.

Called financial advisor and scheduled at meeting for next Tuesday.  The meeting will be held at our house.

Stopped by Fox Ford.  The AWD Fusion I had been looking at had been sold.  However, they had a used Fusion for sale that met all my needs.  I purchased the Focus.  Will pick up tomorrow.

Stopped at bank and got a Cashiers check for the car.

At 1700 took a 3/4 mile walk.  

No nap today, also because of the dental work no apples for another 6 weeks.

Nancy belongs to a Women’s club that meets once a month to select a charity to donate to.  Because of the Coronavirus the meetings are on Zoom.  Nancy watched the meeting on her iPad.  The meeting started at 1800 and lasted about an hour.

I had oatmeal and a croissant for dinner.

Tonight we watched an episode of Grantchester followed by The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.  Checked the yard at 2200, we had a bright full moon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September 1, 2020

 Tuesday September 1, 2020

Blog time 1520 sitting in office

Welcome to the first day of fall 2020.  It was cloudy and humid when stepped outside this morning at 0700.

Nancy was quickly out the door on her 2 mile walk.  I took my time doing calisthenics.  Breakfast and then pumped up my bike tires and started my 11 mile ride.  My super duper bike tires lose air pressure rapidly.  I pump them up before every ride.

It was humid and cloudy this morning.  Temperature in high 60s when I started.  It is now 78.

This morning I encountered three Sand Hill Cranes feeding alongside the bike trail.  They were not spooked by my presence.   Sand Hill Cranes are a pretty bird.

Shaved and showered before pedaling to Panera.  I counted about 5 folks in the seating area.  Usually before the Coronavirus there would be 30.

Read the Alpena News and my email before finishing blog.  No time for the news today.  I have to be home early.

 Today we are heading to Costco after lunch.  Our old neighbor Sonya is going with us.

Costco was crowded.  Today we purchased fiber, eye drops, toilet paper and Kleenex.  Sonya also purchased toilet paper and Kleenex.  She wanted paper towels but they were sold out. I think every basket had toilet paper.

After dropping Sonya off and emptying the car I took a mile walk.  The humidity was too high for a pleasant walk.

Spent the rest of the afternoon reading.  Read sections of the “News” app on the iPad.  The app provide only headlines from several papers.  I pay about $5 a month to get an expanded issue of the UK paper “The Telegraph”.  I like to find out what is happening in the UK.

I think the UK is more screwed up than the US with Brexit and the Coronavirus problems not being resolved.  Another possible referendum on Scotland independence is rearing its ugly head. Why would Scotland with a population of only 5.5 million want independence?  It doesn’t make sense.  No wonders my ancestors bailed out and headed to North America.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed the codfish frozen dinner we recently bought at Trader Joe’s.  It was very good.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  It was still very humid when I went out at 2200.  Rain expected overnight.

To get relaxed I usually read a book for about 30 minutes.  I usually fall asleep in twenty minutes. Tonight I finished a Sunny Randal detective book.  While reclining in bed I ordered a Ken Follett for my Kindle.  Ain’t technology great.