Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Monday October 14, 2019

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said another cold morning.  

Nancy left at 0715.  She picked up a neighbor and took her to MVP.  Nancy is having lunch at the Omelette Shop.  She is meeting with ex buyers from Blodgett’s Gift Shop.

I left home at 0800 and headed to the Y.  Today for the first time this season I wore mittens and my lined bike pants.  No wind so the ride was pleasant.

Calisthenics and walk at Y before heading to Panera.  Yesterday’s power outage put me behind the weekend’s blog.  Luckily, I purchased a notepad app that I can use with my Apple Pencil to write down items I want to include in my blog.  It works great.

Quick shave and shower before lunch.  After lunch I headed to D&W’s post office to mail a package.  Also called our travel agent about getting tickets for a quick trip to Los Angeles.  Plan on leaving Saturday October 9 and coming back the following Tuesday or Wednesday.  The purpose of the trip is to meet with Melissa’s and Steve’s families.

I had a 1600 Doctor’s appointment.  I got there early and had to spend 30 minutes filling out paperwork.  Good grief I thought the ACA eliminated all unnecessary paperwork.  Our medical data was suppose to be on a master data base that all doctor could access.  No way every hospital system has their own data base and they don’t share.  

The Doctor looked at my problem area.  She said if it doesn’t hurt nothing needs to be done.  Great news.

Stopped at Meijer’s and bought some more high powered chocolate bars, 90% cocoa.  Low sugar but high iron.

Fixed our apple snack before dinner.  Light dinner and then fixed Nancy’s cheese/cracker snack.  I had several squares of chocolate.

We watched an episode of Call the Midwifes.  I stayed up and watched Pinky Blinders and some of the Lions game.  

Tomorrow will be cold.  Frost warnings up for areas north of GR.

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