Monday, October 7, 2019

Sunday October 6, 2019

Weekend update for WE 06OCT19

Blog time Monday 11107 sitting in Panera

I am playing catch-up on this blog.

Saturday October 5, 2019

It was cool but sunny on our walk to Panera.

Panera was nearly empty when we arrived about 0745.  Oatmeal breakfast for me and just coffee for Nancy.  We spent time laying out our weekend plans.  The place was full when we left an hour later.

As soon as I got home I took an 11 mile bike ride.  Beautiful fall day for a bike ride.  On a sad note I encountered two deer who had been recently hit by cars.  Very sad!

The news folks keep warning us about above normal deer movements in the fall.  My dad had a deer whistle attached to the bumper of his car.  The car movement activated the whistle.  The high pitch sound alerts the deer but is not heard by humans.  Maybe the whistles should be mandatory on all cars.

This afternoon we attended the visitation for Allen Bennett.  We were able to give our condolences to Allen’s three children and Allen’s father.  A lot of old neighbors also attended.

Short nap and then at 1730 Nancy and I headed downtown.  Tonight we are attending a concert by the GR Symphony.  The music of the Russian composer, Tchaikovsky.

For dinner we tried a new Brew/Pub called the Atwater Brewery.  The Atwater is located in the old Rowe Hotel on the corner of Monroe and Bridge.  The place was jammed, we got the last table.  Bob and Nancy were the oldest folks.  I had a beer and brat.  Nancy had a soft pretzel.  I thought the beer and brat were great.

Just as we entered the DeVos Place it started to pour.  We attended the pre-concert lecture which was great.  

We had good seats in the Loge.  Disappointing to see so many empty seats.  Nancy enjoyed the concert.

Got home at 2230.  The rain had stopped.  I watched some of the MSU/OSU game before turning in.

Sunday October 6, 2019

We started our Sunday walk in darkness but the sun was up when we finished.  Took a nice flat mile walk.

Consumers Power informed us that power would be out today for about 7 hours starting at 0830.  First thing this morning I backed the car out of the garage.  Electric garage openers don’t work well with no power.

Church this morning was very crowded.  Today after our service the Church was having a blessing of the animals.  You were suppose to bring your pets.  We did not bring Ms P.

Gas was $2.74 today.  Meijer’s had several items on sale today, so we left with 100 day supply of toothpaste and coke

Our power was still on when we got home. In fact no outage today.

Before lunch I took a short mile walk.  I did take my Sunday nap.

Fixed our apple snack before taking another walk to see the ponds in our back yard.  

Ms P and I would walk on the Golf path to see the ponds almost daily.  Now that she is house bound I seldom visit.  Today I counted 60 geese by the ponds.  Way too many geese.  The township should authorize a goose hunt.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs with sausage and spinach pie.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up.

Tonight we watched an episode of DCI Banks.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the final episode of Marcella.  Weird ending but they set up Season 2.

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