Sunday, October 20, 2019

Friday October 18, 2019

Friday October 18, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

First time this season that the temperature reached 32.  I hope this freeze killed all the nuisance bugs.  Nancy was gone by 0715.  Breakfast and then I headed out at 0820.  Bundled up and even put on my chopper mitts.  

The ground was frost covered.  Bright sunshine should rapidly warm us up.  In fact it has. It is now noon and the temp is a pleasant 50.

Kim is cleaning today.  This evening we are having dinner with the Moleski’s at Charley’s Bar.

This and that:

Blast from past:  

On October 28, 1955 after AHS’s football game with Owosso, we won.  With my friends, Tom Cassell and Lee Powley we loaded up our shotguns and drove to Gladwin.  Gladwin is a corn growing area noted for it good Pheasant Hunting.  We were staying with Lee’s Grandmother on her farm.

On Saturday after a great farm breakfast we started hunting.  We encountered a lot of pheasants but only Tom and Lee shot one.  That night Lee’s Grandmother cleaned and cooked the birds.  It was a great meal.  I especially remember the hot sauce that Grandmother Powley made.  Delicious!  Of course she also made a great pumpkin pie.  Great memory.

Is President Trump’s staff imploding?  POTUS’s decision to pull out of Syria and having next year’s G7 meeting at his resort were classic bone head decisions.

How about the all female space walk!  In my time in the military I never met a female aviator.  Times have changed.

Talking about Females making the news how about a shout out for Ellen DeGeneres.  Her friendly encounter with former President Bush was inspiring.  It shows you can be nice to folks even if you do not agree with their politics.  Good example Ms DeGeneres.

I really don’t know what a Bomb Cyclone is but I hope I never encounter one.

Do Grade School kids still read the Weekly Reader?

Does the military still publish “Stars and Stripes”?  In Vietnam it was treasured because it had comics and USA sports.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home at 1300.  Nancy asked Kim about the availability of her daughter to house sit.  Does not look good.

Ate lunch before showering.  Spent time in office before a nap and apple snack.

At 1715 we headed to Charley’s Bar to meet the Moleski’s for dinner.  We got there early which was good because we got the last booth.  The place was jammed!

Tom had the smelt basket and I had a walleye sandwich.  Both Linda and Nancy had sandwiches.  The food is good at Charley’s.  Great evening!

Watched Wycliffe on Acorn before turning in.  Warm up expected for this weekend.

1 comment:

Shirley Short said...

Yes! Kids still read the Weekly Reader, but now it is call Scholastic News.