Saturday, October 5, 2019

Friday October 4, 2019

Friday October 4, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P did not get up until 0630.  She said it was cool.  I got up at 0700.  The TV Weather folks said today is the coldest day of the season.  Good news the rain is over.

Nancy headed to MVP at 0730.  It was dark, sunrise is now 0742.  

For the first time this fall I turned the heat on.  Kim comes to clean and don’t want her uncomfortable.

I spent some time getting out warm weather bike clothes.  Breakfast and then headed out into bright sun.  

The Y was crowded this morning.  The body pump classes were full.  Noted a lot more hard core weightlifters since the Y installed new equipment.

At Panera checked on the stock market and it was up.  Go figure despite all the doom and gloom.  I watch Bloomberg TV and MSNBC and I think most business experts don’t have a clue.

Talking about confused I watch the BBC at the top of the hour for their news summary.  The BBC cannot predict what will happen with BRexit.

After a shave and shower I drove to D&W for yogurt and coleslaw.  Lunch and then a nap.  Fixed apple snack followed by short walk.

Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing for dinner.  We also had the coleslaw I purchased earlier.  As a side dish we had fresh peaches with blackberries.

Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack before settling down with a glass of wine.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.  Temps in low 40s tonight.  It will be a cold morning walk to Panera

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Luca Alexander Scott.  Today is Grandson Lucas’s 14th birthday.

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