Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tuesday October 8, 2019

Tuesday October 8, 2019

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Everyone slept in today.  It must be the long cool nights.  Sunrise not until 0747.

Nancy noted that we had a bedroom light out.  We also had other lights out.  Checked our fuse box and reset a circuit.  The hall light is still out but the other lights came on.  

Tuesday so Nancy is swimming this morning.  Later she and Mary Namey are driving to Grand Haven to have lunch Bonnie Coles a fellow retired teacher.

After breakfast I headed out.  I misread the temperature on my watch.  It was not 50 but instead 40.  I hoped I was dressed properly.  I was.

Calisthenics and walk at Y before heading to Panera.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started reading news before heading home.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  After lunch I ran errands.

Stopped at Bank to replenish my $2 supply and got a crisp $50.  Might need the 50 at Saturday’s church auction.

Filled up the Taurus.  Gas was $ 2.57.

Bought a dark chocolate bar at Harvest Foods.  Dark chocolate is low in sugar and high in iron.  That is my excuse.

Ace Hardware I replenished our ceiling light bulb supply.

At home took some deck furniture downstairs and washed the dining room slider.

Took a mile walk.

Nancy got home at 1600.  She said they had a great time in Grand Haven.  The fall colors along Lake Michigan are more advanced than in GR.

Fixed our apple snack before a short nap.

This and that;

POTUS is facing a GOP revolt over his actions regarding Turkey and the Kurds.  His impulse foreign policy is unsettling to say the least.

The NBA should not give in to the bullying by China regarding Hong Kong.  Free speech should be protected.

This week we will have an all female space walk.  The times they are changing.  For the better I might add.
I had a bowl of clam chowder for dinner.  Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack and I had several squares of chocolate.

We watched NCIS.  I stayed up and watched an episode of Peaky Blinders.  Not bad.

More nice weather for tomorrow.

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