Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Monday October 7, 2019

Monday October 7, 2019

The nice weather continues.  Temperature in high 40s this morning but sun and 60s this afternoon.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP at 0745.  After breakfast I biked to the Y, 7 miles.  Today I saw several Sand Hill Cranes.

The Y was very crowded this morning.  All the lockers were full near my normal area.  Calisthenics and walk before heading to Panera for coffee and a baguette.

This and that;

Everyone  says the Joker movie was too scary but it had a great opening.

The President should remember that proper manners requires that you chew out in private and praise in public.  His comment on Senator Romney were in bad taste.

The job market continues to shine.  ENR today said that construction unemployment was the lowest in years.

SPECIAL NOTICE;  Today is the Wedding Anniversary of Steve and Veronica.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

At home quick shower and lunch.  This afternoon I ran errands;
Stopped at Trinity Lutheran to buy tickets to Saturday night’s dinner and silent auction.  Can’t believe that they will be serving wine.

At Y swapped workout clothes.  One of the ladies that works mornings at the Front desk was working out with her mother.  The mother lives in our neighborhood and attends the monthly get togethers at NOTO’S.  Found out the daughter is a graduate of both the Naval Academy and UM engineering.  Smart Gal, Go Navy!

At Meijer’s picked up prescription and bought bananas.

Final stop was Kohl’s.  Bought a pair of cords.

At home fixed apple snack and then took nap.

Light dinner, after dishes fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack.  Tonight we watched the first episode of a new season of Goliath.  The jury is out.  I stayed up and watched a Netflix show that should never had been made public.

The nice weather will continue through Wednesday.  It was 55 when took Ms P out at 2230.

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