Monday, October 21, 2019

Sunday October 20, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 20OCT19

Blog started on Sunday at 1700 sitting in office.

Saturday morning Oct 19,  we left home at 0730 for our walk to Panera.  We were over dressed.  The temperature was in the low 50s compared to yesterdays 32.

Sunrise today is at 0800.  Bright sun is predicted.

Panera was nearly empty when we arrived.  I had my oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy had a coffee.

Sun was up when we left Panera.  At home Nancy started the laundry and I removed our front screen and put in the glass one.  This is a chore I hate.  The retainer strip that holds the glass in is difficult to install.  I have to watch a video on You Tube to get it right.

On today’s bike ride I headed to Ada.  Stopped at the bike shop to ask a technical question.  The place was so crowded that I did not have the opportunity.

My route to Ada takes me over the wooden covered bridge over the Thornapple River.  Both times I crossed the bridge photographer were taking wedding pictures.  Perfect spot for photos especially with the fall colors.

Nancy was informed today that Brenna will not be able to house sit.  On my way home from Ada I stopped at the Vet’s office I booked a room for Ms P.  I feel good about leaving her at the Vet’s because all the girls know Petunia.

Shower and lunch before some office work.  I did find time for a nap and to prepare our apple snack.  

Nancy cooked pork chops in the crock pot for dinner.  We also had baked potatoes and peas.  Good meal.

This evening watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I also stayed up and watched the end of the first half of the UM/PSU game.  Ungood!

Sunday October 20, 2019

This morning we took our early Sunday morning walk.  It was dark but the weather folks say it will be warm and sunny later.

After changing clothes I headed to Panera for a coffee to take with me to Trinity Lutheran.  As we headed out for church my I-watch let me know that it was an 11 minute drive to church.  Too much data!

Trinity Lutheran has three services each Sunday.  Total attendance each Sunday is near 400.  Today was no different.

At Meijer’s gas was $2.74.  We bought yogurt, bananas, radishes, and two 90% coco bars for me.
At home we started moving upstairs furniture.  Tomorrow carpet cleaners are coming to clean our upstairs carpet.  We don’t have move the heavy furniture but small tables, lights and other light items we moved out of the way.

I took another walk before lunch.  Lunch and then a nap.  I did watch some of the Lions game.  Grim.

Fixed our apple snack before dinner.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  Also spinach pie, sausage and croissants.  Very good.

We watched a new show on Prime.  We were not impressed.  Can’t even remember the name of the show.  Temps were in 50s when took Ms P out for the final time.


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