Friday, October 25, 2019

Thursday October 24,, 2019

Thursday October 24, 2019

Blog time noon at Panera

Back to normal today, no repairman or meetings,  slept in until 0640.  Nancy said it was a cool 42 but no wind so my ride will be ok.

Nancy left at 0715 for her Thursday swim at MVP.  She is having lunch with her friend Kathi.

Sun did not come up until 0805 today so I took a leisurely breakfast.  Put a new rear light on the bike before heading out.  With no wind the ride was pleasant this morning.  Modern winter clothing is warm and light.

The local news folks keeps warning people to watch out for deer during twilight hours.   This morning I encountered a recently hit deer along the side of the road.  Seems like part of my daily ride.

This and that:

Civil unrest is breaking out all over the Globe, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Spain, Ecuador and Bolivia to name a few.  

Whenever Impeachment news come on TV, Nancy and I switch channels.

Many Presidential candidates are proposing eliminating student dept.  Why, what happened to personal responsibility?  Parents and Grandparents save for years so their offspring have a chance at college.  Their contributions along with the student’s money saved from jobs lessens the costs.  Being self reliant is the American way.

The hole in the Ozone Layer over the Arctic is the smallest in years.  I think this is good news?

Our President’s impulsive actions in the Middle East are a major mistake.

At home I quickly showered and got ready to go to Costco.  Nancy called and said she had just finished lunch.  She wanted to go with me to Costco, so could I wait.  Of course.  Ate lunch while waiting for Nancy to get home.

Thursday afternoon is the best time to shop at Costco.  We were in and out in 20 minutes.

Today I cleared our deck of all movable furniture.  Put covers over the glider and table.  We are now ready for cold weather.

Found time for a nap.  Finished the afternoon with an apple snack.

Nancy had lunch today a Rose’s in EGR.  She brought home half a turkey/cranberry sandwich which I had for dinner along with a tamale.  

It being Thursday we watched a just released episode of Doc Martin.  Doc Martin is the best.  Low 40s expected tonight.

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