Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Tuesday October 1, 2019

Tuesday October 1, 2019

It was a warm night.  72 degrees when we got up.  Nancy headed to her swim at MVP at 0700.  After breakfast I put on my knickers and other warm weather clothes.  It didn’t help much because I was sweating profusely when I got to Y.

The Y has several heavy duty body pump classes.  The classes are well attended.  They also are installing a lot of new hard core weight lifting stations.  I have never lifted weights.

Panera is back to their effort to freeze us out.  AC was on full blast.  Not a good dining experience.

I think we might be several weeks away from full fall colors.  Biking can be treacherous when riding beneath a walnut or oak tree.

This and that;

Every day we are inundated with news about Hong Kong.  You would think the protesters would have run out of gas by now?  Does the average citizen in mainline China know what is going on?  Why hasn’t the USA made a statement supporting the protesters?

Florida teachers can now wear guns in classroom.  This is a really bad idea.

I did not get home from Panera until 1300.  Shaved and showered before lunch.  

This afternoon our Security Firm sent a repair man over to update our alarm system.  It took him nearly two hours.  After some fiddling I finally got my security phone app to work.  I can now turn on the alarm system and outdoor lights remotely.

This afternoon I wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.  Drove to D&W to mail notes.  Also bought a pound of coleslaw.

For dinner Nancy cooked a pot roast complete with carrots, onions and potatoes.  She used her crock pot.  Very good.

After dinner I fired up the dishwasher, then took a short walk.  We watched NCIS this evening.  The show is getting a long in the tooth.

I watched a strange British crime show on Netflix before heading to bed.  Rain and a cooling trend for tomorrow.

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