Monday, October 28, 2019

Sunday October 27, 2019

Weekend update for WE 27OCT19

Saturday October 26, 2019

Blog time 2000 sitting in Den.

It was 31 when we walked to Panera.  No wind so the walk  was pleasant.  Of course we wore lined pants and heavy coats.  Panera was empty when we arrived.

Nancy started laundry when we got home.  She also wanted to make chili so I headed to Meijer’s to buy hamburger.

Later, I bundled up and biked to the Cascade Library.  Read the news and finished Friday’s blog.  Took the long route home.  Total bike miles 11.  The same as most weekdays.

After a shower and lunch we made a trip to Hobby Lobby.  I bought a painting at the recent Church auction and needed a frame.  No frame but I still like this store.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner Nancy warmed up several pieces of Buddy’s pizza and gave me a bowl of her famous chili.  Very good.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We got caught up.  

Watched the first episode of season 2, The Kominsky Method.  I watched some of the UM/Notre Dame game before falling asleep in my easy chair.  I slept for over an hour.

Took Ms P out at 2300, light sprinkle.  Very heavy showers rolled through last night.

Sunday October 27, 2019

The rain finally stopped early this morning.  It was a mild 51 when Nancy and I went on our Sunday walk.  

We have new sidewalks in our area and one section was so heavily covered with fallen leaves we did not see the still under construction edge.  Nancy stepped off the walk into a mud hole.  She lost her shoe in the mud.  I retrieved the shoe and emptied out the mud.  We headed straight home.

Breakfast and then I headed to Panera to get coffees to take to church.   Today was Reformation Sunday.  We were told to wear red.  Both Nancy and I wore red sweaters.  Church was crowded.

We needed some Fiber One cereal so our first stop after church was CVS.  We bought 4 boxes.  They were on sale.  

Continued on to Meijer’s.  Gas today was $2.72.

Activities this afternoon;

Read sections of GRP,
Took a 2 mile walk,
Called Missy this afternoon.  Got an update on what Missy and Akerke were doing.
Short nap.
Fixed apple snack.
Read headlines on my iPad.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  Also sausage and spinach pie.  Perfect Sunday evening meal.

We had our snacks and watched watched the news and 60 Minutes.  Switched to Prime and watched episode 2 of Goliath.  I think the show about water rights in California’s drought stricken agricultural areas is timely.

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