Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tuesday October 29, 2019

Tuesday October 29, 2019

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Up at 0645.  Nancy said it was humid and cool, 41.  She left for her swim at 0710.  Later she is taking Ms P to the Groomer.

After breakfast I put on rain pants and biked to the Y.  It was a dark gloomy 55’ ride.  Misting but no significant rain.

I usually arrive at the Y a little after 9.  On Tuesday’s most folks are taking classes.  Only a few of us individuals working out alone.

Arrived at Panera at 1015 and it was not crowded.  It is now 1155 and the lunch crowd has arrived.  Not many empty tables.

Yesterday Nancy and I spent about an hour bagging up all the potted flowers on our deck.  As soon as I get home I have to move the bags to the curb.  This is the last week the lawn folks will be working so if they don’t pick up today the bags will stay in the garage all winter.

Arrived at home at 1300.  Nancy was taking Ms P to groomer.  Shaved and showered before lunch.  Lunch and then started errands.

Stopped at Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday.

Took a painting I bought at last week’s church auction to Hobby Lobby.  They are going to frame the painting for me.

Moved the yard waste bags to curb for pickup.

Nap and then fixed our apple snack.

Nancy warmed up the last of the chicken pot pie we had when my sister visited several weeks ago.  The pie was better warmed up.

Fixed our after dinner snacks.  We watched NCIS.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Goliath.  Weird show!  

Temperatures will drop to mid 30s tonight.  Rain/snow mix tomorrow.

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